sherlock-audit / 2024-08-morphl2-judging

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ulas - In the `revertBatch` function, `inChallenge` is set to `false` incorrectly, causing challenges to continue after the protocol is paused. #220

Open sherlock-admin2 opened 1 month ago

sherlock-admin2 commented 1 month ago



In the revertBatch function, inChallenge is set to false incorrectly, causing challenges to continue after the protocol is paused.


An unchecked batch reversion will cause challenge invalidation for any committed batch, leading to batch rollback issues for challengers, as the isChallenged flag will reset unexpectedly.

Root Cause

In the revertBatch function, the inChallenge state is set to false even if the batch that was challenged is not part of the reverted batch set. This causes ongoing challenges to be incorrectly invalidated:

function revertBatch(bytes calldata _batchHeader, uint256 _count) external onlyOwner {
            .... REDACTED FOR BREVITY ...
            if (!challenges[_batchIndex].finished) {
                batchChallengeReward[challenges[_batchIndex].challenger] += challenges[_batchIndex].challengeDeposit;
                inChallenge = false;
            .... REDACTED FOR BREVITY ...

In the above code, if (!challenges[_batchIndex].finished) will hold true for challenges that doesn't exist. If there are no challenges for a specific _batchIndex, then challenges[_batchIndex].finished will be false which in turn will make the if condition true.

This will cause inChallenge to be set to false even when there are ongoing challenges. Lets assume the following batches were commit to L1 Rollup::

┌────────────┐      ┌────────────┐      ┌────────────┐      ┌────────────┐
│            │      │            │      │            │      │            │
│ Batch 123  ├─────►│ Batch 124  ├─────►│ Batch 125  ├─────►│ Batch 126  ├
│            │      │            │      │            │      │            │
└────────────┘      └────────────┘      └────────────┘      └────────────┘

Challenger calls challengeState on batch 123. This sets isChallenged storage variable to true.

┌────────────┐      ┌────────────┐      ┌────────────┐      ┌────────────┐
│            │      │            │      │            │      │            │
│ Batch 123  ├─────►│ Batch 124  ├─────►│ Batch 125  ├─────►│ Batch 126  ├
│            │      │            │      │            │      │            │
└────────────┘      └────────────┘      └────────────┘      └────────────┘

isChallenged = true

While the challenge is ongoing owner calls revertBatch on Batch 125 to revert both Batch 125 and Batch 126.

 ┌────────────┐      ┌────────────┐      ┌────────────┐      ┌────────────┐
 │            │      │            │      │            │      │            │
 │ Batch 123  ├─────►│ Batch 124  ├─────►│ Batch 125  ├─────►│ Batch 126  ├
 │            │      │            │      │            │      │            │
 └────────────┘      └────────────┘      └────────────┘      └────────────┘
       ▲                                       ▲                           
       │                                       │                           
  challenged                             revert batch                      

  isChallenged = true

Due to the bug in the revertBatch function, isChallenged is set to false even though the challenged batch wasn’t in the reverted batches.

    ┌────────────┐      ┌────────────┐               
    │            │      │            │               
    │ Batch 123  ├─────►│ Batch 124  ├               
    │            │      │            │               
    └────────────┘      └────────────┘               

     isChallenged = false                                            

This will lead to issues when the protocol is paused. Due to the following check in the setPause function, the challenge will not be deleted while the protocol is paused:

function setPause(bool _status) external onlyOwner {
            .... REDACTED FOR BREVITY ...
            // inChallenge is set to false due to the bug in revertBatch
             if (inChallenge) {
                batchChallengeReward[challenges[batchChallenged].challenger] += challenges[batchChallenged]
                delete challenges[batchChallenged];
                inChallenge = false;
            .... REDACTED FOR BREVITY ...

During the protocol pause, the prover will not be able to verify the proof and if the pause period is larger than the proof window, prover will lose the challenge and gets slashed.

Internal pre-conditions

  1. Owner calls revertBatch on batch n, reverting the nth batch.
  2. Challenger monitors the mempool and initiates a challenge on the n-1 batch.
  3. Due to the bug in revertBatch, the inChallenge flag is reset to false, even though batch n-1 is under challenge.
  4. Owner calls setPause and the protocol is paused longer than the challenge window.

External pre-conditions

No response

Attack Path

  1. The owner calls revertBatch on batch n, reverting batch n.
  2. A challenger monitors the mempool and calls challengeBatch on batch n-1.
  3. The revertBatch function incorrectly resets the inChallenge flag to false despite batch n-1 being under challenge.
  4. The protocol is paused, preventing the challenge from being deleted.
  5. The prover cannot prove the batch in time due to the paused protocol.
  6. The prover gets slashed, even though the batch is valid.


If the protocol is paused when there's an ongoing challenge (albeit inChallenge is set to false due to the vulnerability explained above) , the protocol slashes the batch submitter for failing to prove the batch within the challenge window, even though the batch is valid. The challenger may incorrectly receive the challenge reward + slash reward despite no actual issue in the batch.


No response


Use batchInChallenge function to verify the batch is indeed challenged:

function revertBatch(bytes calldata _batchHeader, uint256 _count) external onlyOwner {
                // ... Redacted for brevity ...
        while (_count > 0) {
            emit RevertBatch(_batchIndex, _batchHash);

            committedBatches[_batchIndex] = bytes32(0);
            // if challenge exist and not finished yet, return challenge deposit to challenger
            if (batchInChallenge(_batchIndex)) {
                batchChallengeReward[challenges[_batchIndex].challenger] += challenges[_batchIndex].challengeDeposit;
                inChallenge = false;
            delete challenges[_batchIndex];

                        // ... Redacted for brevity ...
sherlock-admin2 commented 3 weeks ago

The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits: