sherlock-audit / 2024-06-mellow-judging

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hash - Predefined amount parameter can challange allocation to Obol validators #260

Open sherlock-admin3 opened 2 months ago

sherlock-admin3 commented 2 months ago



Predefined amount parameter can challange allocation to Obol validators


Deposits need not be allocated to Obol validators

Vulnerability Detail

In StakingModule, the amount to be deposited in Lido is supposed to go to the Obol validators. But the only check kept for this is that the stakingModuleId is set to SimpleDVT module id in Lido and unfinalizedstETH <= bufferedETH


    function convertAndDeposit(
        uint256 amount,
        uint256 blockNumber,
        bytes32 blockHash,
        bytes32 depositRoot,
        uint256 nonce,
        bytes calldata depositCalldata,
        IDepositSecurityModule.Signature[] calldata sortedGuardianSignatures
    ) external onlyDelegateCall {
        if (IERC20(weth).balanceOf(address(this)) < amount)
            revert NotEnoughWeth();

        uint256 unfinalizedStETH = withdrawalQueue.unfinalizedStETH();
        uint256 bufferedEther = ISteth(steth).getBufferedEther();
        if (bufferedEther < unfinalizedStETH)
            revert InvalidWithdrawalQueueState();


There is no enforcement/checks kept on the amount param. It is possible to pass in any value for the amount param or the buffered ETH amount in lido to change from the value using which the amount was calculated before the call due to other deposits . This allows for scenarios where the amount is not deposited into validators at all (not in multiples of 32 eth), could be shared with other staking modules or could result in reverts due to the max limit restriction in the lido side. There is also no enforcement that the deposits made would be allocated to Obol validators itself since the simpleDVT staking module in Lido also contains SSV operators


The amount to be staked for obol validators can be assigned to other operators

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Consult with lido team to make it possible to deposit specifically to a certain set of operators and calculate the maximum amount depositable to that set at the instant of the call rather than a predefined value

sherlock-admin2 commented 1 month ago

The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits:

ctf-sec commented 1 month ago


this is low / info finding.

we are calling this function from SimpleDVTStakingStrategy.sol

 function convertAndDeposit(
        uint256 amount,
        uint256 blockNumber,
        bytes32 blockHash,
        bytes32 depositRoot,
        uint256 nonce,
        bytes calldata depositCalldata,
        IDepositSecurityModule.Signature[] calldata sortedGuardianSignatures
    ) external returns (bool success) {
        (success, ) = vault.delegateCall(
        emit ConvertAndDeposit(success, msg.sender);

the parameter sortedGuardianSignatures ensure that this function cannot be called permissionlessly.

then this is issue is only called by admin and admin is consider trusted.

sherlock-admin3 commented 1 month ago


this is low / info finding.

we are calling this function from SimpleDVTStakingStrategy.sol

 function convertAndDeposit(
        uint256 amount,
        uint256 blockNumber,
        bytes32 blockHash,
        bytes32 depositRoot,
        uint256 nonce,
        bytes calldata depositCalldata,
        IDepositSecurityModule.Signature[] calldata sortedGuardianSignatures
    ) external returns (bool success) {
        (success, ) = vault.delegateCall(
        emit ConvertAndDeposit(success, msg.sender);

the parameter sortedGuardianSignatures ensure that this function cannot be called permissionlessly.

then this is issue is only called by admin and admin is consider trusted.

You've created a valid escalation!

To remove the escalation from consideration: Delete your comment.

You may delete or edit your escalation comment anytime before the 48-hour escalation window closes. After that, the escalation becomes final.

WangSecurity commented 1 month ago

@10xhash do you have any counterarguments?

10xhash commented 1 month ago

@10xhash do you have any counterarguments?


  1. As mentioned in the report, if an amount is precalculated it can be incorrect (such that the made deposits will not be allocated to obol) at the time of actual deposit due to other deposits occurring in lido. This doesn't require any external user to manipulate the amount param
    ..... or the buffered ETH amount in lido to change from the value using which the amount was calculated before the call due to other deposits
  2. In contest readme, the usage of special off-chain mechanisms were denied. And the depositor bot of lido (which would be invoking the function with the signatures etc.) has been invoking on lido's deposit function via public mempool all these time ( which allows any user to even change just the amount param
JeffCX commented 1 month ago

LIDO guaridan set up rigorous measure to prevent deposit related frontrunning

Due to front-running vulnerability, we proposed to establish the Deposit Security Committee dedicated to ensuring the safety of deposits on the Beacon chain:

monitoring the history of deposits and the set of Lido keys available for the deposit, signing and disseminating messages allowing deposits;

signing the special message allowing anyone to pause deposits once the malicious Node Operator pre-deposits are detected.

