sherlock-audit / 2024-06-velocimeter-judging

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dandan - Voting power does not decay when calculating shares of flow emissions if the user does not vote again. #171

Open sherlock-admin4 opened 1 month ago

sherlock-admin4 commented 1 month ago



Voting power does not decay when calculating shares of flow emissions if the user does not vote again.


Voting power does not decay when calculating shares of flow emissions earned by a pool/gauge, if the user does not vote again. The votes are still counted, but assigned too much power.

Vulnerability Detail

The documentation linked in the README states that voting power should decay linearly based on time to unlock. However, this decay is not taken into account when calculating shares of flow emissions in Voter._updateFor() if the user does not call again. Their votes are still counted, but with the weights unchanged.

This leads to an unfair distribution of weekly emissions and a loss of funds for the liquidity providers who do not get their fair share.


Liquidity providers does not get their fair share of weekly emissions.

Proof of Concept

Copy this to a new file anywhere within v4-contracts/test and run it with forge test --match-contract "NoVoteNoDecay"

Note: In this example, Bob votes for the same pool twice, to clearly show that the rewards are skewed. Hopefully it is clear from the description above and the code snippets below, that the result is the same, if he changes his vote to another pool/other pools.

Coded PoC ```solidity pragma solidity ^0.8.0; import "forge-std/Test.sol"; import "lib/solmate/src/tokens/ERC20.sol"; import "lib/solmate/src/tokens/WETH.sol"; import "contracts/factories/PairFactory.sol"; import "contracts/factories/GaugeFactoryV4.sol"; import "contracts/factories/BribeFactory.sol"; import "contracts/Router.sol"; import "contracts/VotingEscrow.sol"; import "contracts/Voter.sol"; import "contracts/Pair.sol"; import "contracts/GaugeV4.sol"; import "contracts/Flow.sol"; import "contracts/RewardsDistributorV2.sol"; import "contracts/Minter.sol"; import "contracts/OptionTokenV4.sol"; import "contracts/interfaces/IERC20.sol"; contract Token is ERC20 { constructor( string memory _name, string memory _symbol, uint8 _decimals ) ERC20(_name, _symbol, _decimals) {} function mint(address to, uint amount) public { _mint(to, amount); } } contract NoVoteNoDecayTest is Test { address DEPLOYER = address(uint160(uint(keccak256("DEPLOYER")))); address ALICE = address(uint160(uint(keccak256("ALICE")))); address BOB = address(uint160(uint(keccak256("BOB")))); Flow flow; OptionTokenV4 oFlow; WETH weth; Pair flowWethPair; Token tokenA; Token tokenB; Pair pairA; Pair pairB; GaugeV4 gaugeA; GaugeV4 gaugeB; PairFactory pairFactory; Router router; VotingEscrow votingEscrow; Voter voter; Minter minter; function setUp() public {, 100 ether);, 100 ether);, 100 ether); vm.startPrank(DEPLOYER); flow = new Flow(DEPLOYER, 1e21); weth = new WETH(); pairFactory = new PairFactory(); GaugeFactoryV4 gaugeFactory = new GaugeFactoryV4(); router = new Router(address(pairFactory), address(weth)); _addFlowWethLiquidity(1e18, DEPLOYER); flowWethPair = Pair( pairFactory.getPair(address(flow), address(weth), false) ); votingEscrow = new VotingEscrow( address(flow), address(flowWethPair), address(0), address(0) ); voter = new Voter( address(votingEscrow), address(pairFactory), address(gaugeFactory), address(new BribeFactory()), address(0) ); votingEscrow.setVoter(address(voter)); pairFactory.setVoter(address(voter)); RewardsDistributorV2 rewardsDistributorFlow = new RewardsDistributorV2( address(votingEscrow), address(flow) ); minter = new Minter( address(voter), address(votingEscrow), address(rewardsDistributorFlow) ); rewardsDistributorFlow.setDepositor(address(minter)); address[] memory whitelistedTokens = new address[](1); whitelistedTokens[0] = address(flow); voter.initialize(whitelistedTokens, address(minter)); flow.setMinter(address(minter)); minter.startActivePeriod(); oFlow = new OptionTokenV4( "Option to buy Flow", "oFlow", DEPLOYER, address(flow), DEPLOYER, address(voter), address(router), true, false, false, 0 ); oFlow.setPairAndPaymentToken(flowWethPair, address(weth)); oFlow.grantRole(oFlow.ADMIN_ROLE(), address(gaugeFactory)); gaugeFactory.setOFlow(address(oFlow)); tokenA = new Token("Token A", "A", 18); tokenB = new Token("Token B", "B", 18);, 1e19);, 1e19); pairA = Pair( pairFactory.createPair(address(flow), address(tokenA), false) ); pairB = Pair( pairFactory.createPair(address(flow), address(tokenB), false) ); gaugeA = GaugeV4(voter.createGauge(address(pairA), 0)); gaugeB = GaugeV4(voter.createGauge(address(pairB), 0)); flow.transfer(ALICE, 1e20); flow.transfer(BOB, 1e20); vm.stopPrank(); } function _addFlowWethLiquidity(uint amount, address to) internal { flow.approve(address(router), amount); router.addLiquidityETH{value: amount}( address(flow), false, amount, 0, 0, to, block.timestamp ); } function _addFlowWethLiquidityAndMaxLock(uint amount, address to) internal { _addFlowWethLiquidity(1e18, to); flowWethPair.approve(address(votingEscrow), 1e18); votingEscrow.create_lock(1e18, 52 weeks); } function testNoVoteNoDecay() public { // Alice and Bob both lock 1e18 lp tokens for 52 weeks vm.startPrank(ALICE); _addFlowWethLiquidityAndMaxLock(1e18, ALICE); vm.stopPrank(); vm.startPrank(BOB); _addFlowWethLiquidityAndMaxLock(1e18, BOB); vm.stopPrank(); // Alice owns token 1 assertEq(votingEscrow.ownerOf(1), ALICE); // Bob owns token 2 assertEq(votingEscrow.ownerOf(2), BOB); vm.warp(block.timestamp + 1 weeks); address[] memory alicePools = new address[](1); address[] memory bobPools = new address[](1); uint[] memory weights = new uint[](1); alicePools[0] = address(pairA); bobPools[0] = address(pairB); weights[0] = 1; // Alice votes for pairA vm.prank(ALICE);, alicePools, weights); // Bob votes for pairB vm.prank(BOB);, bobPools, weights); vm.warp(block.timestamp + 1 weeks); voter.distribute(); // Both gauges receive the same share of emissions assertEq( flow.balanceOf(address(gaugeA)), flow.balanceOf(address(gaugeB)) ); // Bob votes again vm.prank(BOB);, bobPools, weights); (int128 aliceLockedAmount, uint aliceLockedEnd) = votingEscrow.locked( 1 ); (int128 bobLockedAmount, uint bobLockedEnd) = votingEscrow.locked(2); // They both still have the same amount of locked lp tokens with the same lock duration assertEq(aliceLockedAmount, bobLockedAmount); assertEq(aliceLockedEnd, bobLockedEnd); vm.warp(block.timestamp + 1 weeks); voter.distribute(); // gaugeA receives a larger amount of emissions, as only Bob's voting power has decayed assertGt( flow.balanceOf(address(gaugeA)), flow.balanceOf(address(gaugeB)) + 1e19 // adding 1e19 to emphasize, that it is not just a rounding error ); } } ```

