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Muscular Pebble Walrus - `withdrawProtectedListing()` can be DoS #717

Open sherlock-admin2 opened 4 days ago

sherlock-admin2 commented 4 days ago

Muscular Pebble Walrus


withdrawProtectedListing() can be DoS


withdrawProtectedListing() can be DoS

Vulnerability Detail

When a user unlocks his protectedListing using unlockProtectedListing(), it deletes the _protectedListings mapping. The problem is this _protectedListings mapping is used in Locker.sol to check if tokenId is protected or not, and if protected it doesn't allow any user to withdraw that token.

 function unlockProtectedListing(address _collection, uint _tokenId, bool _withdraw) public lockerNotPaused {
        // Delete the listing objects
>       delete _protectedListings[_collection][_tokenId];

Suppose a user unlock his protectedLisitngs to withdraw his tokenId later, now the _protectedListings mapping is deleted, which means any user can withdraw that tokenId from Locker.sol. As result, when user will try calling withdrawProtectedListing(), it will revert.

 function withdrawProtectedListing(address _collection, uint _tokenId) public lockerNotPaused {
        // Transfer the asset to the user
>       locker.withdrawToken(_collection, _tokenId, msg.sender);
        emit ListingAssetWithdraw(_collection, _tokenId);


User will lose his NFT

Code Snippet

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Manual Review


Don't delete the mapping until user withdraws his NFT using withdrawProtectedListing()