sherlock-audit / 2024-07-sense-points-marketplace-judging

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KupiaSec - The conversion of rewards to `PToken` is incorrect when the reward token has fewer than 18 decimals #172

Closed sherlock-admin2 closed 1 week ago

sherlock-admin2 commented 2 weeks ago



The conversion of rewards to PToken is incorrect when the reward token has fewer than 18 decimals


The conversion formula is given by pTokensToBurn = FixedPointMathLib.divWadUp(amountToClaim, rewardsPerPToken);, where amountToClaim represents the reward amount and rewardsPerPToken denotes the exchange rate. In the FixedPointMathLib library, this formula is expressed as pTokensToBurn = amountToClaim * 1e18 / rewardsPerPToken.

Focusing on the decimals of each variable, rewardsPerPToken has 18 decimals, while amountToClaim shares the same decimal precision as the reward token. In the formula pTokensToBurn = amountToClaim * 1e18 / rewardsPerPToken, the decimals of rewardsPerPToken are effectively canceled by 1e18, resulting in pTokensToBurn having the same decimal precision as amountToClaim, which corresponds to the reward token's decimals.

This creates a potential issue when the reward token has fewer than 18 decimals, as pTokens are intended to maintain 18 decimals.

Vulnerability Detail

Consider the following scenario:

  1. The reward token has 6 decimals, and rewardsPerPToken = 1e18 (indicating a 1:1 ratio of reward to pToken).
  2. Alice calls the redeemRewards() function to claim her rewards by burning her pTokens. She sets amountToClaim to 1e6, which represents $1 worth of the reward token.
  3. Using the formula, pTokensToBurn is calculated as 1e6 * 1e18 / 1e18 = 1e6 (see L191), resulting in the burning of pTokens amounting to 1e6 (see L192).

As a result, Alice claims 1 reward token by burning only pTokens equivalent to 1e6/1e18, despite the exchange rate being 1:1.

    function redeemRewards(Claim calldata _claim, address _receiver) public {

191     uint256 pTokensToBurn = FixedPointMathLib.divWadUp(amountToClaim, rewardsPerPToken);
192     pTokens[pointsId].burn(msg.sender, pTokensToBurn);


This issue also occurs in the convertRewardsToPTokens() function.


Users can claim rewards by burning significantly fewer pTokens than they are supposed to.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


The conversion formula should be refined to accurately handle decimals.

Duplicate of #155

Nithin-Varma commented 2 weeks ago

i can solve this, i faced same issue while converting the eth into usdc within contract, i knew how to solve this. feel free to check my profile.