while calling the distribute function we are calling "IGauge(_gauge).notifyRewardAmount(base, _claimable)" which consist a lock modifier as distribute also consists of a lock modifier.This will cause notifyRewardAmount to fail.
Vulnerability Detail
function distribute(address _gauge) public lock {
_updateFor(_gauge); // should set claimable to 0 if killed
uint _claimable = claimable[_gauge];
if (_claimable > IGauge(_gauge).left(base) && _claimable / DURATION > 0) {
claimable[_gauge] = 0;
if((_claimable * 1e18) / currentEpochRewardAmount > minShareForActiveGauge) {
activeGaugeNumber += 1;
distribute will fail in "voter contract".
while calling the distribute function we are calling "IGauge(_gauge).notifyRewardAmount(base, _claimable)" which consist a lock modifier as distribute also consists of a lock modifier.This will cause notifyRewardAmount to fail.
Vulnerability Detail
function distribute(address _gauge) public lock { IMinter(minter).update_period(); _updateFor(_gauge); // should set claimable to 0 if killed uint _claimable = claimable[_gauge]; if (_claimable > IGauge(_gauge).left(base) && _claimable / DURATION > 0) { claimable[_gauge] = 0; if((_claimable * 1e18) / currentEpochRewardAmount > minShareForActiveGauge) { activeGaugeNumber += 1; }
@>> IGauge(_gauge).notifyRewardAmount(base, _claimable); emit DistributeReward(msg.sender, _gauge, _claimable); } }
As we can see notifyRewardAmount in the gauge contract.
@>> function notifyRewardAmount(address token, uint amount) external lock { require(token != stake); require(amount > 0); if (!isReward[token]) { require(IVoter(voter).isWhitelisted(token), "rewards tokens must be whitelisted"); require(rewards.length < MAX_REWARD_TOKENS, "too many rewards tokens"); } if (rewardRate[token] == 0) _writeRewardPerTokenCheckpoint(token, 0, block.timestamp); (rewardPerTokenStored[token], lastUpdateTime[token]) = _updateRewardPerToken(token, type(uint).max, true);
this will cause notifyRewardAmount to revert.
Code Snippet
https://github.com/sherlock-audit/2024-06-velocimeter/blob/main/v4-contracts/contracts/Voter.sol#L559 https://github.com/sherlock-audit/2024-06-velocimeter/blob/main/v4-contracts/contracts/Gauge.sol#L516
Tool used
Manual Review
_unlocked = 1; IGauge(_gauge).notifyRewardAmount(base, _claimable); _unlocked = 2;