sherlock-audit / 2024-06-makerdao-endgame-judging

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0x52 - Splitter deployment methodology will lead to race conditions for large portions of intial DAI distributions #90

Closed sherlock-admin4 closed 1 month ago

sherlock-admin4 commented 1 month ago



Splitter deployment methodology will lead to race conditions for large portions of intial DAI distributions


Due to interdependent deployment requirements, the LockStake contracts, Uniswap migration contracts and new Splitter contracts must all be deployed simultaneously. Immediately following migration the excess DAI in the vat can be distributed to the farm. This allows users to deposit and distribute in the same block as deployment to claim excessive returns before others have the opportunity to deposit.

Vulnerability Detail


    address _daiJoin
) {
    daiJoin = DaiJoinLike(_daiJoin);
    vat     = VatLike(daiJoin.vat());


    hop  = 1 hours; // Initial value for safety

    wards[msg.sender] = 1;
    emit Rely(msg.sender);

    live = 1;

We see in the constructor of the flapper that zzz (the variable that tracks last distribution) is never initialized.


function flap() external returns (uint id) {
    require(vat.dai(address(this)) >= add(add(vat.sin(address(this)), bump), hump), "Vow/insufficient-surplus");
    require(sub(sub(vat.sin(address(this)), Sin), Ash) == 0, "Vow/debt-not-zero");
    id = flapper.kick(bump, 0);

We also see that in the vow, which is responsible for distributing protocol excess, does not have a built in timer and relies on the hop duration set in the splitter. This means that immediately after the splitter is migrated to, flap can immediately be called since zzz is never initialized.


function rewardPerToken() public view returns (uint256) {
    if (_totalSupply == 0) {
        return rewardPerTokenStored;
        rewardPerTokenStored + (((lastTimeRewardApplicable() - lastUpdateTime) * rewardRate * 1e18) / _totalSupply);

We see in stakingRewards (the target of the burn), that rewards are distributed according to the totalSupply of deposited tokens. Due to these race conditions, even a very small deposit would net huge amounts of rewards from the contract before other depositors caught up and deposited their own tokens.


Race conditions allow first depositors to take large portions of DAI with very small deposits.

Code Snippet


Tool used

Manual Review


zzz should be initialized with a delay to let proper liquidity enter before allowing rewards to be distributed:

    address _spotter,
    address _dai,
    address _gem,
    address _pair,
    address _receiver
++  uint256 _delay
) {
    spotter = SpotterLike(_spotter);

    dai = _dai;
    gem = _gem;
    require(GemLike(gem).decimals() == 18, "FlapperUniV2/gem-decimals-not-18");

    pair     = PairLike(_pair);
    daiFirst = pair.token0() == dai;
    receiver = _receiver;
++  zzz = block.timestamp + _delay

    wards[msg.sender] = 1;
    emit Rely(msg.sender);

    want = WAD; // Initial value for safety
sunbreak1211 commented 1 month ago

It is impossible to define a good delay value in the way it is being proposed in this solution. The deployment time of the contracts will be days ahead of the spell publication, governance voting and making it to pass and governance delay. We do not know exactly how long that could take. If there is a place to put a delay is in the initilization script (when the spell is executed), but that would require having a setter method for a variable that we do not want to have. In either case, it isn't strictly a bug either, whoever is fast and take the opportunity gets some extra than entering a bit later.