sherlock-audit / 2024-06-velocimeter-judging

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jennifer37 - swap may be reverted if the input amount is not large enough, especially for low decimal tokens #52

Open sherlock-admin2 opened 3 months ago

sherlock-admin2 commented 3 months ago



swap may be reverted if the input amount is not large enough, especially for low decimal tokens


The swap fees will be sent to the externalBribe. If the calculated swap fee is round down to zero, possible in low decimal tokens, the swap transaction will be reverted because externalBribe does not accept 0 fee.

Vulnerability Detail

In swap(), the swap fees will be calculated based on the token's input amount. If the pool has one gauge, the swap fees will be sent to the externalBribe::notifyRewardAmount(). The vulnerability is that function notifyRewardAmount will be reverted if the fee amount is zero and the pool contract will send the swap fee if the inputAmount is larger than 0. So if the amount0In or amount1In is larger than 0 and the calculated swap fee is 0, the swap will be reverted.

The above scenario is unlikely triggered when the input token's decimal is high, for example 18. But when it comes to low decimal, it's possible. For example: GUSD, as one stable coin, it's decimal is 2. Checking the default swap fee ratio from the pariFactory, the default stable pool's swap fee ratio is 0.03%. Imagine we swap 30 dollar GUSD(3000GUSD) into another token, the swap fee will be zero.

    function swap(uint amount0Out, uint amount1Out, address to, bytes calldata data) external lock {
        if (hasGauge){
            if (amount0In != 0) _sendTokenFees(token0, fee0);
            if (amount1In != 0) _sendTokenFees(token1, fee1);
    function notifyRewardAmount(address token, uint amount) external lock {
        require(amount > 0);
contract PairFactory is IPairFactory, Ownable {

    constructor() {
        stableFee = 3; // 0.03%
        volatileFee = 25; // 0.25%
        deployer = msg.sender;


Add the below test case into FeesToBribes.t.sol. The test case will be reverted.

    function testSwapAndClaimFees() public {
        vm.warp(block.timestamp + 1 weeks);

        voter.createGauge(address(pair), 0);
        address gaugeAddress = voter.gauges(address(pair));
        address xBribeAddress = voter.external_bribes(gaugeAddress);
        xbribe = ExternalBribe(xBribeAddress);

        Router.route[] memory routes = new Router.route[](1);
        routes[0] = Router.route(address(USDC), address(FRAX), true);

            router.getAmountsOut(USDC_1, routes)[1],
            pair.getAmountOut(USDC_1, address(USDC))

        uint256[] memory assertedOutput = router.getAmountsOut(3e3, routes);
        console.log("USDC Amount: ", USDC_1);
        USDC.approve(address(router), USDC_1);


Pools with low decimal tokens may be reverted if the swap amount is not large enough.

Code Snippet

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Manual Review


If the calculated fee is 0, do not need to send fees to the externalBribe

sherlock-admin2 commented 2 months ago

The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits:

spacegliderrrr commented 1 month ago

Fix looks good. Contract now checks if amount > 0 before calling notifyRewardAmount

sherlock-admin2 commented 1 month ago

The Lead Senior Watson signed off on the fix.