sherlock-audit / 2024-06-velocimeter-judging

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Chinmay - Incorrect reward distribution when t == roundedTimestamp in RewardsDistributor #595

Closed sherlock-admin2 closed 3 months ago

sherlock-admin2 commented 3 months ago



Incorrect reward distribution when t == roundedTimestamp in RewardsDistributor


Vulnerability Detail

The RewardsDistributorV2 contract has a vulnerability that leads to incorrect reward distribution when a transaction occurs at the beginning of an epoch. The issue is related to the _checkpoint_total_supply() function, where the reward calculation may be inaccurate when the timestamp exactly matches the rounded timestamp. This can result in incorrect reward amounts for users.

RewardsDistributorV2 distributes newly minted tokens to users who lock the tokens in VotingEscrow. The RewardsDistributorV2 stores the supply in the public veSupply mapping. The RewardsDistributorV2 _checkpoint_total_supply() function iterates from the last updated time until the latest epoch time, fetches totalSupply from VotingEscrow, and saves it in veSupply.


The impact of this vulnerability is that users may receive incorrect rewards when interacting with the RewardsDistributorV2 contract. Specifically, when a transaction occurs at the beginning of an epoch and the timestamp matches the rounded timestamp, the reward calculation for subsequent transactions will be inaccurate.

Proof of Concept Assume the following scenario when a transaction is executed at the beginning of an epoch:

NOTE: This kind of vulnerability is common in similar type of codebases.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Reference issue from velodrome


It is recommended to update the _checkpoint_total_supply() function as follows:

    function _checkpoint_total_supply() internal {
        address ve = voting_escrow;
        uint t = time_cursor;
        uint rounded_timestamp = block.timestamp / WEEK * WEEK;

        for (uint i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
-           if (t > rounded_timestamp) 
+           if (t >= rounded_timestamp) {
            } else {
                uint epoch = _find_timestamp_epoch(ve, t);
                IVotingEscrow.Point memory pt = IVotingEscrow(ve).point_history(epoch);
                int128 dt = 0;
                if (t > pt.ts) {
                    dt = int128(int256(t - pt.ts));
                ve_supply[t] = Math.max(uint(int256(pt.bias - pt.slope * dt)), 0);
            t += WEEK;
        time_cursor = t;

Duplicate of #495