Code Snippet calls Voter._vote, which updates weights[_pool]. This is where the calculation of the voting power based on time to unlock happens.

Voter._updateFor() uses weights[_pool] to calculate the share of emissions earned by the pool/gauge. The user's contribution to weights[_pool] remains unchanged until the user calls Voter.reset or

Tool used

Manual Review



  1. Count votes per epoch, so users are forced to vote again every week.
  2. Calculate shares of emissions similarly to the logic in RewardsDistributorV2 using bias and slope.
nevillehuang commented 1 month ago

request poc,

Likely invalid, wouldn't anybody/admin simply poke user votes at anytime to update?

Sponsor comments:

poke is not required for rewards distributors as it is using snapshots and have decay calculated there

sherlock-admin4 commented 1 month ago

PoC requested from @dantastisk

Requests remaining: 26

dantastisk commented 1 month ago

The sponsor comment is correct for weth rewarded from exercising oFlow and flow rewarded from emissions to the flow/weth gauge.

This issue, however, is talking about the oFlow emitted to all other gauges, and these are NOT handled by a reward distributor, but are distributed to the gauges directly from the Voter contract. I am sorry if this was not clear.

As for your question @nevillehuang, poking is not permissionless, and can only be done by the owner themselves, an address approved by the owner or the admins.

There is no mention anywhere of the admins poking on behalf of users. This could be a possible solution to the problem, but it would have to be done right before epoch change as users would not be able to change their votes in the same epoch. I would still recommend one of my proposed solutions over this one.