Each member must generate an EOA address to sign messages with their private key. The addresses of the committee members will be added to the smart contract.

To make a deposit, we propose to collect a quorum of 4/6 of the signatures of the committee members

user cannot spoof the stakingModuleId as well, which is used to identify the staking module party.

also I think the amount parameter just convert WETH to wstETH and not related to deposit request.

also look at the recommendation from original report

Consult with lido team to make it possible to deposit specifically to a certain set of operators and calculate the maximum amount depositable to that set at the instant of the call rather than a predefined value

I mean we should assume the LIDO behave correctly, otherwise, we can say all staked ETH are lost...

10xhash commented 1 month ago

LIDO guaridan set up rigorous measure to prevent deposit related frontrunning

Due to front-running vulnerability, we proposed to establish the Deposit Security Committee dedicated to ensuring the safety of deposits on the Beacon chain:

monitoring the history of deposits and the set of Lido keys available for the deposit, signing and disseminating messages allowing deposits;

signing the special message allowing anyone to pause deposits once the malicious Node Operator pre-deposits are detected.

Each member must generate an EOA address to sign messages with their private key. The addresses of the committee members will be added to the smart contract.

To make a deposit, we propose to collect a quorum of 4/6 of the signatures of the committee members

user cannot spoof the stakingModuleId as well, which is used to identify the staking module party.

also I think the amount parameter just convert WETH to wstETH and not related to deposit request.

also look at the recommendation from original report

Consult with lido team to make it possible to deposit specifically to a certain set of operators and calculate the maximum amount depositable to that set at the instant of the call rather than a predefined value

I mean we should assume the LIDO behave correctly, otherwise, we can say all staked ETH are lost...

This comment clearly lacks in understanding the mentioned issue and my earlier comment

The front-running that is in discussion here is the ability of an user to front run the depositor bot's transaction with altered amount param while the front running mentioned in the above comment is regarding the ability of a node operator to deposit into beacon chain with different withdrawal credentials hence stealing funds from lido user's

I agree and I have not mentioned this ever

user cannot spoof the stakingModuleId as well, which is used to identify the staking module party

The entire deposit request and allocation to obol validators is dependent on this amount ie. how much amount is being converted from weth to steth and being deposited

also I think the amount parameter just convert WETH to wstETH and not related to deposit request

LIDO is never assumed to behave incorrectly in the report. The only thing mentioned as a limitation on the lido side is regarding the staking module containing both ssv and obol. The main issue mentioned is the incorrectness in the depositing amount which would have to be calculated on-chain inside the function call to be correct and not calculated offchain

also look at the recommendation from original report
Consult with lido team to make it possible to deposit specifically to a certain set of operators and calculate the maximum amount depositable to that set at the instant of the call rather than a predefined value
I mean we should assume the LIDO behave correctly, otherwise, we can say all staked ETH are lost...
WangSecurity commented 1 month ago

@10xhash as I understand the problem here is the following:

  1. The transaction to call convertAndDeposit is submitted with a specific amount X.
  2. Before it gets executed, there are other transactions to deposit into Lido are executed.
  3. When our txn is executed, the conversion rate of WETH -> stETH has changed (due to txns in step 2), hence, the amount deposited into Lido will change. The result is that not all ETH deposited by Mellow will go to Obol validators.

Is the scenario above correct?

10xhash commented 1 month ago

@10xhash as I understand the problem here is the following:

1. The transaction to call `convertAndDeposit` is submitted with a specific amount X.

2. Before it gets executed, there are other transactions to deposit into Lido are executed.

3. When our txn is executed, the conversion rate of WETH -> stETH has changed (due to txns in step 2), hence, the amount deposited into Lido will change. The result is that not all ETH deposited by Mellow will go to Obol validators.

Is the scenario above correct?

