sherlock-audit / 2024-08-flayer-judging

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Cuddly Ocean Gibbon - User can withdraw all N free NFT from Locker for 1 token + txes instead of N token just in one tx. #756

Open sherlock-admin4 opened 4 days ago

sherlock-admin4 commented 4 days ago

Cuddly Ocean Gibbon


User can withdraw all N free NFT from Locker for 1 token + txes instead of N token just in one tx.


The Locker stores all NFTs that interact with the protocol. NFTs can enter the locker in the following ways:

Thus, the normal behavior of the protocol assumes the following invariants:

The attack, the essence of which will be described below, allows an attacker to take all free NFTs from the locker for just 1 NFT and a relatively small number of tokens to cover the commission, putting them up for sale. Thus, as a result of this attack, the following will happen.

n - number of free NFTs on the Locker contract

Vulnerability Detail

So, let's describe the attack scenario.

Let's say there are n free NFTs currently on the Locker contract.

Let's say the attacker has one NFT and n * listing_tax collection tokens.

Then the attacker only needs to do the following:

  1. List their NFT for sale in Listings by calling CreateListings, paying listing_tax (user NFTs = 0, free NFTs = n)
  2. As mentioned above, CreateListings returns 1 Collection Token to the user in the same transaction
  3. In the same transaction, the user withdraws 1 free NFT from Locker, exchanging it for the token received from CreateListings (user NFTs = 1, free NFTs = n - 1)
  4. Go back to step 1.

At the end, the state will be as follows. (user NFTs on sell = n + 1, free NFTs = 0)

If in

If in the normal behavior of the protocol, 1 free NFT would be exchanged for 1 Collection token which would be burned, then in the case of an attack, this is simply an easy way for the attacker to enrich themselves (tokens that in a normal scenario would simply be burned, reducing totalSupply and driving up the price of tokens, as a result of the attack are simply redistributed to the attacker's wallet from other users). Moreover, this also breaks one of the protocol's functionalities - Locker::redeem


The possibility of this attack in the Flayer protocol is in many ways similar to the possibility of a Sandwich attack in Uniswap. (It also harms the protocol's economy, moreover, it blocks the functionality of quickly exchanging NFT for 1 token).

However, the Sandwich attack is possible due to the structure of the EVM, while this attack is due to shortcomings in the current economic model/implementation.

Severity: High

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Perhaps the simplest way to avoid this problem is to not return 1 token to the user during createListings, but only when the listing is realized.