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Sticky Hickory Hare - Votes are not reset after each voting epoch #718

Closed sherlock-admin4 closed 2 months ago

sherlock-admin4 commented 2 months ago

Sticky Hickory Hare


Votes are not reset after each voting epoch


Vulnerability Detail

Its expected that when a new voting epoch is started, all the previous votes be cleared from the contract storage, but this is not the case in Voter:

    function startNewVotingPeriod() public onlyOwner {
        VotingPeriod storage period = _startTimes[_currentVotingPeriodId];
        period.startTime = block.timestamp;
        period.endTime = block.timestamp + _periodDuration;
        emit VotingPeriodStarted();

as we can see in above code, the new epoch is started, but _votes (which is an EnumerableMap.AddressToUintMap) is still the same value. _votes is only modified in one place which is in vote function:

            if (_votes.contains(pool)) {
                _votes.set(pool, _votes.get(pool) + deltaAmount);
            } else {
                _votes.set(pool, deltaAmount);

you can see that votes are added to old values regardless of epoch number. votes are always increasing and accumulating overtime.


Since votes are always accumulating and increasing, pools that had most accumulated rewards over all epochs will receive a higher portion of total rewards (lum tokens) from MasterChefV2, regardless of whether they have received any votes in the current epoch or not. Top pools are selected by fetching votes from _votes storage variable from index 0 to 100:

    function getVotedPoolsAtIndex(
        uint256 index
    ) external view returns (address, uint256) {

these pools are sorted by their votes and then added to Voter: this pools will receive rewards from MasterChefV2 proportional to their weight divided by total weight of that epoch:

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


create a mapping from epoch number to a EnumerableMap.AddressToUintMap. mapping(uint=>EnumerableMap.AddressToUintMap) public epoch_votes; and then use this inside vote function (instead of _votes):

    function vote(
        uint256 tokenId,
        address[] calldata pools,
        uint256[] calldata deltaAmounts
    ) external {
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < pools.length; ++i) {
            address pool = pools[i];

            //pool must be a valid one
            if (address(validator) != address(0) && !validator.isValid(pool)) {
                revert Voter__PoolNotVotable();

            if (epoch_votes[currentPeriodId].contains(pool)) {
                epoch_votes[currentPeriodId].set(pool, epoch_votes[currentPeriodId].get(pool) + deltaAmount);
            } else {
               epoch_votes[currentPeriodId].set(pool, deltaAmount);


change all view functions accordingly.