No. The eth:steth ratio doesn't change. stETH is always considered 1:1 with eth for deposits (steth balance and not the shares amount)

The issue revolves around how the deposits to beacon chain from lido work. With an example: deposits to beacon chain occur in multiples of 32 eth if current excess eth queued in lido (ie. to be deposited to beacon chain) is 1 eth, then the amount calculated by the admin off-chain would be 31 eth (the calculation of this involves other factors such as the associated limits etc). and if they submit the tx and the value in lido changes to 0 eth (due to queuing of withdrawals in lido) or the amount in lido increases to 2 eth, the passed in value of 31 eth is not correct. in case the amount changes to 0 eth, the 31 eth will be leftover in lido without being allocated to obol or in the other case, 1 eth extra has been converted which will not be allocated to obol. Since here, the amount param is also modifiable by an user they can use it to modify the value to cause the maximum amount of weth to be converted to steth but not allocated to obol validators

WangSecurity commented 1 month ago

I agree with the comment above and believe the issue should remain as it is. Planning to reject the escalation.

Slavchew commented 1 month ago

No. The eth:steth ratio doesn't change. stETH is always considered 1:1 with eth for deposits (steth balance and not the shares amount)

The issue revolves around how the deposits to beacon chain from lido work. With an example: deposits to beacon chain occur in multiples of 32 eth if current excess eth queued in lido (ie. to be deposited to beacon chain) is 1 eth, then the amount calculated by the admin off-chain would be 31 eth (the calculation of this involves other factors such as the associated limits etc). and if they submit the tx and the value in lido changes to 0 eth (due to queuing of withdrawals in lido) or the amount in lido increases to 2 eth, the passed in value of 31 eth is not correct. in case the amount changes to 0 eth, the 31 eth will be leftover in lido without being allocated to obol or in the other case, 1 eth extra has been converted which will not be allocated to obol. Since here, the amount param is also modifiable by an user they can use it to modify the value to cause the maximum amount of weth to be converted to steth but not allocated to obol validators

This answer has nothing valid with how Lido and stETH is working.

Each deposit to beacon chain is when 32 eth are collected (deposited) from numerous deposits to Lido for this staking module and then will be deposited to the beacon chain. There is no thing like "if there are 2 eth and you deposit 31 eth, 1 eth will be lost" - No, 32 eth will be deposited to beacon chain and the rest 1 eth will stay for the next stack of 32 for this particular Staking Module.

Each beacon chain deposit is when 32 eth have been collected (deposited) from multiple Lido deposits for this staking module and will then be deposited into the beacon chain. There is no such thing as "if there are 2 eth and you deposit 31 eth, 1 eth will be lost" - No, 32 eth will be deposited into the beacon chain and the remaining 1 eth will be left for the next stack of 32 for that particular Staking Module.

if current excess eth queued in lido is 1 eth, then the amount calculated by the admin off-chain would be 31 eth and if they submit the tx and the value in lido changes to 0 eth or the amount in lido increases to 2 eth, the passed in value of 31 eth is not correct. in case the amount changes to 0 eth, the 31 eth will be leftover in lido without being allocated to obol or in the other case, 1 eth extra has been converted which will not be allocated to obol. - If this is true, you are assuming that ALWAYS every staking module deposit must be 32, then how will there be 1 eth first if you always have to add up to 32. If there are 2 eth and you deposit 30 eth to add up to 32 eth, according to your idea every subsequent deposit should always be strictly 32 eth, because you said that if there are 0 eth (which will become after you deposit exactly 30 eth to stack to 32 eth) - in case the amount changes to 0 eth, 31 eth will remain in lido without being allocated to obol, which is completely wrong.

The idea is to deposit whatever value for this staking module that is associated with the stakingModuleId and when the deposit value stacks up to 32 to deposit it into the beacon chain, if you deposit 35 eth it will deposit once (32 eth ) in the beacon chain and the remaining 3 will remain for the next round.

Here is the code where the actual deposit happens, there is no chance of losing eth or someone to allocate on your behalf.

here if the stake is less than 32 eth the number of deposits is 0 and no chain beacon deposit will be made so any amount staked by stakingModule in lido that is lower than 32 ether will be left idle in LIDO until a new stake occurs, bringing the depositValue to more than 32 but lower than 64, it is a single deposit and depositCount = 1 in this scenario

The only thing @10xhash has texting is that if 32 eth are not collected in Lido, no Obol deposit will happen, which is true, but that's how it should work. Lido deposits are not strict always deposit 32 eth to them and then to Obol, the values ​​just accumulate.

WangSecurity commented 1 month ago

Each deposit to beacon chain is when 32 eth are collected (deposited) from numerous deposits to Lido for this staking module and then will be deposited to the beacon chain. There is no thing like "if there are 2 eth and you deposit 31 eth, 1 eth will be lost" - No, 32 eth will be deposited to beacon chain and the rest 1 eth will stay for the next stack of 32 for this particular Staking Module. Each beacon chain deposit is when 32 eth have been collected (deposited) from multiple Lido deposits for this staking module and will then be deposited into the beacon chain. There is no such thing as "if there are 2 eth and you deposit 31 eth, 1 eth will be lost" - No, 32 eth will be deposited into the beacon chain and the remaining 1 eth will be left for the next stack of 32 for that particular Staking Module.

I don't see where @10xhash said anything like if there are 2 eth and you deposit 31 eth, 1 eth will be lost. I believe what hash said is if there are 2 eth, but you deposited 31 eth, then 1 will be waiting for the next 32 eth deposit or can be used for withdrawals which is not the goal here.

if current excess eth queued in lido is 1 eth, then the amount calculated by the admin off-chain would be 31 eth and if they submit the tx and the value in lido changes to 0 eth or the amount in lido increases to 2 eth, the passed in value of 31 eth is not correct. in case the amount changes to 0 eth, the 31 eth will be leftover in lido without being allocated to obol or in the other case, 1 eth extra has been converted which will not be allocated to obol. - If this is true, you are assuming that ALWAYS every staking module deposit must be 32, then how will there be 1 eth first if you always have to add up to 32. If there are 2 eth and you deposit 30 eth to add up to 32 eth, according to your idea every subsequent deposit should always be strictly 32 eth, because you said that if there are 0 eth (which will become after you deposit exactly 30 eth to stack to 32 eth) - in case the amount changes to 0 eth, 31 eth will remain in lido without being allocated to obol, which is completely wrong.

Again I disagree with what you believe hash said. I believe the meaning is that the ETH deposited to Lido won't be deposited and will be waiting for other deposits to stack to 32 ETH OR can be used to payout the withdrawals. The second is the problem, the protocol wants to deposit the funds to Obol validators, while this report shows how it can be used for withdrawals instead of going to Obol validators (e.g. if there are 0 ETH and you deposit 31 ETH, all that 31 ETH can be used for withdrawals, or if there are 2 ETH and you deposit 31 ETH, 1 will be left over for the next 32 ETH stack or will be used for withdrawals).

So I believe Hash described everything correctly but not in the best way. But the report shows how the deposits from Mellow into Lido may not go to Obol validators in that deposit and can be used for withdrawals, i.e. not allocated to Obol validators.

But @10xhash I've got a question for you. Let's take an example of 2 ETH being in the stack and Mellow depositing 31 ETH. 1 ETH will be leftover waiting for the next round. In the meantime, there's a 1 ETH withdrawal, so that 1 ETH from Mellow will be used for withdrawals. In that case, it doesn't mean that Mellow lost that 1 ETH and they will be able to withdraw 31 ETH if they want and technically Obol validators do get this 1 ETH, cause basically the withdrawer received their 1 ETH (leftover from the deposit) from the buffer, but their 1 stETH was kept for Obol validators. Is it correct?

Because, otherwise, if this 1 ETH was sent to the withdrawer and their 1 stETH was unstaked, then Mellow would basically lose that 1 ETH and wouldn't be able to retrieve it.

Slavchew commented 1 month ago

Again I disagree with what you believe hash said. I believe the meaning is that the ETH deposited to Lido won't be deposited and will be waiting for other deposits to stack to 32 ETH OR can be used to payout the withdrawals. The second is the problem, the protocol wants to deposit the funds to Obol validators, while this report shows how it can be used for withdrawals instead of going to Obol validators (e.g. if there are 0 ETH and you deposit 31 ETH, all that 31 ETH can be used for withdrawals, or if there are 2 ETH and you deposit 31 ETH, 1 will be left over for the next 32 ETH stack or will be used for withdrawals).

Yes, you are right. That's exactly what I'm explaining.

So I believe Hash described everything correctly but not in the best way. But the report shows how the deposits from Mellow into Lido may not go to Obol validators in that deposit and can be used for withdrawals, i.e. not allocated to Obol validators.

They will be queued for this StakingModule due to the stakingModuleId and will be deposited into Obol when 32 eth is collected, thus nothing will be lost.

