sherlock-audit / 2024-06-new-scope-judging

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tallo - Partial liquidations can sometimes lower a positions health and lead to guaranteed bad debt #338

Open sherlock-admin3 opened 1 month ago

sherlock-admin3 commented 1 month ago



Partial liquidations can sometimes lower a positions health and lead to guaranteed bad debt


Partial liquidations are allowed when a users healthFactor .95 < healthFactor < 1. When users have a single asset as collateral this often leads to a position having a decreased health factor after liquidation. The user can be repeatedly liquidated and the protocol guaranteed bad debt.

Root Cause

The cases where a position's health factor decreases can be derived as follows: Partial liquidation percent: 50% Liquidator discount K: 5% C: initial collateral value D: initial debt value LT: Liquidation threshold Initial Health factor = (C LT) / D < 1 After partial Liquidation: New Debt: D' = D 0.5 Liquidated Collateral: L = (D 0.5)/(1 - K) New Collateral: C' = C-L New Health Factor = (C' LT)/D' For the health factor to increase the following inequality must hold: (C' LT) / D' > (C LT) / D (C - L) > C 0.5 (C - (D 0.5)/(1 - K) > C 0.5 -(D 0.5 / (1 - K)) > -C 0.5 D 0.5 / (1 - K) < C * 0.5 D / (1 - K) < C (1 - K ) > D / C C / D > 1 / (1 - K) In other words, liquidation only leads to an increase in the health factor when there is enough collateral to pay off the discount. This inequality is more likely to be unsatisfied with higher LTV assets since the C / D value will be lower.

Internal pre-conditions

  1. User must be liquidatable (HF < 1)
  2. If the following inequality doesn't hold, then the liquidation will cause a decrease in health factor. C / D > 1 / (1 - K)

External pre-conditions

  1. A users collateral must drop in price sufficiently for them to be liquidatable

Attack Path

  1. User position health factor drops below 1
  2. User gets partially liquidated
  3. Liquidation decreases the health factor
  4. Liquidation is repeated until all collateral drained and only bad debt remains


  1. A position will end up less healthy after liquidation than before. This will lead to repeated liquidations and guaranteed accrual of bad debt for the protocol. This issue is more prevalent in higher LTV (safer) assets since the C / D ratio will be lower.
  2. The partial liquidation mechanism can be bypassed since the liquidation mechanisms intention is to increase a positions HF beyond 1. However, this doesn't happen in this edge case so a previously liquidated position can still be liquidatable and can be repeatedly liquidated. Essentially bypassing the following close factor limitations:


  3. set the PoolSetup.sol#_basicPoolInitParams function to the following. This is to change the LTV's/liquidation thresholds of the assets.

    function _basicPoolInitParams() internal view returns (DataTypes.InitPoolParams memory p) {
    address[] memory assets = new address[](4);
    assets[0] = address(tokenA);
    assets[1] = address(tokenB);
    assets[2] = address(tokenC);
    assets[3] = address(wethToken);
    address[] memory rateStrategyAddresses = new address[](4);
    rateStrategyAddresses[0] = address(irStrategy);
    rateStrategyAddresses[1] = address(irStrategy);
    rateStrategyAddresses[2] = address(irStrategy);
    rateStrategyAddresses[3] = address(irStrategy);
    address[] memory sources = new address[](4);
    sources[0] = address(oracleA);
    sources[1] = address(oracleB);
    sources[2] = address(oracleC);
    sources[3] = address(oracleD);
    DataTypes.InitReserveConfig memory config = _basicConfig();
    DataTypes.InitReserveConfig[] memory configurationLocal = new DataTypes.InitReserveConfig[](4);
    DataTypes.InitReserveConfig memory configA = DataTypes.InitReserveConfig({
      ltv: 9000,
      liquidationThreshold: 9500,
      liquidationBonus: 10_500,
      decimals: 18,
      frozen: false,
      borrowable: true,
      borrowCap: 0,
      supplyCap: 0
    DataTypes.InitReserveConfig memory configC = DataTypes.InitReserveConfig({
      ltv: 5000,
      liquidationThreshold: 8000,
      liquidationBonus: 10_500,
      decimals: 18,
      frozen: false,
      borrowable: true,
      borrowCap: 0,
      supplyCap: 0
    configurationLocal[0] = configA;
    configurationLocal[1] = config;
    configurationLocal[2] = configC;
    configurationLocal[3] = config;
    address[] memory admins = new address[](1);
    admins[0] = address(this);
    p = DataTypes.InitPoolParams({
      proxyAdmin: address(this),
      revokeProxy: false,
      admins: admins,
      emergencyAdmins: new address[](0),
      riskAdmins: new address[](0),
      hook: address(0),
      assets: assets,
      rateStrategyAddresses: rateStrategyAddresses,
      sources: sources,
      configurations: configurationLocal
  4. place the following test inside NFTPositionManagerTest.t.sol

