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0xAlix2 - `LidoVault::vaultEndedWithdraw` doesn't take into consideration income withdrawals before slashing, blocking variable users from withdrwing their income #73

Open sherlock-admin2 opened 4 weeks ago

sherlock-admin2 commented 4 weeks ago



LidoVault::vaultEndedWithdraw doesn't take into consideration income withdrawals before slashing, blocking variable users from withdrwing their income


When FIXED users deposit ETH, they are being deposited in Lido, and Lido might experience slashing. This is expected on the protocol's side, as the impact would be lower income, but it is expected for the protocol to keep functioning as expected, from the contest README:

These incidents will decrease income from deposits to the Lido Liquid Staking protocol and could decrease the stETH balance. The contract must be operational after it, but it is acceptable for users to lose part of their income/deposit...

However, this isn't always preserved, let's take the following scenario. We have some FIXED value staked in Lido, some profit is accumulated, VARIABLE user withdraws his cut of that profit, by calling LidoVault::withdraw. When doing so, withdrawnStakingEarningsInStakes gets updated to reflect the amount of withdrawn profit shares, but, this value is calculated after some profit. No more profit comes in, and the vault ends, as soon as it ends, before any withdrawals, the vault gets slashed with some amount. Now, when variable users come to withdraw their profit (slashing didn't remove the whole profit), totalEarnings will be calculated wrongly, as the following:

uint256 totalEarnings = vaultEndingETHBalance.mulDiv(withdrawnStakingEarningsInStakes, vaultEndingStakesAmount) - totalProtocolFee + vaultEndedStakingEarnings;

As the used vaultEndingETHBalance and vaultEndingStakesAmount represent the amounts after slashing, while withdrawnStakingEarningsInStakes represents the withdrawn shares before slashing.

This results in wrong totalEarnings that also result in wrong stakingEarningsShare value for the VARIABLES users, stakingEarningsShare will be greater than the contract's balance, forcing funds to be stuck forever, as transferWithdrawnFunds will revert.

Root Cause

When calculating the total earned ETH in LidoVault::vaultEndedWithdraw, the protocol doesn't take into consideration the slashing that happened after the vault ended, especially when some VARIABLE users withdrew part of their profit while the vault was still ongoing. withdrawnStakingEarningsInStakes will be a misleading value from the previous profit before being slashed.


DOS, variable users can't withdraw their income from the FIXED amount staked.


Add the following test in lido-fiv/test/1.LidoVault.test.ts:

it("BUG - DOS, can't withdraw after Slashing", async () => {
  const { lidoVault, addr1, addr2, addr3 } = await loadFixture(deployLidoVaultFixture)
  const { lidoMock } = await setupMockLidoContracts(lidoVault)

  // Users deposit FIXED and VARIABLE
  await lidoVault.connect(addr1).deposit(SIDE.FIXED, { value: parseEther('1000') })
  await lidoVault.connect(addr2).deposit(SIDE.VARIABLE, { value: parseEther('15') })
  await lidoVault.connect(addr3).deposit(SIDE.VARIABLE, { value: parseEther('15') })

  // Vault has started
  expect(await lidoVault.isStarted()).to.equal(true)

  // User 1 claims FIXED premium
  await lidoVault.connect(addr1).claimFixedPremium()

  // Half time passes
  const { duration, endTime } = await getTimeState(lidoVault)
  await time.increaseTo(endTime - duration / BigInt(2))

  // Lido rebasing, vault earns 100 ETH
  await lidoMock.addStakingEarningsForTargetETH(
    await lidoVault.getAddress()

  // User 2 withdraws their income (part of the above rebasing)
  await lidoVault.connect(addr2).withdraw(SIDE.VARIABLE)

  // Withdrawal was sent to Lido
    (await lidoVault.getVariableToVaultOngoingWithdrawalRequestIds(addr2.address)).length
  // `withdrawnStakingEarningsInStakes` is now > 0
  expect(await lidoVault.withdrawnStakingEarningsInStakes())

  // End time passes
  await time.increaseTo(endTime + BIG_INT_ONE)

  // Vault is ended
  expect(await lidoVault.isEnded()).to.equal(true)

  // Lido slashes the vault
  await lidoMock.subtractStakingEarnings(parseEther('50'))

  // User 1 withdraws their FIXED deposit
  await lidoVault.connect(addr1).withdraw(SIDE.FIXED)
  await lidoVault.connect(addr1).finalizeVaultEndedWithdrawals(SIDE.FIXED)

  // User 3 can't withdraw his income
  await expect(


In LidoVault::vaultEndedWithdraw, when calculating the totalEarnings when a variable user is withdrawing, consider the income that was withdrawn before Lido slashing happens. Maybe have something like the following?

totalEarnings = Math.min(totalEarnings, vaultEndingETHBalance);
sherlock-admin2 commented 2 weeks ago

The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits: