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heeze - Contract cannot receive native token #639

Open sherlock-admin2 opened 1 month ago

sherlock-admin2 commented 1 month ago



Contract cannot receive native token


The Contract ERC721Bridgable cannot receive native token paid in for royalties.

Vulnerability Detail

The ERC721Bridgable::claimRoyalties function transfers native token or any token sent to the contract as royalties. But the contract does not have the functionality to accept native token.

POC Add to the ./test/RiftTest.t.sol

function test_CannotRecieveEthOnL2() public {
        // Set the royalty information for the L1 contract
        l1NFT.setDefaultRoyalty(address(this), 1000);

        // Create an ERC721 that implements ERC2981 for royalties
        _bridgeNft(address(this), address(l1NFT), 0);

        // Get our 'L2' address
        Test721 l2NFT = Test721(riftBelow.l2AddressForL1Collection(address(l1NFT), false));

        //Add some native token to ALICE to buy the nft
        deal(ALICE, 10 ether);
        deal(address(USDC), ALICE, 1000 ether);

        uint256 startEthBalance0 = payable(address(this)).balance;

        //ALice buys the Nft from the contract in the L2
        l2NFT.transferFrom(address(this), ALICE, 0);
        //retrieve royalty information for the L1 contract
        (address reciever, uint256 royaltyAmount) = l1NFT.royaltyInfo(0, 3 ether);

        //Alice pays 3 ether for the NFT, the royalty paid to the l2Nft contract is removed 
        (bool success,) = address(this).call{value: 3 ether - royaltyAmount}("");
        assertEq(reciever, address(this));
        assertEq(address(this).balance, startEthBalance0 + 3 ether - royaltyAmount);

        //The royalty is sent to the l2NFT contract but it reverts because the l2Nft contract cannot recieve token
        (bool success1,) = address(l2NFT).call{value: royaltyAmount}("");

        // Set up our tokens array to try and claim native ETH
        address[] memory tokens = new address[](1);
        tokens[0] = address(0);

        // Capture the starting ETH of this caller
        uint256 startEthBalance = payable(address(this)).balance;

        // Make a claim call to an external recipient address
        riftAbove.claimRoyalties(address(l1NFT), address(this), tokens, 0);

        // Confirm that tokens have been sent to ALICE and not the caller
        assertEq(payable(address(this)).balance, startEthBalance + royaltyAmount, "Invalid caller ETH");
        assertEq(payable(ALICE).balance, 7 ether, "Invalid ALICE ETH");


Native token cannot be sent to the contract to be used in paying royalties.

Code Snippet

In the functionality for transferring native token from the ERC721Bridgable contract to the royalties owner/reciever on the L1 is implemented

Tool used

Manual Review


Add a receive or fallback function to the ERC721Bridgable contract