sherlock-audit / 2024-06-new-scope-judging

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0xc0ffEE - Vault protocol fees can be bypassed when removing markets #68

Closed sherlock-admin4 closed 1 month ago

sherlock-admin4 commented 1 month ago



Vault protocol fees can be bypassed when removing markets


When the market is removed/disabled, the total last asset is not deducted, causing the next action can not accrue protocol fees

Root Cause

The function CuratedVault#updateWithdrawQueue() allows allocators to update queue orders and to remove markets which is proposed to be removed. However the function does not deduct totalLastAsset, which tracks the total asset currently controlled by the vault. And at the next vault action, totalLastAsset > currentTotalAssets (current total asset only accounts for assets supplied to the markets in the withdraw queue) which behaves that vault does not have interest. => Protocol fees is bypassed and totalLastAsset is set to currentTotalAssets

Internal pre-conditions

  1. Assets are supplied to the market ( with amount > 0 )
  2. Lenders do not withdraw all supplies from the market
  3. Allocator proposes to remove the market without considering the supplied assets

External pre-conditions

  1. The supplied market has interest accrued

Attack Path

  1. The market is set in supply queue
  2. Lenders supply to the market by depositing to the vault
  3. Interest accrued for the market
  4. Allocator sets market cap to zero
  5. Allocator submits to remove the market
  6. Allocator updates withdraw queue to completely remove the market
  7. Any vault actions could be done but the protocol fee is not accrued


Protocol fees is bypassed


Add this test to the test file test/vaults/ERC4626Test.sol

  function test_marketRemove() public {
    // creating a market with interest
    _setCap(allMarkets[0], 50 ether);

    IPool[] memory supplyQueue = new IPool[](1);
    supplyQueue[0] = allMarkets[0];, 100 ether);


    vault.deposit(20 ether, supplier);
    vm.stopPrank();, 200 ether);

    allMarkets[0].supplySimple(address(loanToken), supplier, 10 ether, 0);

    allMarkets[0].supplySimple(address(collateralToken), borrower, 10 ether, 0);
    allMarkets[0].borrowSimple(address(loanToken), borrower, 5 ether, 0);

    skip(5 days);
    loanToken.approve(address(allMarkets[0]), 1000 ether);
    allMarkets[0].repaySimple(address(loanToken), 5 ether, 0);

    // remove market
    vault.submitCap(allMarkets[0], 0);


    uint256[] memory indexes = new uint256[](1);
    indexes[0] = 0;
    uint256 lastTotalAsset1 = vault.lastTotalAssets();
    uint256 lastTotalAsset2 = vault.lastTotalAssets();
    assertEq(lastTotalAsset1, lastTotalAsset2); // total last asset does not change

    _setCap(vault.supplyQueue(0), 50 ether);, 30 ether);

    uint feeShare = vault.balanceOf(feeRecipient);
    vault.deposit(10 ether, supplier);
    assertEq(feeShare, vault.balanceOf(feeRecipient));

Run the test test_marketRemove and the console shows:

Ran 1 test for test/forge/core/vaults/ERC4626Test.sol:ERC4626Test
[PASS] test_marketRemove() (gas: 1236524)


Deduct lastTotalAssets by the total amount supplied to the market to be removed

Duplicate of #448

sherlock-admin3 commented 1 month ago

2 comment(s) were left on this issue during the judging contest.

Nihavent commented:

This was acknowledged as a known issue in the natspec

Honour commented:

might require sponsor input. Invalid: for the following reasons. 1. Updating withdraw queue should not decrease total assets as this would directly impact depositors(i.e loss of funds) so we can assume pools removed are empty or their funds & accrued interest have been reallocated via reallocate. 2. updating withdraw queue is an admin operation