sherlock-audit / 2024-06-makerdao-endgame-judging

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Random_dude - wipe function will use stale rate when ilk in the engine is not updated through Jug.drip() #125

Closed sherlock-admin3 closed 1 month ago

sherlock-admin3 commented 1 month ago



wipe function will use stale rate when ilk in the engine is not updated through Jug.drip()


Missing drip call to the jug, will result of users paying their debt using stale rate., which is cheaper than new rate. which means loss for the protocol.

Root Cause

missing drip call to the jug when calling wipe function in the LockstakeEngine.sol

Internal pre-conditions

anyone can call wipe

External pre-conditions

ilk in the lockstakeengine not being called for some period of times

Attack Path

  1. get a loan by calling draw()
  2. call wipe()


pay the debt using stale rate, which doesnt reflect the actual rate of the ilk


modified the test for testDrawWipe()

    function testDrawWipe() public {
        deal(address(mkr), address(this), 100_000 * 10**18, true);
        address urn =;
        mkr.approve(address(engine), 100_000 * 10**18);
        engine.lock(urn, 100_000 * 10**18, 5);
        assertEq(_art(ilk, urn), 0);
        vm.expectEmit(true, true, true, true);
        emit Draw(urn, address(this), 50 * 10**18);
        engine.draw(urn, address(this), 50 * 10**18);
        assertEq(_art(ilk, urn), 50 * 10**18);
        assertEq(_rate(ilk), 10**27);
        assertEq(nst.balanceOf(address(this)), 50 * 10**18);
        vm.warp(block.timestamp + 1);
        vm.expectEmit(true, true, true, true);
        emit Draw(urn, address(this), 50 * 10**18);
        engine.draw(urn, address(this), 50 * 10**18);
        uint256 art = _art(ilk, urn);
        uint256 expectedArt = 50 * 10**18 + _divup(50 * 10**18 * 100000000, 100000001);
        assertEq(art, expectedArt);
        uint256 rate = _rate(ilk);
        assertEq(rate, 100000001 * 10**27 / 100000000);
        assertEq(nst.balanceOf(address(this)), 100 * 10**18);
        assertGt(art * rate, 100.0000005 * 10**45);
        assertLt(art * rate, 100.0000006 * 10**45);
        engine.wipe(urn, 100.0000006 * 10**18);
        address anyone = address(1221121);
        deal(address(nst), anyone, 100.0000006 * 10**18, true);
        assertEq(nst.balanceOf(anyone), 100.0000006 * 10**18);
        vm.prank(anyone); nst.approve(address(engine), 100.0000006 * 10**18);
        vm.prank(anyone); engine.wipe(urn, 100.0000006 * 10**18); // It will try to wipe more art than existing, then reverts
        vm.expectEmit(true, true, true, true);
        emit Wipe(urn, 100.0000005 * 10**18);

        console.log("non revert wipe");
        vm.warp(block.timestamp + 3 days); //move forward 3 days
        IJug(0x19c0976f590D67707E62397C87829d896Dc0f1F1).drip(ilk); //comment this to make the test run like the original one
        engine.wipe(urn, 100.0000005 * 10**18);
        vm.warp(block.timestamp - 3 days); // return to the original block.timestamp
        //without drip
        // non revert wipe
        // 100000000000

        assertEq(nst.balanceOf(anyone), 0.0000001 * 10**18);
        assertEq(_art(ilk, urn), 1); // Dust which is impossible to wipe via this regular function
        emit Wipe(urn, _divup(rate, RAY));
        vm.prank(anyone); assertEq(engine.wipeAll(urn), _divup(rate, RAY));
        assertEq(_art(ilk, urn), 0);
        assertEq(nst.balanceOf(anyone), 0.0000001 * 10**18 - _divup(rate, RAY));
        address other = address(123);
        assertEq(nst.balanceOf(other), 0);
        emit Draw(urn, other, 50 * 10**18);
        engine.draw(urn, other, 50 * 10**18);
        assertEq(nst.balanceOf(other), 50 * 10**18);
        // Check overflows"ilks(bytes32)").with_key(ilk).depth(1).checked_write(1);
        assertEq(_rate(ilk), 1);
        engine.draw(urn, address(this), uint256(type(int256).max) / RAY + 1);"dai(address)").with_key(address(nstJoin)).depth(0).checked_write(uint256(type(int256).max) + RAY);
        deal(address(nst), address(this), uint256(type(int256).max) / RAY + 1, true);
        nst.approve(address(engine), uint256(type(int256).max) / RAY + 1);
        engine.wipe(urn, uint256(type(int256).max) / RAY + 1);"urns(bytes32,address)").with_key(ilk).with_key(urn).depth(1).checked_write(uint256(type(int256).max) + 1);
        assertEq(_art(ilk, urn), uint256(type(int256).max) + 1);


add jug.drip(ilk) like in the draw(), to use fresh rate when paying the debt.

Duplicate of #66

sunbreak1211 commented 1 month ago

This is clearly specified in the scope...

"wipeAll and wipe do not drip because it is actually not convenient for the user to do a drip call on wipping. Then, if we force the drip, we are incentivizing users to repay directly to the vat (which is possible) instead of using the engine for that. We are mimicking the old proxy actions behaviour, where we drip for drawing, as otherwise the user can lose money, but not forcing the drip on wiping so users actually use this function."