sherlock-audit / 2024-06-makerdao-endgame-judging

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mrhudson890 - Permanently unliquidatable unhealthy positions can be spoofed to grief keepers and disrupt liquidations #99

Closed sherlock-admin4 closed 1 month ago

sherlock-admin4 commented 1 month ago



Permanently unliquidatable unhealthy positions can be spoofed to grief keepers and disrupt liquidations


A combination of issues in the LockstakeEngine (LSE) allows creating permanently unhealthy positions that cannot be liquidated. This can lead to gas griefing of liquidations bots, disruption of the liquidation process, shielding of unhealthy positions from liquidations due to spoofing, and potential bad debt accumulation in the system.

This is achieved by exploiting the the health check's incorrect debt rate usage and using the VoteDelegate's reserveHatch mechanism's cooldown to move from one VD to another VD continuously.

Root Cause

Two main issues contribute to this vulnerability:

  1. The selectVoteDelegate function in LockstakeEngine uses an outdated debt rate for health checks, allowing the creation of immediately liquidatable positions. This is because the rate should be updated using jug's drip before the check (as is done in draw). WIthout it, a position can be locked at the outdated health threshold, and immediately turned unhealthy by dripping from the jug. While normally in the vat this is not a problem because a liquidation can be trigerred immediately, in LSE this is not true due to the RH mechanism explained below.

  2. The VoteDelegate's reserveHatch (RH) mechanism can be used to induce a cooldown period, during which the free action required for the liquidation trigger (onKick) can be blocked by frontrunning the transaction with a lock from another urn. This lock will trigger the chief's flashloan protection, and cause the free to revert.

Normally, a liquidation auction (dog.bark) can be triggered at any point if the price makes a position unhealthy. However, the liquidation process (dog.bark -> LockstakeClipper.kick -> LSE.onKick) can be blocked indefinitely by manipulating the VoteDelegate's reserveHatch and deposit mechanisms using this attack.

Internal pre-conditions


External pre-conditions

Attack Path

Scenario 1: Creating permanently unhealthy, unliquidatable positions

  1. An attacker creates a position with some amount of debt (by drawing).
  2. Some time later, attacker calls reserveHatch on a VoteDelegate VD1 they have deposited into.
  3. After 6 blocks (when the hatch is open), they reduce their collateral amount (by calling free, which also doesn't drip). They then call jug.drip, making the position unhealthy.
  4. The position now "appears" liquidatable.
  5. Liquidator A - doesn't check reserve hatch status, or ignores it being in cooldown:
    • Calls dog.bark, but their transaction is frontun by the attacker deposit into the same VD (currently in cooldown), from another ls-urn, of 1 wei of MKR.
    • Liquidator's transactions revert, wasting gas on "decoy" urns.
  6. Liquidator B - checks reserve hatch, sees it cannot be reserved (is in cooldown), and avoids being trigerring the liquidation (to avoid being Liquidator A). No liquidation is trigerred.
  7. 5 blocks before the cooldown ends, the attacker calls RH on another VoteDelegate VD2 (or creates a VD and calls its RH).
  8. At or near cooldown end (after 240 seconds), the attacker atomically: a. Wipes a minimal amount of debt to be just at the outdated health threshold. b. Moves the stake to the new VoteDelegate VD2, which is now in cooldown. c. Calls drip again and becomes unhealthy again.
  9. We're back at step 3.
  10. The spoofed liquidatable positions disrupts liquidator bots and shield other liquidatable positions.

Noteably, while draw triggers drip, the attacker can manipulate the health of their position without calling drip via using free as well (reducing collateral up to threshold).


  1. Gas griefing for time-sensitive actions: Liquidator bots can lose more than 50 USD (more than 0.5% for 10K total value) due to failed transactions. The PoC shows that a bark transaction revert costs 410K gas. At 200 gwei and 3500 USD ETH price, this translates to a loss of 287 USD per failed liquidation attempt.

  2. Potential bad debt accumulation: Other legitimate liquidations may not be kicked when unhealthy, leading to bad debt in the system.

  3. Disruption of liquidation mechanisms: The ability to create "decoy" liquidations can overwhelm liquidation automation and disrupt the overall liquidation process.


This PoC shows a gas cost of approximately 410K for a failed bark transaction.

The PoC add a test for LockstakeEngineBenchmarks class in Benchmarks.t.sol file in this measurement PR of branch I've also merged latest dev into it to ensure it's using latest contracts.

