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hyh - NFTPositionManager's `repay()` and `repayETH()` are unavailable unless preceded atomically by an accounting updating operation #467

Open sherlock-admin4 opened 1 month ago

sherlock-admin4 commented 1 month ago



NFTPositionManager's repay() and repayETH() are unavailable unless preceded atomically by an accounting updating operation


The check in _repay() cannot be satisfied if pool state was not already updated by some other operation in the same block. This makes any standalone repay() and repayETH() calls revert, i.e. core repaying functionality can frequently be unavailable for end users since it's not packed with anything by default in production usage

Root Cause

Pool state wasn't updated before previousDebtBalance was set:


  /// @inheritdoc INFTPositionManager
  function repay(AssetOperationParams memory params) external {
    if (params.asset == address(0)) revert NFTErrorsLib.ZeroAddressNotAllowed();
    IERC20Upgradeable(params.asset).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), params.amount);
>>  _repay(params);

  /// @inheritdoc INFTPositionManager
  function repayETH(AssetOperationParams memory params) external payable {
    params.asset = address(weth);
    if (msg.value != params.amount) revert NFTErrorsLib.UnequalAmountNotAllowed();
    weth.deposit{value: params.amount}();
>>  _repay(params);


  function _repay(AssetOperationParams memory params) internal nonReentrant {
    if (params.amount == 0) revert NFTErrorsLib.ZeroValueNotAllowed();
    if (params.tokenId == 0) {
      if (msg.sender != _ownerOf(_nextId - 1)) revert NFTErrorsLib.NotTokenIdOwner();
      params.tokenId = _nextId - 1;

    Position memory userPosition = _positions[params.tokenId];

    IPool pool = IPool(userPosition.pool);
    IERC20 asset = IERC20(params.asset);

    asset.forceApprove(userPosition.pool, params.amount);

>>  uint256 previousDebtBalance = pool.getDebt(params.asset, address(this), params.tokenId);
    DataTypes.SharesType memory repaid = pool.repay(params.asset, params.amount, params.tokenId,;
>>  uint256 currentDebtBalance = pool.getDebt(params.asset, address(this), params.tokenId);


  function getDebt(address asset, address who, uint256 index) external view returns (uint256 debt) {
    bytes32 positionId = who.getPositionId(index);
>>  return _balances[asset][positionId].getDebtBalance(_reserves[asset].borrowIndex);

But it was updated in pool.repay() before repayment workflow altered the state:


  function executeRepay(
  ) external returns (DataTypes.SharesType memory payback) {
    DataTypes.ReserveCache memory cache = reserve.cache(totalSupplies);
>>  reserve.updateState(params.reserveFactor, cache);


  function updateState(DataTypes.ReserveData storage self, uint256 _reserveFactor, DataTypes.ReserveCache memory _cache) internal {
    // If time didn't pass since last stored timestamp, skip state update
    if (self.lastUpdateTimestamp == uint40(block.timestamp)) return;

>>  _updateIndexes(self, _cache);
    _accrueToTreasury(_reserveFactor, self, _cache);

    self.lastUpdateTimestamp = uint40(block.timestamp);


  function _updateIndexes(DataTypes.ReserveData storage _reserve, DataTypes.ReserveCache memory _cache) internal {
    if (_cache.currDebtShares != 0) {
      uint256 cumulatedBorrowInterest = MathUtils.calculateCompoundedInterest(_cache.currBorrowRate, _cache.reserveLastUpdateTimestamp);
      _cache.nextBorrowIndex = cumulatedBorrowInterest.rayMul(_cache.currBorrowIndex).toUint128();
>>    _reserve.borrowIndex = _cache.nextBorrowIndex;

This way the previousDebtBalance - currentDebtBalance consists of state change due to the passage of time since last update and state change due to repayment:


  function _repay(AssetOperationParams memory params) internal nonReentrant {
    if (params.amount == 0) revert NFTErrorsLib.ZeroValueNotAllowed();
    if (params.tokenId == 0) {
      if (msg.sender != _ownerOf(_nextId - 1)) revert NFTErrorsLib.NotTokenIdOwner();
      params.tokenId = _nextId - 1;

    Position memory userPosition = _positions[params.tokenId];

    IPool pool = IPool(userPosition.pool);
    IERC20 asset = IERC20(params.asset);

    asset.forceApprove(userPosition.pool, params.amount);

    uint256 previousDebtBalance = pool.getDebt(params.asset, address(this), params.tokenId);
    DataTypes.SharesType memory repaid = pool.repay(params.asset, params.amount, params.tokenId,;
    uint256 currentDebtBalance = pool.getDebt(params.asset, address(this), params.tokenId);