    function test_doubleLiquidateBug() public {
    uint256 mintAmount = 100 ether;
    uint256 supplyAmount = 1 ether;
    uint256 tokenId = 1;
    _mintAndApprove(alice, tokenA, 1000 ether, address(pool)); // alice 1000 tokenA
    _mintAndApprove(alice, tokenB, 1000 ether, address(pool)); // alice 1000 tokenB
    _mintAndApprove(alice, tokenC, 1000 ether, address(pool)); // alice 1000 tokenC
    _mintAndApprove(bob, tokenB, 5000 ether, address(pool)); // bob 2000 tokenB
    DataTypes.ExtraData memory data = DataTypes.ExtraData(bytes(''), bytes(''));
    INFTPositionManager.AssetOperationParams memory aliceSupplyA =
      INFTPositionManager.AssetOperationParams(address(tokenA), alice, 1000 ether, tokenId, data);
    INFTPositionManager.AssetOperationParams memory aliceBorrowB =
      INFTPositionManager.AssetOperationParams(address(tokenB), alice, 750 ether, tokenId, data);
    INFTPositionManager.AssetOperationParams memory bobSupplyB =
      INFTPositionManager.AssetOperationParams(address(tokenB), bob, 2000 ether, 2, data);
    tokenA.approve(address(nftPositionManager), 100000 ether);
    tokenB.approve(address(nftPositionManager), 100000 ether);
    tokenC.approve(address(nftPositionManager), 100000 ether);;;
    tokenA.approve(address(pool), 100000 ether);
    tokenB.approve(address(pool), 100000 ether);
    tokenC.approve(address(pool), 100000 ether);
    tokenA.approve(address(nftPositionManager), 100000 ether);
    tokenB.approve(address(nftPositionManager), 100000 ether);
    tokenC.approve(address(nftPositionManager), 100000 ether);;;
    uint256 balanceBefore = tokenA.balanceOf(bob);
    (uint256 collBeforeAnyLiquidation,uint256 debtBeforeAnyLiquidation,,,,uint256 healthFactorBeforeAnyLiquidation) = pool.getUserAccountData(address(nftPositionManager), 1);
    uint256 ratioBeforeAnyLiquidation = debtBeforeAnyLiquidation*1e18/collBeforeAnyLiquidation;
    console.log("d / c < .95 => %e / %e = %e", debtBeforeAnyLiquidation,collBeforeAnyLiquidation, ratioBeforeAnyLiquidation);
    console.log("ratio < 0.95 => %e < %e => %s", ratioBeforeAnyLiquidation, 0.95e18, ratioBeforeAnyLiquidation < 0.95e18);
    bytes32 pos = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(nftPositionManager, 'index', uint256(1)));
    console.log("alice HF before any liquidations: %e\n", healthFactorBeforeAnyLiquidation);
    //stack too deep prevention
            pool.liquidateSimple(address(tokenA), address(tokenB), pos, 10000e18);
            uint256 balanceAfterFirstLiquidation = tokenA.balanceOf(bob);
            (uint256 collAfterFirstLiquidation,uint256 debtAfterFirstLiquidation,,,,uint256 healthFactorAfterFirstLiquidation) = pool.getUserAccountData(address(nftPositionManager), 1);
            uint256 ratioAfterFirstLiquidation = debtAfterFirstLiquidation*1e18/collAfterFirstLiquidation;
            console.log("bad debt: %s", collAfterFirstLiquidation < debtAfterFirstLiquidation);
            console.log("d / c < .95 => %e / %e = %e", debtAfterFirstLiquidation,collAfterFirstLiquidation, ratioAfterFirstLiquidation);
            console.log("ratio < 0.95 => %e < %e => %s", ratioAfterFirstLiquidation, 0.95e18, ratioAfterFirstLiquidation < 0.95e18);
            console.log("alice HF after first liquidation: %e", healthFactorAfterFirstLiquidation);
            console.log("Total amount liquidated: %e\n", balanceAfterFirstLiquidation-balanceBefore);
            pool.liquidateSimple(address(tokenA), address(tokenB), pos, 10000e18);
            uint256 balanceAfterSecondLiquidation = tokenA.balanceOf(bob);
            (uint256 collAfterSecondLiquidation,uint256 debtAfterSecondLiquidation,,,,uint256 healthFactorAfterSecondLiquidation) = pool.getUserAccountData(address(nftPositionManager), 1);
            uint256 ratioAfterSecondLiquidation = debtAfterSecondLiquidation*1e18/collAfterSecondLiquidation;
            console.log("bad debt: %s", collAfterSecondLiquidation < debtAfterSecondLiquidation);
            console.log("d / c < .95 => %e / %e = %e", debtAfterSecondLiquidation,collAfterSecondLiquidation, ratioAfterSecondLiquidation);
            console.log("ratio < 0.95 => %e < %e => %s", ratioAfterSecondLiquidation, 0.95e18, ratioAfterSecondLiquidation < 0.95e18);
            console.log("alice HF after second liquidation: %e", healthFactorAfterSecondLiquidation);
            console.log("Total amount liquidated: %e\n", balanceAfterSecondLiquidation-balanceBefore);
            pool.liquidateSimple(address(tokenA), address(tokenB), pos, 10000e18);
            uint256 balanceAfterThirdLiquidation = tokenA.balanceOf(bob);
            (uint256 collAfterThirdLiquidation,uint256 debtAfterThirdLiquidation,,,,uint256 healthFactorAfterThirdLiquidation) = pool.getUserAccountData(address(nftPositionManager), 1);
            uint256 ratioAfterThirdLiquidation = debtAfterThirdLiquidation*1e18/collAfterThirdLiquidation;
            console.log("bad debt: %s", collAfterThirdLiquidation < debtAfterThirdLiquidation);
            console.log("d / c < .95 => %e / %e = %e", debtAfterThirdLiquidation,collAfterThirdLiquidation, ratioAfterThirdLiquidation);
            console.log("ratio < 0.95 => %e < %e => %s", ratioAfterThirdLiquidation, 0.95e18, ratioAfterThirdLiquidation < 0.95e18);
            console.log("alice HF after second liquidation: %e", healthFactorAfterThirdLiquidation);
            console.log("Total amount liquidated: %e\n", balanceAfterThirdLiquidation-balanceBefore);

Logs: d / c < .95 => 7.5e10 / 7.8e10 = 9.61538461538461538e17 ratio < 0.95 => 9.61538461538461538e17 < 9.5e17 => false alice HF before any liquidations: 9.88e17

bad debt: false d / c < .95 => 3.75e10 / 3.8625e10 = 9.7087378640776699e17 ratio < 0.95 => 9.7087378640776699e17 < 9.5e17 => false alice HF after first liquidation: 9.785e17 Total amount liquidated: 5.04807692307692307692e20

bad debt: false d / c < .95 => 1.875e10 / 1.89375e10 = 9.90099009900990099e17 ratio < 0.95 => 9.90099009900990099e17 < 9.5e17 => false alice HF after second liquidation: 9.595e17 Total amount liquidated: 7.57211538461538461538e20

bad debt: true d / c < .95 => 9.375e9 / 9.09375e9 = 1.030927835051546391e18 ratio < 0.95 => 1.030927835051546391e18 < 9.5e17 => false alice HF after second liquidation: 9.215e17 Total amount liquidated: 8.8341346153846153846e20

The test shows how after subsequent liquidations, the health factor fails to improve after several liquidations. The position is both unhealthier after each liquidation, and the user is being liquidated beyond 50% of their debt when their HF > 0.95. Eventually, after the 3rd liquidation the protocol is left with bad debt (collateral < debt)


Do not allow partial liquidations when the inequality is unfavorable. Consider disallowing liquidations if they decrease the health factor.

aliX40 commented 2 weeks ago

Design Decision\Invalid: This exactly the way it is expected to work as it is implemented exactly the same way in Aave

It is stated in the Readme, that this is an aave fork. The liquidation will also be handled through the same liquidation bots as in Aave

Are there any off-chain mechanisms or off-chain procedures for the protocol (keeper bots, arbitrage bots, etc.)? There are liquidation bots that run off-chain to execute liquidations similar to how liquidations work on Aave.

obou07 commented 2 weeks ago

escalate per comment

sherlock-admin3 commented 2 weeks ago

escalate per comment

You've created a valid escalation!

To remove the escalation from consideration: Delete your comment.

You may delete or edit your escalation comment anytime before the 48-hour escalation window closes. After that, the escalation becomes final.

talllo commented 1 week ago

This codebase being a fork of AAVE does not mean this issue is an intentional design choice by ZeroLend due to the following reasons:

  1. ZeroLend, and even AAVE could still be unaware of this particular edge case. Even if AAVE is aware of this edge case and accepts this risk as valid, this does not mean that ZeroLend also accepts this risk.
  2. There exists a valid remediation of the issue that doesn't involve a substantial codebase redesign

Here is a report from Inverse Finance which argues for a non-constant liquidation incentive as a solution to this issue:

To prevent this exploit we have to make the incentive non-constant, such that the incentive cannot pay more than the loss of the excess collateral. The incentive may be limited to only pay for the part of the liquidation that doesn't bring the debt over the collateral. This may be implemented such that if the debt is critically collateralized the liquidator effectively liquidates with incentive only until the debt equals the collateral, and thereafter the rest is just liquidated without incentive. Note that this still means debts can be critically collateralized, which means that they will be completely liquidated (regardless of the liquidation factor).

Likewise, the same escalation argument could be brought against issues like #275 of which we both submitted as valid issues even though the same issue also exists in AAVE.