sherlock-audit / 2024-06-magicsea-judging

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Elegant Vanilla Crane - Fee-on-transfer tokens can affect position’s lock duraiton using `MlumStaking::addToPosition()` #721

Closed sherlock-admin4 closed 2 months ago

sherlock-admin4 commented 2 months ago

Elegant Vanilla Crane


Fee-on-transfer tokens can affect position’s lock duraiton using MlumStaking::addToPosition()


Fee-on-transfer token amount calculations are not taken into account when calculating the position's lockDuration in MlumStaking::addToPosition().

Vulnerability Detail

MlumStaking accepts all kinds of ERC20 tokens, meaning that we can observe fee-on-transfer ones. The protocol takes this into account by introducing _transferSupportingFeeOnTransfer which checks the before and after balance of each token during transfers. However, in the addToPosition() function, the position's lockDuration is calculated, using the amount before any fee-on-transfer changes, but the position's actual amount takes into account fee-on-transfer changes.

 function addToPosition(uint256 tokenId, uint256 amountToAdd) external override nonReentrant {
        require(amountToAdd > 0, "0 amount"); // addToPosition: amount cannot be null

        address nftOwner = ERC721Upgradeable.ownerOf(tokenId);
        _harvestPosition(tokenId, nftOwner);

        StakingPosition storage position = _stakingPositions[tokenId];

        // we calculate the avg lock time:
        // lock_duration = (remainin_lock_time * staked_amount + amount_to_add * inital_lock_duration) / (staked_amount + amount_to_add)
        uint256 remainingLockTime = _remainingLockTime(position);
@>   uint256 avgDuration = (remainingLockTime * position.amount + amountToAdd * position.initialLockDuration)
            / (position.amount + amountToAdd); // avgDuration is calculated with amount before fee-on-transfer taxes

        position.startLockTime = _currentBlockTimestamp();
@>  position.lockDuration = avgDuration; // lockDuration is set with amount before fee-on-transfer taxes

        // lock multiplier stays the same
        position.lockMultiplier = getMultiplierByLockDuration(position.initialLockDuration);

        // handle tokens with transfer tax
        amountToAdd = _transferSupportingFeeOnTransfer(stakedToken, msg.sender, amountToAdd);

        // update position
@>  position.amount = position.amount + amountToAdd;  // position is set with amount after fee-on-transfer taxes
        _stakedSupply = _stakedSupply + amountToAdd;

        emit AddToPosition(tokenId, msg.sender, amountToAdd);


Fee-on-transfer tokens can affect the position’s lock duration, leading to inaccurate calculations.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Calculate the position's lockDuration after applying any fee-on-transfer amount changes, the same way it's done in createPosition().

0xSmartContract commented 1 month ago

This issue was submitted as low/info.