The output of the PoC:

>>> forge test --mc LockstakeEngineBenchmarks --mt testGas -vvv

    Bark revert cost: 410183

The added tests: A proof of concept demonstrating the gas cost for a failed bark transaction:

function testGasRevertingBark() public {  
    (bool withDelegate, bool withStaking, uint256 numYays) = (true, true, 5);  
    address[] memory yays = new address[](numYays);  
    for (uint256 i; i < numYays; i++) yays[i] = address(uint160(i + 1));  
    vm.prank(voter); VoteDelegate(voteDelegate).vote(yays);  

    mkr.approve(voteDelegate, 100_000 * 10**18);  
    VoteDelegate(voteDelegate).lock(100_000 * 10**18);  

    address urn = _urnSetUp(withDelegate, withStaking);, bytes32(uint256(1)), bytes32(uint256(0.05 * 10**18))); // Force liquidation  
    uint256 startGas = gasleft();  
    uint256 id =, address(urn), address(this));  
    uint256 gasUsed = startGas - gasleft();  
    console2.log("  Bark revert cost:", startGas - gasleft());  


  1. Call jug.drip() before performing health checks in the selectVoteDelegate function to ensure up-to-date debt rate is used.

  2. Modify onKick to start the auction even if the free action fails. Implement an additional method for keepers to call free before onTake() is executed at the end of the auction. This can be achieved by adding afterKick and tryAfterKick functions:

    function selectVoteDelegate(address urn, address voteDelegate) external urnAuth(urn) {
        // ..
        if (art > 0 && voteDelegate != address(0)) {
-            (, uint256 rate, uint256 spot,,) = vat.ilks(ilk);
+            (, , uint256 spot,,) = vat.ilks(ilk);
+            uint256 rate = jug.drip(ilk);
            require(ink * spot >= art * rate, "LockstakeEngine/urn-unsafe");
        // ...

    function onKick(address urn, uint256 wad) external auth {
        uint256 inkBeforeKick = ink + wad;
+       toUndelegate[urn] += inkBeforeKick;
-        _selectVoteDelegate(urn, inkBeforeKick, urnVoteDelegates[urn], address(0));
+       tryAfterKick(urn);

+    function afterKick(address urn) external {
+        require(urnAuctions[urn] > 0, "LockstakeEngine/no-active-auction");
+        _selectVoteDelegate(urn, toUndelegate[urn], urnVoteDelegates[urn], address(0));
+        toUndelegate[urn] = 0;
+    }

+    function tryAfterKick(address urn) external {
+        address(this).call(abi.encodeCall(this.afterKick, (urn))); // ignores success
+    }

These changes will ensure that liquidations are never blocked from being started and provide sufficient time for MKR to be freed.

z3s commented 1 month ago

The protocol team comments:

For this submission, we don't consider it a issue because of the reasons detailed below. However we are considering adding the drip() function as suggested (part of the suggested fix), as it might help with unforeseen issues.

Why this is not an issue:

For the described scenario, in case the keepers monitor reserveHatch status (per the contest readme they are assumed so) and only call reserveHatch while not in cooldown (which is normal behaviour understanding how reserveHach works) then: -Liquidator of type A will not waste gas on "decoy" urns. -Liquidator of type B will not waste gas since it will not trigger a liquidation.

So the fact that an attacker "hops" between vote delegates in cooldown periods shouldn't cause material gas losses to such keepers. Note that the fact that the position will not get liquidated is ok, since the owner keeps saving it, so it hangs around the liquidation threshold and does not harm the system.

Only once the position owner stops "hoping" between cooldown periods the keepers will see the vote delegate is not in cooldown, will call reserveHatch and will be able to liquidate in the next 5 blocks (or others will).

Also, in general, a keeper that is run by Maker and calls reserveHatch once the price is say 1% less than the liquidation price can also solve this griefing vector, as it will also not waste gas on failed attempts.

Note that the contest readme states this about keepers monitoring and following the reserveHatch status:

"It is assumed that users and keepers are aware of the reserveHatch functionality for solving vote-delegate/lockstake related DoS issues. It is assumed that keepers run by 3rd-parties and Maker integrate it to their logic and that the need for using it is constantly monitored. It is also assumed that in case it is needed the Maker community/project would set up a keeper to call reserveHatch periodically (within less than a day)."