In that case, it doesn't mean that Mellow lost that 1 ETH and they will be able to withdraw 31 ETH if they want and technically Obol validators do get this 1 ETH, cause basically the withdrawer received their 1 ETH (leftover from the deposit) from the buffer, but their 1 stETH was kept for Obol validators. Is it correct?

Because, otherwise, if this 1 ETH was sent to the withdrawer and their 1 stETH was unstaked, then Mellow would basically lose that 1 ETH and wouldn't be able to retrieve it.

This is incorrect, again because of the stakingModuleId.

You can read this conversation with me and the Lido team, they express exactly that. -

10xhash commented 1 month ago

Each deposit to beacon chain is when 32 eth are collected (deposited) from numerous deposits to Lido for this staking module and then will be deposited to the beacon chain. There is no thing like "if there are 2 eth and you deposit 31 eth, 1 eth will be lost" - No, 32 eth will be deposited to beacon chain and the rest 1 eth will stay for the next stack of 32 for this particular Staking Module. Each beacon chain deposit is when 32 eth have been collected (deposited) from multiple Lido deposits for this staking module and will then be deposited into the beacon chain. There is no such thing as "if there are 2 eth and you deposit 31 eth, 1 eth will be lost" - No, 32 eth will be deposited into the beacon chain and the remaining 1 eth will be left for the next stack of 32 for that particular Staking Module.

I don't see where @10xhash said anything like if there are 2 eth and you deposit 31 eth, 1 eth will be lost. I believe what hash said is if there are 2 eth, but you deposited 31 eth, then 1 will be waiting for the next 32 eth deposit or can be used for withdrawals which is not the goal here.

if current excess eth queued in lido is 1 eth, then the amount calculated by the admin off-chain would be 31 eth and if they submit the tx and the value in lido changes to 0 eth or the amount in lido increases to 2 eth, the passed in value of 31 eth is not correct. in case the amount changes to 0 eth, the 31 eth will be leftover in lido without being allocated to obol or in the other case, 1 eth extra has been converted which will not be allocated to obol. - If this is true, you are assuming that ALWAYS every staking module deposit must be 32, then how will there be 1 eth first if you always have to add up to 32. If there are 2 eth and you deposit 30 eth to add up to 32 eth, according to your idea every subsequent deposit should always be strictly 32 eth, because you said that if there are 0 eth (which will become after you deposit exactly 30 eth to stack to 32 eth) - in case the amount changes to 0 eth, 31 eth will remain in lido without being allocated to obol, which is completely wrong.

Again I disagree with what you believe hash said. I believe the meaning is that the ETH deposited to Lido won't be deposited and will be waiting for other deposits to stack to 32 ETH OR can be used to payout the withdrawals. The second is the problem, the protocol wants to deposit the funds to Obol validators, while this report shows how it can be used for withdrawals instead of going to Obol validators (e.g. if there are 0 ETH and you deposit 31 ETH, all that 31 ETH can be used for withdrawals, or if there are 2 ETH and you deposit 31 ETH, 1 will be left over for the next 32 ETH stack or will be used for withdrawals).

So I believe Hash described everything correctly but not in the best way. But the report shows how the deposits from Mellow into Lido may not go to Obol validators in that deposit and can be used for withdrawals, i.e. not allocated to Obol validators.

But @10xhash I've got a question for you. Let's take an example of 2 ETH being in the stack and Mellow depositing 31 ETH. 1 ETH will be leftover waiting for the next round. In the meantime, there's a 1 ETH withdrawal, so that 1 ETH from Mellow will be used for withdrawals. In that case, it doesn't mean that Mellow lost that 1 ETH and they will be able to withdraw 31 ETH if they want and technically Obol validators do get this 1 ETH, cause basically the withdrawer received their 1 ETH (leftover from the deposit) from the buffer, but their 1 stETH was kept for Obol validators. Is it correct?

Because, otherwise, if this 1 ETH was sent to the withdrawer and their 1 stETH was unstaked, then Mellow would basically lose that 1 ETH and wouldn't be able to retrieve it.

I am not sure what is meant by withdrawer received their 1 ETH (leftover from the deposit) from the buffer, but their 1 stETH was kept for Obol validators. stETH is a representation for the underlying ETH hence it wouldn't make sense to send ETH out from the lido system and still keep its associated stETH if that helps

Because, otherwise, if this 1 ETH was sent to the withdrawer and their 1 stETH was unstaked, then Mellow would basically lose that 1 ETH and wouldn't be able to retrieve it

User's only receive ETH if they forego the stETH. Nobody (including mellow) (in general sense) would be loosing their eth by depositing because for every eth deposit made, they will be receiving 1:1 steth which can be redeemed for the underlying amount of eth at any later point of time. The user is able to withdraw ETH now because he holds steth (obtained by making ETH deposit some time back). But here the 1 ETH (which could've been allocated to obol) can end up being used for withdrawals as you have correctly mentioned

Slavchew commented 1 month ago

And that is until, new 32 eth are collected to go to Obol, thus, you also confirm that there is no issue with this, not the least bit of an impact.

WangSecurity commented 1 month ago

Thank you for the clarification. Additionally thinking about this issue, we can see that Mellow will not lose tokens, and will not encounter a lock of funds. The impact here is that Mellow might allocate funds to other validators and not Obol. I believe it doesn't qualify for medium severity and indeed should be low. Additionally, this intention is not mentioned in the README.

Hence, planning to accept the escalation and invalidate the report, since allocating funds to other validators is not sufficient for M.

10xhash commented 1 month ago

Thank you for the clarification. Additionally thinking about this issue, we can see that Mellow will not lose tokens, and will not encounter a lock of funds. The impact here is that Mellow might allocate funds to other validators and not Obol. I believe it doesn't qualify for medium severity and indeed should be low. Additionally, this intention is not mentioned in the README.

Hence, planning to accept the escalation and invalidate the report, since allocating funds to other validators is not sufficient for M.

Additionally, this intention is not mentioned in the README: What should've been mentioned in the README? That deposits should be allocated to Obol/simpleDVTModule? You have to consider the codebase of the project (and the project's high level requirements in itself) when determining what is the expected behavior. The module itself is called simpleDVT module because the project wants to allocate their ETH to that specific module and not just do a conversion to stETH. Apart from this, there are 4 parts from the codebase which clearly demonstrates this:

  1. The assets are first kept as ETH itself and only later converted to stETH via the SimpleDVTStakingStrategy. If the intention was to just obtain wstETH, it can be done at the instant of deposit
  2. Documentation of the convertAndDeposit function having Converts and deposits into specific staking module and The amount of tokens to convert and deposit
     * @notice Converts and deposits into specific staking module.
     * @param amount The amount of tokens to convert and deposit.
  3. bufferedEther >= unfinalizedStETH check is kept so that the mellow deposits are not used up for withdrawals in lido

    function convertAndDeposit(
    uint256 amount,
    uint256 blockNumber,
    bytes32 blockHash,
    bytes32 depositRoot,
    uint256 nonce,
    bytes calldata depositCalldata,
    IDepositSecurityModule.Signature[] calldata sortedGuardianSignatures
    ) external onlyDelegateCall {
    if (IERC20(weth).balanceOf(address(this)) < amount)
      revert NotEnoughWeth();
    uint256 unfinalizedStETH = withdrawalQueue.unfinalizedStETH();
    uint256 bufferedEther = ISteth(steth).getBufferedEther();
    if (bufferedEther < unfinalizedStETH)
      revert InvalidWithdrawalQueueState();
  4. There is a maxAllowedRemainder used during withdrawals so that admin limits the amount of weth that is converted to wstETH directly without ensuring that it is being allocated to obol validators (this has to be done in cases where the admin is unable to process the withdrawal requests with the current wsteth balance of the contract and hence is forced to obtain more wsteth to satisfy withdrawals)

    function processWithdrawals(
        address[] memory users,
        uint256 amountForStake
    ) external returns (bool[] memory statuses) {
        statuses = vault.processWithdrawals(users);
        address wsteth = stakingModule.wsteth();
        uint256 balance = IERC20(wsteth).balanceOf(address(vault));
        if (balance > maxAllowedRemainder) revert LimitOverflow();
WangSecurity commented 1 month ago

You have to consider the codebase of the project (and the project's high level requirements in itself) when determining what is the expected behavior. The module itself is called simpleDVT module because the project wants to allocate their ETH to that specific module and not just do a conversion to stETH. Apart from this, there are 4 parts from the codebase which clearly demonstrates this

I consider the design and the intention of the protocol. I didn't say in any way that you're incorrect or the protocol intention is not what you describe.

The assets are first kept as ETH itself and only later converted to stETH via the SimpleDVTStakingStrategy. If the intention was to just obtain wstETH, it can be done at the instant of deposit Documentation of the convertAndDeposit function having Converts and deposits into specific staking module and The amount of tokens to convert and deposit

Again, I agree that the intention is clear and the protocol wants to deposit to specific validators. And for points 3 and 4 again, I don't mean to say it's not the intention to allocate deposits to obol validators.

What I mean is that I don't see this issue qualifying for Medium severity, it doesn't cause loss of funds to Mellow protocol and users and doesn't break core contract functionality, rendering the contract useless:

The amount to be staked for obol validators can be assigned to other operators

Of course, if my assumption is incorrect, please let me know. But the current decision remains the same, planning to accept the escalation and invalidate the issue.

JeffCX commented 1 month ago

What I mean is that I don't see this issue qualifying for Medium severity, it doesn't cause loss of funds to Mellow protocol and users and doesn't break core contract functionality, rendering the contract useless:

then the action should be planning to accept the escalation and invalidate the report..

not sure why even with the comments above, the decision changes to

But the current decision remains the same, planning to reject the escalation and leave the issue as it is.

10xhash commented 1 month ago

What I mean is that I don't see this issue qualifying for Medium severity, it doesn't cause loss of funds to Mellow protocol and users and doesn't break core contract functionality, rendering the contract useless:

then the action should be planning to accept the escalation and invalidate the report..

not sure why even with the comments above, the decision changes to

But the current decision remains the same, planning to reject the escalation and leave the issue as it is.

That would be a typo and the intention of his message is to not have this as a valid med

10xhash commented 1 month ago

You have to consider the codebase of the project (and the project's high level requirements in itself) when determining what is the expected behavior. The module itself is called simpleDVT module because the project wants to allocate their ETH to that specific module and not just do a conversion to stETH. Apart from this, there are 4 parts from the codebase which clearly demonstrates this

I consider the design and the intention of the protocol. I didn't say in any way that you're incorrect or the protocol intention is not what you describe.

The assets are first kept as ETH itself and only later converted to stETH via the SimpleDVTStakingStrategy. If the intention was to just obtain wstETH, it can be done at the instant of deposit Documentation of the convertAndDeposit function having Converts and deposits into specific staking module and The amount of tokens to convert and deposit

Again, I agree that the intention is clear and the protocol wants to deposit to specific validators. And for points 3 and 4 again, I don't mean to say it's not the intention to allocate deposits to obol validators.

What I mean is that I don't see this issue qualifying for Medium severity, it doesn't cause loss of funds to Mellow protocol and users and doesn't break core contract functionality, rendering the contract useless:

The amount to be staked for obol validators can be assigned to other operators

Of course, if my assumption is incorrect, please let me know. But the current decision remains the same, planning to reject the escalation and leave the issue as it is.

It breaks the core contract functionality. The whole point of the entire staking module is to allocate specifically to obol validators and this breaks it. The ability of the user to change the amount to whatever he wants can make the strategy useless

WangSecurity commented 1 month ago

As you quoted in the previous comment, the documentation of the convertAndDeposit is Converts and deposits into specific staking module and this functionality is not broken and the contract converts and deposits into the staking module. The staking module documentation is Converts wETH to wstETH and securely deposits it into the staking contract according to the specified security protocols and indeed the protocol deposits and converts it into the staking contracts. The intention to deposit specifically to Obol validators is broken here, but this intention was introduced in a discord message by the sponsor. However, the staking contract still deposits funds into the specified protocols (Lido in this case), so the functionality is not broken.

That is why I believe the contract is not useless. Of course, you can correct me. But, for now, the decision remains the same, planning to accept the escalation and invalidate the report.

10xhash commented 1 month ago

As you quoted in the previous comment, the documentation of the convertAndDeposit is Converts and deposits into specific staking module and this functionality is not broken and the contract converts and deposits into the staking module. The staking module documentation is Converts wETH to wstETH and securely deposits it into the staking contract according to the specified security protocols and indeed the protocol deposits and converts it into the staking contracts. The intention to deposit specifically to Obol validators is broken here, but this intention was introduced in a discord message by the sponsor. However, the staking contract still deposits funds into the specified protocols (Lido in this case), so the functionality is not broken.

That is why I believe the contract is not useless. Of course, you can correct me. But, for now, the decision remains the same, planning to accept the escalation and invalidate the report.

