sherlock-audit / 2024-06-velocimeter-judging

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Avci - Depositing a small amount of tokens to `VotingEscrow` contract is not accounted #672

Closed sherlock-admin3 closed 1 month ago

sherlock-admin3 commented 1 month ago



Depositing a small amount of tokens to VotingEscrow contract is not accounted


if users deposit small amount of tokens to VotingEscrow the voting power of deposit will not accounted.

Vulnerability Detail

During the _checkpoint() function, when calculating a new slope, the bias difference is divided by the timestamp. If the bias difference is less than the timestamp, the division results in zero, meaning no increase in bias is applied at the checkpoint. lost is small but It still affects the correctness of accounting.

please run POC:

function testSmallDepositIssue() public {
        flowDaiPair.approve(address(escrow), TOKEN_1 + TOKEN_1 + 1_000_000);

        uint256 lockDuration = 7 * 24 * 3600 * 3; // 1 week
        deal(address(flowDaiPair), address(this), TOKEN_1 + TOKEN_1 + 1_000_000);

        uint tokenId1 = escrow.create_lock(TOKEN_1, lockDuration);
        uint tokenId2 = escrow.create_lock(TOKEN_1, lockDuration);

        console.log("votes balance before:", escrow.getVotes(address(this)));

        escrow.deposit_for(tokenId1, 1_000_000);

        console.log("votes balance after:", escrow.getVotes(address(this)));


[PASS] testSmallDepositIssue() (gas: 1117930)
  votes balance before: 115384551787511208
  votes balance after: 115384551787511208


The Voting power of a user is not increased despite increased deposit.

Code Snippet

function _checkpoint(
        uint _tokenId,
        LockedBalance memory old_locked,
        LockedBalance memory new_locked
    ) internal {
        Point memory u_old;
        Point memory u_new;
        int128 old_dslope = 0;
        int128 new_dslope = 0;
        uint _epoch = epoch;

        if (_tokenId != 0) {
            // Calculate slopes and biases
            // Kept at zero when they have to
            if (old_locked.end > block.timestamp && old_locked.amount > 0) {
                u_old.slope = old_locked.amount / iMAXTIME;
                u_old.bias = u_old.slope * int128(int256(old_locked.end - block.timestamp));
            if (new_locked.end > block.timestamp && new_locked.amount > 0) {
                u_new.slope = new_locked.amount / iMAXTIME;
                u_new.bias = u_new.slope * int128(int256(new_locked.end - block.timestamp));

            // Read values of scheduled changes in the slope
            // old_locked.end can be in the past and in the future
            // new_locked.end can ONLY by in the FUTURE unless everything expired: than zeros
            old_dslope = slope_changes[old_locked.end];
            if (new_locked.end != 0) {
                if (new_locked.end == old_locked.end) {
                    new_dslope = old_dslope;
                } else {
                    new_dslope = slope_changes[new_locked.end];

        Point memory last_point = Point({bias: 0, slope: 0, ts: block.timestamp, blk: block.number});
        if (_epoch > 0) {
            last_point = point_history[_epoch];
        uint last_checkpoint = last_point.ts;
        // initial_last_point is used for extrapolation to calculate block number
        // (approximately, for *At methods) and save them
        // as we cannot figure that out exactly from inside the contract
        Point memory initial_last_point = last_point;
        uint block_slope = 0; // dblock/dt
        if (block.timestamp > last_point.ts) {
            block_slope = (MULTIPLIER * (block.number - last_point.blk)) / (block.timestamp - last_point.ts);
        // If last point is already recorded in this block, slope=0
        // But that's ok b/c we know the block in such case

        // Go over weeks to fill history and calculate what the current point is
            uint t_i = (last_checkpoint / WEEK) * WEEK;
            for (uint i = 0; i < 255; ++i) {
                // Hopefully it won't happen that this won't get used in 5 years!
                // If it does, users will be able to withdraw but vote weight will be broken
                t_i += WEEK;
                int128 d_slope = 0;
                if (t_i > block.timestamp) {
                    t_i = block.timestamp;
                } else {
                    d_slope = slope_changes[t_i];
                last_point.bias -= last_point.slope * int128(int256(t_i - last_checkpoint));
                last_point.slope += d_slope;
                if (last_point.bias < 0) {
                    // This can happen
                    last_point.bias = 0;
                if (last_point.slope < 0) {
                    // This cannot happen - just in case
                    last_point.slope = 0;
                last_checkpoint = t_i;
                last_point.ts = t_i;
                last_point.blk = initial_last_point.blk + (block_slope * (t_i - initial_last_point.ts)) / MULTIPLIER;
                _epoch += 1;
                if (t_i == block.timestamp) {
                    last_point.blk = block.number;
                } else {
                    point_history[_epoch] = last_point;

        epoch = _epoch;
        // Now point_history is filled until t=now

        if (_tokenId != 0) {
            // If last point was in this block, the slope change has been applied already
            // But in such case we have 0 slope(s)
            last_point.slope += (u_new.slope - u_old.slope);
            last_point.bias += (u_new.bias - u_old.bias);
            if (last_point.slope < 0) {
                last_point.slope = 0;
            if (last_point.bias < 0) {
                last_point.bias = 0;

        // Record the changed point into history
        point_history[_epoch] = last_point;

        if (_tokenId != 0) {
            // Schedule the slope changes (slope is going down)
            // We subtract new_user_slope from [new_locked.end]
            // and add old_user_slope to [old_locked.end]
            if (old_locked.end > block.timestamp) {
                // old_dslope was <something> - u_old.slope, so we cancel that
                old_dslope += u_old.slope;
                if (new_locked.end == old_locked.end) {
                    old_dslope -= u_new.slope; // It was a new deposit, not extension
                slope_changes[old_locked.end] = old_dslope;

            if (new_locked.end > block.timestamp) {
                if (new_locked.end > old_locked.end) {
                    new_dslope -= u_new.slope; // old slope disappeared at this point
                    slope_changes[new_locked.end] = new_dslope;
                // else: we recorded it already in old_dslope
            // Now handle user history
            uint user_epoch = user_point_epoch[_tokenId] + 1;

            user_point_epoch[_tokenId] = user_epoch;
            u_new.ts = block.timestamp;
            u_new.blk = block.number;
            user_point_history[_tokenId][user_epoch] = u_new;

Tool used

Manual Review


consider minimum deposit limit to avoid this issue.

nevillehuang commented 1 month ago

Low severity, extremely small amount of tokens lost + getVotes/getPastVotesIndex/getPastVotes are never utilized in the codebase i.e. governance that velocimeter are not using, so this is simply a incorrect return value in view function

  1. Incorrect values in View functions are by default considered low.