sherlock-audit / 2024-08-flayer-judging

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Rough Corduroy Eagle - Inaccurate Quorum Calculation in Collection Shutdown due to Premature Vote Reclaim Restriction #783

Open sherlock-admin4 opened 4 days ago

sherlock-admin4 commented 4 days ago

Rough Corduroy Eagle


Inaccurate Quorum Calculation in Collection Shutdown due to Premature Vote Reclaim Restriction


Inaccurate Quorum Calculation in Collection Shutdown due to Premature Vote Reclaim Restriction

1. Bug Title: Inaccurate Quorum Calculation in Collection Shutdown due to Premature Vote Reclaim Restriction

2. Trigger Condition: This bug can be triggered when:

3. PoC Flow:

  1. Start Shutdown: A user calls start(collectionAddress) initiating a collection shutdown process.
  2. Users Vote: Multiple users holding CollectionToken for the given collection call vote(collectionAddress). Their votes are accumulated in shutdownVotes, eventually exceeding quorumVotes, setting params.canExecute = true.
  3. User Reclaims Vote: At least one of the voting users, before the owner calls execute(), changes their mind and calls reclaimVote(collectionAddress). Their votes are deducted from shutdownVotes, potentially causing it to drop below quorumVotes.
  4. Owner Executes Shutdown: The CollectionShutdown contract owner calls execute(collectionAddress, tokenIds). The execute function checks if canExecute is true (it still is, from step 2) but finds that shutdownVotes might be less than quorumVotes due to the vote reclaim in step 3.
  5. Shutdown Failure: The execute function reverts with ShutdownNotReachedQuorum() even though enough users initially voted in favor of the shutdown, hindering the collection's sunsetting process.

4. Detailed Impact:

5. Code Snippet (reclaimVote function):

 function reclaimVote(address _collection) public whenNotPaused {
    // If the quorum has passed, then we can no longer reclaim as we are pending
    // an execution.
    CollectionShutdownParams storage params = _collectionParams[_collection];
    if (params.canExecute) revert ShutdownQuorumHasPassed();

    // Get the amount of votes that the user has cast for this collection
    uint userVotes = shutdownVoters[_collection][msg.sender];

    // If the user has not cast a vote, then we can revert early
    if (userVotes == 0) revert NoVotesPlacedYet();

    // We delete the votes that the user has attributed to the collection
    params.shutdownVotes -= uint96(userVotes);
    delete shutdownVoters[_collection][msg.sender];

    // We can now return their tokens
    params.collectionToken.transfer(msg.sender, userVotes);

    // Notify our stalkers that a vote has been reclaimed
    emit CollectionShutdownVoteReclaim(_collection, msg.sender, userVotes);

In Conclusion: This bug poses a significant risk to the smooth functioning of the CollectionShutdown mechanism. By wrongly restricting vote reclaims based solely on reaching quorum instead of actual execution, the code creates a vulnerability to inconsistent state and potentially disrupted shutdowns. Addressing this logic error is crucial to ensure proper and predictable execution of collection sunsetting in Flayer.

Root Cause

No response

Internal pre-conditions

No response

External pre-conditions

No response

Attack Path

No response


No response


No response


No response