It doesn't deposit the amount into the specific staking module. If your understanding is based on some of the above comments like 1 eth will be left for the next stack of 32 for that particular Staking Module , it is incorrect. The converted assets are just deposited into lido and is not tied with the particular staking module etc. The amount can be allocated to other modules or can be used for withdrawals. A deposit to a staking module would happen when eth is allocated to any operator belonging to the staking module set.

WangSecurity commented 1 month ago

Then I admit a mistake on my side and misunderstanding.

If your understanding is based on some of the above comments like 1 eth will be left for the next stack of 32 for that particular Staking Module , it is incorrect

I understand it's incorrect and it wasn't what I thought. I misunderstood what you mean by the staking module. To finally clarify, Mellow has SimpleDVTStakingStrategy which is responsible for depositing funds into Lido and allocating them to Obol validators, i.e. deposit into specific staking module. Also, Mellow has StakingModule which deposits into specific security protocols.

The problem is in the first since it doesn't ensure enough of the funds are indeed deposited into that specific staking module and funds can be sent to another staking module. The issue is that the amount value is pre-calculated before, but due to deposits that get processed before the convertAndDeposit call, the sent amount can be left for withdrawals or end up in different staking modules, correct?

10xhash commented 1 month ago

Then I admit a mistake on my side and misunderstanding.

If your understanding is based on some of the above comments like 1 eth will be left for the next stack of 32 for that particular Staking Module , it is incorrect

I understand it's incorrect and it wasn't what I thought. I misunderstood what you mean by the staking module. To finally clarify, Mellow has SimpleDVTStakingStrategy which is responsible for depositing funds into Lido and allocating them to Obol validators, i.e. deposit into specific staking module. Also, Mellow has StakingModule which deposits into specific security protocols.

The problem is in the first since it doesn't ensure enough of the funds are indeed deposited into that specific staking module and funds can be sent to another staking module. The issue is that the amount value is pre-calculated before, but due to deposits that get processed before the convertAndDeposit call, the sent amount can be left for withdrawals or end up in different staking modules, correct?

Also, Mellow has StakingModule which deposits into specific security protocols. : Mellows StakingModule is just a contract underneath the simpleDVTStaking strategy that helps (the vault delegate call's the code) in putting the funds into lido with the intention to have the funds allocated to the simpleDVT module of lido

Yes. Not just pre-calculated before, a user has the ability to front-run and change the amount to whatever they want. And apart from deposits, withdrawals can also change the correctness of the amount

WangSecurity commented 1 month ago

In that sense, I again want to admin my mistake and misunderstanding. Hash is correct, indeed this vulnerability leads to the entire strategy, hence, the SimpleDVTStakingStrategy contract being useless, since it won't deposit into the specified staking module. Therefore, it qualifies for the Medium severity:

Breaks core contract functionality, rendering the contract useless

Planning to reject the escalation and leave the issue as it is.

blckhv commented 1 month ago

I think you're missing the fact that depositBufferedEther is always being called in a private transaction (hash's msg in LIDO discord), so how the frontrunning is even possible then?

Yes. Not just pre-calculated before, a user has the ability to front-run and change the amount to whatever they want. And apart from deposits, withdrawals can also change the correctness of the amount

10xhash commented 1 month ago

I think you're missing the fact that depositBufferedEther is always being called in a private transaction (hash's msg in LIDO discord), so how the frontrunning is even possible then?

Yes. Not just pre-calculated before, a user has the ability to front-run and change the amount to whatever they want. And apart from deposits, withdrawals can also change the correctness of the amount

Please see the earlier message here and also verify that the depositBufferedEther has been invoked via public mempools since the start and also this message for more context

WangSecurity commented 1 month ago

Yep, even if it's pre-calculated correctly, at the time of the transaction being executed, the amount can be inaccurate. This can happen with private transactions as well. Moreover, there were no mentions of the private transaction by the sponsor as well as flashbots.

Hence, the private transactions won't mitigate this issue. The decision remains the same, planning to reject the escalation and leave the issue as it is.

WangSecurity commented 1 month ago

Result: Medium Unique

sherlock-admin4 commented 1 month ago

Escalations have been resolved successfully!

Escalation status:

10xhash commented 1 month ago

Fixed Now the amount is calculated inside the module and it is ensured that >= converted assets are deposited

sherlock-admin2 commented 1 month ago

The Lead Senior Watson signed off on the fix.