There is a coded PoC in the original submission:

Coded PoC ```solidity pragma solidity ^0.8.0; import "forge-std/Test.sol"; import "lib/solmate/src/tokens/ERC20.sol"; import "lib/solmate/src/tokens/WETH.sol"; import "contracts/factories/PairFactory.sol"; import "contracts/factories/GaugeFactoryV4.sol"; import "contracts/factories/BribeFactory.sol"; import "contracts/Router.sol"; import "contracts/VotingEscrow.sol"; import "contracts/Voter.sol"; import "contracts/Pair.sol"; import "contracts/GaugeV4.sol"; import "contracts/Flow.sol"; import "contracts/RewardsDistributorV2.sol"; import "contracts/Minter.sol"; import "contracts/OptionTokenV4.sol"; import "contracts/interfaces/IERC20.sol"; contract Token is ERC20 { constructor( string memory _name, string memory _symbol, uint8 _decimals ) ERC20(_name, _symbol, _decimals) {} function mint(address to, uint amount) public { _mint(to, amount); } } contract NoVoteNoDecayTest is Test { address DEPLOYER = address(uint160(uint(keccak256("DEPLOYER")))); address ALICE = address(uint160(uint(keccak256("ALICE")))); address BOB = address(uint160(uint(keccak256("BOB")))); Flow flow; OptionTokenV4 oFlow; WETH weth; Pair flowWethPair; Token tokenA; Token tokenB; Pair pairA; Pair pairB; GaugeV4 gaugeA; GaugeV4 gaugeB; PairFactory pairFactory; Router router; VotingEscrow votingEscrow; Voter voter; Minter minter; function setUp() public {, 100 ether);, 100 ether);, 100 ether); vm.startPrank(DEPLOYER); flow = new Flow(DEPLOYER, 1e21); weth = new WETH(); pairFactory = new PairFactory(); GaugeFactoryV4 gaugeFactory = new GaugeFactoryV4(); router = new Router(address(pairFactory), address(weth)); _addFlowWethLiquidity(1e18, DEPLOYER); flowWethPair = Pair( pairFactory.getPair(address(flow), address(weth), false) ); votingEscrow = new VotingEscrow( address(flow), address(flowWethPair), address(0), address(0) ); voter = new Voter( address(votingEscrow), address(pairFactory), address(gaugeFactory), address(new BribeFactory()), address(0) ); votingEscrow.setVoter(address(voter)); pairFactory.setVoter(address(voter)); RewardsDistributorV2 rewardsDistributorFlow = new RewardsDistributorV2( address(votingEscrow), address(flow) ); minter = new Minter( address(voter), address(votingEscrow), address(rewardsDistributorFlow) ); rewardsDistributorFlow.setDepositor(address(minter)); address[] memory whitelistedTokens = new address[](1); whitelistedTokens[0] = address(flow); voter.initialize(whitelistedTokens, address(minter)); flow.setMinter(address(minter)); minter.startActivePeriod(); oFlow = new OptionTokenV4( "Option to buy Flow", "oFlow", DEPLOYER, address(flow), DEPLOYER, address(voter), address(router), true, false, false, 0 ); oFlow.setPairAndPaymentToken(flowWethPair, address(weth)); oFlow.grantRole(oFlow.ADMIN_ROLE(), address(gaugeFactory)); gaugeFactory.setOFlow(address(oFlow)); tokenA = new Token("Token A", "A", 18); tokenB = new Token("Token B", "B", 18);, 1e19);, 1e19); pairA = Pair( pairFactory.createPair(address(flow), address(tokenA), false) ); pairB = Pair( pairFactory.createPair(address(flow), address(tokenB), false) ); gaugeA = GaugeV4(voter.createGauge(address(pairA), 0)); gaugeB = GaugeV4(voter.createGauge(address(pairB), 0)); flow.transfer(ALICE, 1e20); flow.transfer(BOB, 1e20); vm.stopPrank(); } function _addFlowWethLiquidity(uint amount, address to) internal { flow.approve(address(router), amount); router.addLiquidityETH{value: amount}( address(flow), false, amount, 0, 0, to, block.timestamp ); } function _addFlowWethLiquidityAndMaxLock(uint amount, address to) internal { _addFlowWethLiquidity(1e18, to); flowWethPair.approve(address(votingEscrow), 1e18); votingEscrow.create_lock(1e18, 52 weeks); } function testNoVoteNoDecay() public { // Alice and Bob both lock 1e18 lp tokens for 52 weeks vm.startPrank(ALICE); _addFlowWethLiquidityAndMaxLock(1e18, ALICE); vm.stopPrank(); vm.startPrank(BOB); _addFlowWethLiquidityAndMaxLock(1e18, BOB); vm.stopPrank(); // Alice owns token 1 assertEq(votingEscrow.ownerOf(1), ALICE); // Bob owns token 2 assertEq(votingEscrow.ownerOf(2), BOB); vm.warp(block.timestamp + 1 weeks); address[] memory alicePools = new address[](1); address[] memory bobPools = new address[](1); uint[] memory weights = new uint[](1); alicePools[0] = address(pairA); bobPools[0] = address(pairB); weights[0] = 1; // Alice votes for pairA vm.prank(ALICE);, alicePools, weights); // Bob votes for pairB vm.prank(BOB);, bobPools, weights); vm.warp(block.timestamp + 1 weeks); voter.distribute(); // Both gauges receive the same share of emissions assertEq( flow.balanceOf(address(gaugeA)), flow.balanceOf(address(gaugeB)) ); // Bob votes again vm.prank(BOB);, bobPools, weights); (int128 aliceLockedAmount, uint aliceLockedEnd) = votingEscrow.locked( 1 ); (int128 bobLockedAmount, uint bobLockedEnd) = votingEscrow.locked(2); // They both still have the same amount of locked lp tokens with the same lock duration assertEq(aliceLockedAmount, bobLockedAmount); assertEq(aliceLockedEnd, bobLockedEnd); vm.warp(block.timestamp + 1 weeks); voter.distribute(); // gaugeA receives a larger amount of emissions, as only Bob's voting power has decayed assertGt( flow.balanceOf(address(gaugeA)), flow.balanceOf(address(gaugeB)) + 1e19 // adding 1e19 to emphasize, that it is not just a rounding error ); } } ```

