sherlock-audit / 2024-07-exactly-stacking-contracts-judging

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rilwan99 - Stakers will receive excessive rewards for durations beyond the reference staking period #87

Closed sherlock-admin4 closed 1 month ago

sherlock-admin4 commented 1 month ago



Stakers will receive excessive rewards for durations beyond the reference staking period


For users staking longer than the reference period, the contract incorrectly calculates rewards using the current global index instead of the index when the user's staking duration reaches the reference staking period. This leads to overpayment of rewards for the excess duration.

Root Cause

The earned function uses the current globalIndex(reward) value regardless of staking duration

This approach doesn't align with the intended behavior described in the documentation: "In such a case, the idea is to pay in full for the maximum predetermined period and to apply a discount for any excess over this maximum."

Internal pre-conditions

  1. User has staked for longer than refTime
  2. globalIndex(reward) continues to increase after refTime

External pre-conditions

  1. Rewards continue to be added to the contract after the reference period

Attack Path

  1. User stakes tokens
  2. User waits for a duration longer than refTime, and new rewards are added to the contract.
  3. User withdraws, receiving excess rewards due to the increased global index.


  1. Overpayment of rewards to long-term stakers
  2. Potential depletion of reward tokens faster than intended
  3. Unfair advantage for users who stake for extended periods


No response


  1. Implement a mechanism to track the global index at the reference time for each user:
mapping(address => mapping(IERC20 => uint256)) public userRefTimeIndex;

function updateUserRefTimeIndex(address user, IERC20 reward) internal {
    if (block.timestamp >= avgStart[user] + refTime && userRefTimeIndex[user][reward] == 0) {
        userRefTimeIndex[user][reward] = globalIndex(reward);
  1. Modify the earned function to use the reference time index for calculations beyond refTime:
function earned(IERC20 reward, address account, uint256 shares) public view returns (uint256) {
    uint256 stakingDuration = block.timestamp - avgStart[account];
    if (stakingDuration <= refTime) {
        return shares.mulWadDown(globalIndex(reward) - avgIndexes[account][reward]);
    } else {
        uint256 refTimeEarnings = shares.mulWadDown(userRefTimeIndex[account][reward] - avgIndexes[account][reward]);
        uint256 excessEarnings = shares.mulWadDown(globalIndex(reward) - userRefTimeIndex[account][reward]);
        return refTimeEarnings + excessEarnings.mulWadDown(excessFactor);
  1. Update the userRefTimeIndex in relevant functions (e.g., _update, claim_).

These changes ensure that rewards are calculated correctly for staking durations beyond the reference period, aligning with the intended behavior described in the documentation.

itofarina commented 1 month ago

"In such a case, the idea is to pay in full for the maximum predetermined period and to apply a discount for any excess over this maximum."

Sorry for the docs not being clear enough, but this is a design choice. It's intended that earned rewards will still increase, and a higher distance with refTime results in a lower claimable percentage.

For reference, check the following chart where 0.5 is refTime chart