sherlock-audit / 2024-06-magicsea-judging

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Elegant Vanilla Crane - Corruptable Upgradeability Pattern #717

Closed sherlock-admin2 closed 2 months ago

sherlock-admin2 commented 2 months ago

Elegant Vanilla Crane


Corruptable Upgradeability Pattern


Storage of MasterChefRewarder.sol contract might be corrupted during an upgrade.

Vulnerability Detail

Following is the inheritance structure of the MasterChefRewarder contract:

Note: Orange means that we do not have storage gaps.

graph BT;
    classDef nogap fill:#f96;
    classDef hasgap fill:#99cc00;

The above shown contract is meant to be upgradeable. However, the child and parent class are not designed ot be upgrade-safe. From the other contracts in scope (Voter, MlumStaking and MasterchefV2) we can see that the protocol team has thought about proper upgradeability patterns by adding storage gaps:

However, this has not been done for the MasterChefRewarder contract. This means that the storage layout of the contract might be corrupted during an upgrade. Without gaps, adding new storage variables to any of these contracts can potentially overwrite the beginning of the storage layout of the child contract, causing critical misbehaviors in the system.


Storage of MasterChefRewarder.sol contract might be corrupted during an upgrade.

Code snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Add gaps for non pure-function contracts: BaseRewarder.sol and MasterChefRewarder.sol.