This PoC shows that already after 1 week the emissions are skewed in favor of gaugeA. If you wish, I can extend it to show that after 52 weeks, gaugeA would receive 52 times the amount of oFlow as gaugeB, despite both ostensibly receiving the same amount of voting power.

I would also like to add that I believe at least some of the duplicates are incorrectly marked as such.

For example and only discusses the reward distributors, which are not affected by this, as mentioned in the sponsor comment.

nevillehuang commented 1 month ago

@dantastisk Could you point me to where is it indicated that oFlow tokens will be emitted as reward tokens to other gauges? My understanding is oFlow will only be minted directly in gauges, not transferred, and if other oTokens are to be supported, new gauges will be created

CC: @dawiddrzala Could you verify if my understanding is correct?

dantastisk commented 1 month ago

@nevillehuang Every epoch Voter.distribute (permissionlessly) gets called for every gauge. This calls Minter.update_period and the first call to this every epoch will calculate the amount of weekly emissions, mint this amount in flow and transfer it to the Voter contract.

Voter.distribute then calls Voter._updateFor with the gauge address to calculate the share of the weekly emission earned by the gauge. This amount is then transferred to the gauge through a call to IGauge.notifyRewardAmount. ProxyGauge is used for the weth/flow gauge, GaugeV4 is used for all other gauges. The weth/flow gauge then forwards this amount to the flow rewardDistributor, where it can be claimed.

For all other gauges the reward is claimed directly on the gauge by calling GaugeV4.getReward. This function mints oFlow for the liquidity provider by transferring the flow received from the Voter contract.

So, you are correct that oFlow will be minted in the gauge, but the amount minted is equal to the amount of flow received from the Voter contract.

0xklapouchy commented 1 month ago


Invalid issue.

It is mitigated by the poke() function. (It should be permissionless, but even if controlled by an admin, this is a way to decay voting power.)

Only valid issues are those indicating how the poke() function can be DoSed. Therefore, #55, #208, and its duplicates.

Audinarey commented 1 month ago


Invalid issue.

It is mitigated by the poke() function. (It should be permissionless, but even if controlled by an admin, this is a way to decay voting power.)

Only valid issues are those indicating how the poke() function can be DoSed. Therefore, #55, #208, and its duplicates.

@0xklapouchy I think you have made this comment on the wrong issue.

Please crosscheck

sherlock-admin2 commented 1 month ago

The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits:

sherlock-admin2 commented 2 weeks ago

The Lead Senior Watson signed off on the fix.