sherlock-audit / 2024-06-symmetrical-update-2-judging

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xiaoming90 - Suspended bridge transactions cannot be restored #9

Open sherlock-admin4 opened 2 weeks ago

sherlock-admin4 commented 2 weeks ago



Suspended bridge transactions cannot be restored


Suspended bridge transactions cannot be restored. As a result, the assets will be stuck, and bridge service providers cannot reclaim the assets they have transferred to the users from the protocol.

Vulnerability Detail

In Line 90 below, when restoring the bridge transaction, the invalid assets will be deposited into the account of bridgeLayout.invalidBridgedAmountsPool. These invalid assets can be withdrawn from this account/pool at a later time.

Per Line 88 below, if the bridgeLayout.invalidBridgedAmountsPool is zero, the restoreBridgeTransaction transaction will revert.

However, within the codebase, there is no way to update the bridgeLayout.invalidBridgedAmountsPool value. Thus, the bridgeLayout.invalidBridgedAmountsPool will always be zero. The restoreBridgeTransaction transaction will always revert and there is no way to restore a suspended bridge transaction. As a result, the assets will be stuck, and bridge service providers will not be able to reclaim the assets they have transferred to the users from the protocol.

File: BridgeFacetImpl.sol
83:     function restoreBridgeTransaction(uint256 transactionId, uint256 validAmount) internal {
84:         BridgeStorage.Layout storage bridgeLayout = BridgeStorage.layout();
85:         BridgeTransaction storage bridgeTransaction = bridgeLayout.bridgeTransactions[transactionId];
87:         require(bridgeTransaction.status == BridgeTransactionStatus.SUSPENDED, "BridgeFacet: Invalid status");
88:         require(bridgeLayout.invalidBridgedAmountsPool != address(0), "BridgeFacet: Zero address");
90:         AccountStorage.layout().balances[bridgeLayout.invalidBridgedAmountsPool] += (bridgeTransaction.amount - validAmount);
91:         bridgeTransaction.status = BridgeTransactionStatus.RECEIVED;
92:         bridgeTransaction.amount = validAmount;
93:     }


Loss of assets. The assets will be stuck, and bridge service providers cannot reclaim the assets they have transferred to the users from the protocol.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Implement a setter function for the invalidBridgedAmountsPool variable.

+ function updateInvalidBridgedAmountsPool(address poolAddress) external onlyRole(LibAccessibility.DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE) {
+  BridgeStorage.layout().invalidBridgedAmountsPool = poolAddress;
+ }
sherlock-admin2 commented 1 week ago

The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits:

sherlock-admin2 commented 3 days ago

The Lead Senior Watson signed off on the fix.