>>  if (previousDebtBalance - currentDebtBalance != repaid.assets) {
      revert NFTErrorsLib.BalanceMisMatch();

previousDebtBalance can be stale and, in general, it is previousDebtBalance - currentDebtBalance = (actualPreviousDebtBalance - currentDebtBalance) - (actualPreviousDebtBalance - previousDebtBalance) = repaid.assets - {debt growth due to passage of time since last update} < repaid.assets, where actualPreviousDebtBalance is pool.getDebt() result after reserve.updateState(), but before repayment

Internal pre-conditions

Interest rate and debt are positive, so there is some interest accrual happens over time. This is normal (going concern) state of any pool

External pre-conditions

No other state updating operations were run since the last block

Attack Path

No direct attack needed in this case, a protocol malfunction causes loss to some users


Core system functionality, repay() and repayETH(), are unavailable whenever aren't grouped with other state updating calls, which is most of the times in terms of the typical end user interactions. Since the operation is time sensitive and is typically run by end users directly, this means that there is a substantial probability that unavailability in this case leads to losses, e.g. a material share of NFTPositionManager users cannot repay in time and end up being liquidated as a direct consequence of the issue (i.e. there are other ways to meet the risk, but time and investigational effort are needed, while liquidations will not wait).

Overall probability is medium: interest accrues almost always and most operations are stand alone (cumulatively high probability) and repay is frequently enough called close to liquidation (medium probability). Overall impact is high: loss is deterministic on liquidation, is equal to liquidation penalty and can be substantial in absolute terms for big positions. The overall severity is high


A user wants and can repay the debt that is about to be liquidated, but all the repayment transactions revert, being done straightforwardly at a stand alone basis, meanwhile the position is liquidated, bearing the corresponding penalty as net loss


Consider adding direct reserve update before reading from the state, e.g.:


+   pool.forceUpdateReserve(params.asset);
    uint256 previousDebtBalance = pool.getDebt(params.asset, address(this), params.tokenId);
0xjuaan commented 3 weeks ago

shouldn't this be high severity because the only way to retrieve the stuck funds would be for each individual user to somehow atomically update the interest rate before repayment?

Haxatron commented 3 weeks ago


Final time to use this

sherlock-admin3 commented 3 weeks ago


Final time to use this

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cvetanovv commented 1 week ago

This is the High severity rule:

Definite loss of funds without (extensive) limitations of external conditions. The loss of the affected party must exceed 1%.


Causes a loss of funds but requires certain external conditions or specific states, or a loss is highly constrained. The loss of the affected party must exceed 0.01% and 10 USD. Breaks core contract functionality, rendering the contract useless or leading to loss of funds of the affected party larger than 0.01% and 10 USD.

We can see that in this issue, we have no loss of funds without any constrains.

The main impact is that the repay() functionality may not work in certain circumstances, and more matches the rule for Medium severity. : Breaks core contract functionality, rendering the contract useless or leading to loss of funds of the affected party.

Planning to reject the escalation and leave the issue as is.

0xjuaan commented 1 week ago


The reason why it's high severity is that the user will not be able to withdraw a certain amount of collateral, since they cant repay.

Lets say they deposit $100 and borrow $80. (LTV is 80%)

Now they cant repay the $80, so their $100 is stuck forever. So they effectively lost $20.

DemoreXTess commented 1 week ago

@0xjuaan How it's stuck I don't understand ? It will revert after if statement.

0xjuaan commented 1 week ago

@DemoreXTess repayment reverts, so they cant withdraw their collateral (they need to repay debt in order to withdraw collateral), so they lose funds since collateral value > debt value

iamnmt commented 1 week ago

I believe this issue is low severity.

The user can call pool.forceUpdateReserve before repay and repayETH to update the borrowIndex, and then the repayment will not revert. If the user fails to do so, then it is a user mistake.

cvetanovv commented 1 week ago

As I wrote in my previous comment repay() and repayETH() do not work as they should. This is the main impact and because of this, I classify this issue as Medium severity. We have broken functionality.

My decision to reject the escalation remains.

WangSecurity commented 1 week ago

Result: Medium Has duplicates

sherlock-admin4 commented 1 week ago

Escalations have been resolved successfully!

Escalation status: