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0xbranded - Loss of Funds and Delayed Liquidations Due to Inaccurate Fee Accrual #38

Open sherlock-admin3 opened 1 week ago

sherlock-admin3 commented 1 week ago



Loss of Funds and Delayed Liquidations Due to Inaccurate Fee Accrual


All time-dependent fees in the system accrue according to an inaccurate approximation that will progressively lead to significant deviations from their implied cumulative value. This applies to both long/short rates, with both funding paid/received and borrowing rates impacted. As a result, liquidations will be delayed and LPs/funding recipients will be significantly underpaid.

Vulnerability Detail

Each fee calculation in fees.vy, such as

borrowing_long_sum  : uint256 = self.extend(fs.borrowing_long_sum,  fs.borrowing_long,  new_terms)
borrowing_short_sum : uint256 = self.extend(fs.borrowing_short_sum, fs.borrowing_short, new_terms)
funding_long_sum    : uint256 = self.extend(fs.funding_long_sum,    fs.funding_long,    new_terms)
funding_short_sum   : uint256 = self.extend(fs.funding_short_sum,   fs.funding_short,   new_terms)

makes use of the same underlying calculation through the use of extend:

def extend(X: uint256, x_m: uint256, m: uint256) -> uint256:
  return X + (m*x_m)

That is, given a rate r and a number of intervals n, the fee contribution of each interval is given by $nr$, and the overall rate accrues as $\sum\limits_i n_ir_i$. However, this calculation is problematic since the percentage rates are naively added up and applied entirely at once, rather than applying them continuously.

The exact fee calculation over each interval is given $(1+r)^n$ (now expressed as a ratio of 1), and the overall rate accrues as $\prod\limits_i (1 + {r_i})^{n_i}$. The Taylor expansion of each segment of this polynomial is given by $(1+r)^n = 1 + nr + \frac{1}{2}(n-1)nr^2 + \frac{1}{6}(n-2)(n-1)nr^3 + \cdots$

Notice that the existing calculation is effectively the linear taylor approximation for the true rate: $(1+r)^n = 1 + nr +O(r^2)$

The error is bounded above by $R_2(r) \leq \frac{n(n-1)(1+r)^{n-2}}{2}r^2$. Critically, this approximation is relatively accurate assuming n and r are not too large. This assumption does not hold.

Starting with r, fees are applied with 9 decimals of precision:

DENOM: constant(uint256) = 1_000_000_000

def apply(x: uint256, numerator: uint256) -> Fee:
  fee      : uint256 = (x * numerator) / DENOM

These fees are applied on a per-block basis. The BOB chain has an average block time of 2.0 seconds. Using the existing fee calculation, r = 10 will translate into an 8 hour funding rate of 0.0288%, or an annualized rate of 15.78%, a suitable estimate for what might be expected.

Using the average block time of 2.0 seconds, we find that n = 1.58e7 blocks in a 365 day calendar year.

Given these values, the existing fee calculation $1 + nr$ yields a 15.78% annual interest rate while the exact value $(1+r)^n$ yields a 17.09% annual interest rate. This represents a 7.68% error in the interest rate over a single year.

As n grows larger, the error continues to grow. Over a 4 year period, n = 6.31e7 blocks and using the same r = 10 from before we get interest rates of 63.12% and 83.03% for the current approach and the exact calculation, respectively. A 28.26% error in the interest rate results over this time period. This error steadily converges to 100%, with a 99.7% error over a 30 year period.

The assumption regarding the average value of r = 10 (0.0288% 8 hour rate) was made based on past funding rates for BTC. The funding rate over an 8 hour period has ranged between 0.01% and 0.25% over the past year. Given varying market conditions, as well as differing risk profiles for altcoins vs BTC, this is considered a fair and conservative estimate on average. Even if the assumed interest rate were halved (r = 5, 0.0144% 8 hour rate), errors of 3.9% and 15.0% occur over a 1 and 4 year period, respectively. On the other hand if doubled (r = 20, 0.0576% 8 hour rate), errors of 15% and 50% occur over the same respective timespans.

Note that during periods of elevated rates, the errors described will grow non-linearly. For example, given r = 100 (0.288% 8 hour rate), the existing method will yield an effective annual rate of 157.8%. The exact calculation yields a rate of 384.5%. While these rates are not representative of typical market conditions, it should paint a picture of how drastically inaccurate the current calculation could be, depending on the circumstances. The assumptions made above should serve as a rough estimate of average conditions, however periods with rates above this average are weighted more heavily than periods with lower rates.


Any Taylor approximation of the true rate is a strict underestimate. As a result, significant underpayments of funding fees and borrowing fees will consistently occur for every pool/position, disincentivizing LPs and carry traders and eroding confidence/trust in the system. Further, positions paying funding fees (historically longs) are effectively subsidized under the current model, increasing utilization and reducing capital efficiency. These positions (typically longs) will also take longer to liquidate and LP funds are locked for longer as a result.

As a rough demonstration, consider a pool with an average long collateral value of $10M over a 4-year period, with an average 8-hour long funding rate of 0.0288% (as assumed above). Over this time period, longs are expected to pay $8.8M in funding fees to shorts. In reality they will pay $6.3M, representing a shortfall of $2.5M that should have been deducted from longs and paid to shorts.

Assuming a 50% imbalance between shorts and longs, the average annual borrow rate is 31.56%, so LPs for this pool will also be underpaid by $5.0M from longs, in addition to a similar fee underpayments from shorts.

Under this scenario, longs would have taken 25 months to liquidate from fees alone, when they should have taken 23 months to liquidate. This 10% deviation in absolute liquidation time underscores the true difference in liquidation time. When PnL/volatility are taken into account, these differences at the margin make all the difference and can result in LP funds being locked for far longer than this difference suggests. Additionally, positions which should have been liquidated may now post a profit, further increasing risk for LPs.

These underpayments occur persistently, at all times and for every vault, and represent material losses for funding recipients and lenders, as well as significantly disrupt the proper liquidation process.

Code Snippet

For the PoC, r = 10, long_collateral = short_collateral = 10^7 * 10^18 and n = 6.3 * 10^7 blocks (4 years), as outlined above.

The smart contracts were stripped to isolate the relevant logic, and foundry was used for testing. To run the test, clone the repo and place Fee.vy in vyper_contracts, and place Fee.t.sol, Cheat.sol, and IFee.sol under src/test.

Fee.t.sol ```solidity // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity >=0.8.13; import {CheatCodes} from "./Cheat.sol"; import "../../lib/ds-test/test.sol"; import "../../lib/utils/Console.sol"; import "../../lib/utils/VyperDeployer.sol"; import "./IFee.sol"; contract FeeTest is DSTest { ///@notice create a new instance of VyperDeployer VyperDeployer vyperDeployer = new VyperDeployer(); CheatCodes vm = CheatCodes(0x7109709ECfa91a80626fF3989D68f67F5b1DD12D); IFee fee; uint256 constant YEAR = (60*60*24*(365) + 60*60*24 / 4); //includes leap year function setUp() public { ///@notice deploy a new instance of ISimplestore by passing in the address of the deployed Vyper contract fee = IFee(vyperDeployer.deployContract("Fee")); } function testCalc() public { uint256 blocksIn4Yr = (4*YEAR) / 2; vm.roll(blocksIn4Yr); fee.update(); // pools were initialized at block 0 fee.calc(true, 1e25, 0); // (current) linear fee approximation fee.calc2(true, 1e25, 0); // quadratic approximation fee.calc3(true, 1e25, 0); // cubic approximation } } ```
Fee.vy ```vyper struct DynFees: funding_long : uint256 funding_short : uint256 struct PoolState: base_collateral : uint256 quote_collateral : uint256 struct FeeState: t1 : uint256 funding_long : uint256 funding_short : uint256 long_collateral : uint256 short_collateral : uint256 funding_long_sum : uint256 funding_short_sum : uint256 received_long_sum : uint256 received_short_sum : uint256 struct SumFees: funding_paid : uint256 funding_received: uint256 struct Period: funding_long : uint256 funding_short : uint256 received_long : uint256 received_short : uint256 #starting point hardcoded @external def __init__(): self.FEE_STORE = FeeState({ t1 : block.number, funding_long : 10, funding_short : 0, long_collateral : 10_000_000_000_000_000_000_000_000, short_collateral : 10_000_000_000_000_000_000_000_000, funding_long_sum : 0, funding_short_sum : 0, received_long_sum : 0, received_short_sum : 0, }) self.FEE_STORE_AT[block.number] = self.FEE_STORE self.FEE_STORE2 = self.FEE_STORE self.FEE_STORE_AT2[block.number] = self.FEE_STORE self.FEE_STORE3 = self.FEE_STORE self.FEE_STORE_AT3[block.number] = self.FEE_STORE # hardcoded funding rates for the scenario where funding is positive @internal @view def dynamic_fees() -> DynFees: return DynFees({ funding_long : 10, funding_short : 0, }) # #hardcoded pool to have 1e24 of quote and base collateral @internal @view def lookup() -> PoolState: return PoolState({ base_collateral : 10_000_000_000_000_000_000_000_000, quote_collateral : 10_000_000_000_000_000_000_000_000, }) FEE_STORE : FeeState FEE_STORE_AT : HashMap[uint256, FeeState] FEE_STORE2 : FeeState FEE_STORE_AT2 : HashMap[uint256, FeeState] FEE_STORE3 : FeeState FEE_STORE_AT3 : HashMap[uint256, FeeState] @internal @view def lookupFees() -> FeeState: return self.FEE_STORE @internal @view def lookupFees2() -> FeeState: return self.FEE_STORE2 @internal @view def lookupFees3() -> FeeState: return self.FEE_STORE3 @internal @view def fees_at_block(height: uint256) -> FeeState: return self.FEE_STORE_AT[height] @internal @view def fees_at_block2(height: uint256) -> FeeState: return self.FEE_STORE_AT2[height] @internal @view def fees_at_block3(height: uint256) -> FeeState: return self.FEE_STORE_AT3[height] @external def update(): fs: FeeState = self.current_fees() fs2: FeeState = self.current_fees2() fs3: FeeState = self.current_fees3() self.FEE_STORE_AT[block.number] = fs self.FEE_STORE = fs self.FEE_STORE_AT2[block.number] = fs2 self.FEE_STORE2 = fs2 self.FEE_STORE_AT3[block.number] = fs3 self.FEE_STORE3 = fs3 #math ZEROS: constant(uint256) = 1000000000000000000000000000 DENOM: constant(uint256) = 1_000_000_000 @internal @pure def extend(X: uint256, x_m: uint256, m: uint256) -> uint256: return X + (m*x_m) @internal @pure def o2(r: uint256, n: uint256) -> uint256: if(n == 0): return 0 return r*n + ((n-1)*n*(r**2)/2)/DENOM @internal @pure def o3(r: uint256, n: uint256) -> uint256: if(n == 0): return 0 if(n == 1): return r*n return r*n + ((n-1)*n*(r**2)/2)/DENOM + ((n-2)*(n-1)*n*(r**3)/6)/DENOM**2 @internal @pure def apply(x: uint256, numerator: uint256) -> uint256: """ Fees are represented as numerator only, with the denominator defined here. This computes x*fee capped at x. """ fee : uint256 = (x * numerator) / DENOM fee_ : uint256 = fee if fee <= x else x return fee_ @internal @pure def divide(paid: uint256, collateral: uint256) -> uint256: if collateral == 0: return 0 else : return (paid * ZEROS) / collateral @internal @pure def multiply(ci: uint256, terms: uint256) -> uint256: return (ci * terms) / ZEROS @internal @pure def slice(y_i: uint256, y_j: uint256) -> uint256: return y_j - y_i @internal @view def current_fees() -> FeeState: """ Update incremental fee state, called whenever the pool state changes. """ # prev/last updated state fs : FeeState = self.lookupFees() # current state ps : PoolState = self.lookup() new_fees : DynFees = self.dynamic_fees() # number of blocks elapsed new_terms: uint256 = block.number - fs.t1 funding_long_sum : uint256 = self.extend(fs.funding_long_sum, fs.funding_long, new_terms) funding_short_sum : uint256 = self.extend(fs.funding_short_sum, fs.funding_short, new_terms) paid_long_term : uint256 = self.apply(fs.long_collateral, fs.funding_long * new_terms) received_short_term : uint256 = self.divide(paid_long_term, fs.short_collateral) paid_short_term : uint256 = self.apply(fs.short_collateral, fs.funding_short * new_terms) received_long_term : uint256 = self.divide(paid_short_term, fs.long_collateral) received_long_sum : uint256 = self.extend(fs.received_long_sum, received_long_term, 1) received_short_sum : uint256 = self.extend(fs.received_short_sum, received_short_term, 1) if new_terms == 0: return FeeState({ t1 : fs.t1, funding_long : new_fees.funding_long, funding_short : new_fees.funding_short, long_collateral : ps.quote_collateral, short_collateral : ps.base_collateral, funding_long_sum : fs.funding_long_sum, funding_short_sum : fs.funding_short_sum, received_long_sum : fs.received_long_sum, received_short_sum : fs.received_short_sum, }) else: return FeeState({ t1 : block.number, funding_long : new_fees.funding_long, funding_short : new_fees.funding_short, long_collateral : ps.quote_collateral, short_collateral : ps.base_collateral, funding_long_sum : funding_long_sum, funding_short_sum : funding_short_sum, received_long_sum : received_long_sum, received_short_sum : received_short_sum, }) @internal @view def current_fees2() -> FeeState: """ Update incremental fee state, called whenever the pool state changes. """ # prev/last updated state fs : FeeState = self.lookupFees2() # current state ps : PoolState = self.lookup() new_fees : DynFees = self.dynamic_fees() # number of blocks elapsed new_terms: uint256 = block.number - fs.t1 o2_l: uint256 = self.o2(fs.funding_long, new_terms) o2_s: uint256 = self.o2(fs.funding_short, new_terms) funding_long_sum : uint256 = self.extend(fs.funding_long_sum, o2_l, 1) funding_short_sum : uint256 = self.extend(fs.funding_short_sum, o2_s, 1) paid_long_term : uint256 = self.apply(fs.long_collateral, o2_l) received_short_term : uint256 = self.divide(paid_long_term, fs.short_collateral) paid_short_term : uint256 = self.apply(fs.short_collateral, o2_s) received_long_term : uint256 = self.divide(paid_short_term, fs.long_collateral) received_long_sum : uint256 = self.extend(fs.received_long_sum, received_long_term, 1) received_short_sum : uint256 = self.extend(fs.received_short_sum, received_short_term, 1) if new_terms == 0: return FeeState({ t1 : fs.t1, funding_long : new_fees.funding_long, funding_short : new_fees.funding_short, long_collateral : ps.quote_collateral, short_collateral : ps.base_collateral, funding_long_sum : fs.funding_long_sum, funding_short_sum : fs.funding_short_sum, received_long_sum : fs.received_long_sum, received_short_sum : fs.received_short_sum, }) else: return FeeState({ t1 : block.number, funding_long : new_fees.funding_long, funding_short : new_fees.funding_short, long_collateral : ps.quote_collateral, short_collateral : ps.base_collateral, funding_long_sum : funding_long_sum, funding_short_sum : funding_short_sum, received_long_sum : received_long_sum, received_short_sum : received_short_sum, }) @internal @view def current_fees3() -> FeeState: """ Update incremental fee state, called whenever the pool state changes. """ # prev/last updated state fs : FeeState = self.lookupFees3() # current state ps : PoolState = self.lookup() new_fees : DynFees = self.dynamic_fees() # number of blocks elapsed new_terms: uint256 = block.number - fs.t1 o2_l: uint256 = self.o3(fs.funding_long, new_terms) o2_s: uint256 = self.o3(fs.funding_short, new_terms) funding_long_sum : uint256 = self.extend(fs.funding_long_sum, o2_l, 1) funding_short_sum : uint256 = self.extend(fs.funding_short_sum, o2_s, 1) paid_long_term : uint256 = self.apply(fs.long_collateral, o2_l) received_short_term : uint256 = self.divide(paid_long_term, fs.short_collateral) paid_short_term : uint256 = self.apply(fs.short_collateral, o2_s) received_long_term : uint256 = self.divide(paid_short_term, fs.long_collateral) received_long_sum : uint256 = self.extend(fs.received_long_sum, received_long_term, 1) received_short_sum : uint256 = self.extend(fs.received_short_sum, received_short_term, 1) if new_terms == 0: return FeeState({ t1 : fs.t1, funding_long : new_fees.funding_long, funding_short : new_fees.funding_short, long_collateral : ps.quote_collateral, short_collateral : ps.base_collateral, funding_long_sum : fs.funding_long_sum, funding_short_sum : fs.funding_short_sum, received_long_sum : fs.received_long_sum, received_short_sum : fs.received_short_sum, }) else: return FeeState({ t1 : block.number, funding_long : new_fees.funding_long, funding_short : new_fees.funding_short, long_collateral : ps.quote_collateral, short_collateral : ps.base_collateral, funding_long_sum : funding_long_sum, funding_short_sum : funding_short_sum, received_long_sum : received_long_sum, received_short_sum : received_short_sum, }) @internal @view def query(opened_at: uint256) -> Period: """ Return the total fees due from block `opened_at` to the current block. """ fees_i : FeeState = self.fees_at_block(opened_at) fees_j : FeeState = self.current_fees() return Period({ funding_long : self.slice(fees_i.funding_long_sum, fees_j.funding_long_sum), funding_short : self.slice(fees_i.funding_short_sum, fees_j.funding_short_sum), received_long : self.slice(fees_i.received_long_sum, fees_j.received_long_sum), received_short : self.slice(fees_i.received_short_sum, fees_j.received_short_sum), }) @external @view def calc(long: bool, collateral: uint256, opened_at: uint256) -> SumFees: period: Period = self.query(opened_at) P_f : uint256 = self.apply(collateral, period.funding_long) if long else ( self.apply(collateral, period.funding_short) ) R_f : uint256 = self.multiply(collateral, period.received_long) if long else ( self.multiply(collateral, period.received_short) ) return SumFees({funding_paid: P_f, funding_received: R_f}) @internal @view def query2(opened_at: uint256) -> Period: """ Return the total fees due from block `opened_at` to the current block. """ fees_i : FeeState = self.fees_at_block2(opened_at) fees_j : FeeState = self.current_fees2() return Period({ funding_long : self.slice(fees_i.funding_long_sum, fees_j.funding_long_sum), funding_short : self.slice(fees_i.funding_short_sum, fees_j.funding_short_sum), received_long : self.slice(fees_i.received_long_sum, fees_j.received_long_sum), received_short : self.slice(fees_i.received_short_sum, fees_j.received_short_sum), }) @external @view def calc2(long: bool, collateral: uint256, opened_at: uint256) -> SumFees: period: Period = self.query2(opened_at) P_f : uint256 = self.apply(collateral, period.funding_long) if long else ( self.apply(collateral, period.funding_short) ) R_f : uint256 = self.multiply(collateral, period.received_long) if long else ( self.multiply(collateral, period.received_short) ) return SumFees({funding_paid: P_f, funding_received: R_f}) @internal @view def query3(opened_at: uint256) -> Period: """ Return the total fees due from block `opened_at` to the current block. """ fees_i : FeeState = self.fees_at_block3(opened_at) fees_j : FeeState = self.current_fees3() return Period({ funding_long : self.slice(fees_i.funding_long_sum, fees_j.funding_long_sum), funding_short : self.slice(fees_i.funding_short_sum, fees_j.funding_short_sum), received_long : self.slice(fees_i.received_long_sum, fees_j.received_long_sum), received_short : self.slice(fees_i.received_short_sum, fees_j.received_short_sum), }) @external @view def calc3(long: bool, collateral: uint256, opened_at: uint256) -> SumFees: period: Period = self.query3(opened_at) P_f : uint256 = self.apply(collateral, period.funding_long) if long else ( self.apply(collateral, period.funding_short) ) R_f : uint256 = self.multiply(collateral, period.received_long) if long else ( self.multiply(collateral, period.received_short) ) return SumFees({funding_paid: P_f, funding_received: R_f}) ```
Cheat.sol ```solidity interface CheatCodes { // This allows us to getRecordedLogs() struct Log { bytes32[] topics; bytes data; } // Possible caller modes for readCallers() enum CallerMode { None, Broadcast, RecurrentBroadcast, Prank, RecurrentPrank } enum AccountAccessKind { Call, DelegateCall, CallCode, StaticCall, Create, SelfDestruct, Resume } struct Wallet { address addr; uint256 publicKeyX; uint256 publicKeyY; uint256 privateKey; } struct ChainInfo { uint256 forkId; uint256 chainId; } struct AccountAccess { ChainInfo chainInfo; AccountAccessKind kind; address account; address accessor; bool initialized; uint256 oldBalance; uint256 newBalance; bytes deployedCode; uint256 value; bytes data; bool reverted; StorageAccess[] storageAccesses; } struct StorageAccess { address account; bytes32 slot; bool isWrite; bytes32 previousValue; bytes32 newValue; bool reverted; } // Derives a private key from the name, labels the account with that name, and returns the wallet function createWallet(string calldata) external returns (Wallet memory); // Generates a wallet from the private key and returns the wallet function createWallet(uint256) external returns (Wallet memory); // Generates a wallet from the private key, labels the account with that name, and returns the wallet function createWallet(uint256, string calldata) external returns (Wallet memory); // Signs data, (Wallet, digest) => (v, r, s) function sign(Wallet calldata, bytes32) external returns (uint8, bytes32, bytes32); // Get nonce for a Wallet function getNonce(Wallet calldata) external returns (uint64); // Set block.timestamp function warp(uint256) external; // Set block.number function roll(uint256) external; // Set block.basefee function fee(uint256) external; // Set block.difficulty // Does not work from the Paris hard fork and onwards, and will revert instead. function difficulty(uint256) external; // Set block.prevrandao // Does not work before the Paris hard fork, and will revert instead. function prevrandao(bytes32) external; // Set block.chainid function chainId(uint256) external; // Loads a storage slot from an address function load(address account, bytes32 slot) external returns (bytes32); // Stores a value to an address' storage slot function store(address account, bytes32 slot, bytes32 value) external; // Signs data function sign(uint256 privateKey, bytes32 digest) external returns (uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s); // Computes address for a given private key function addr(uint256 privateKey) external returns (address); // Derive a private key from a provided mnemonic string, // or mnemonic file path, at the derivation path m/44'/60'/0'/0/{index}. function deriveKey(string calldata, uint32) external returns (uint256); // Derive a private key from a provided mnemonic string, or mnemonic file path, // at the derivation path {path}{index} function deriveKey(string calldata, string calldata, uint32) external returns (uint256); // Gets the nonce of an account function getNonce(address account) external returns (uint64); // Sets the nonce of an account // The new nonce must be higher than the current nonce of the account function setNonce(address account, uint64 nonce) external; // Performs a foreign function call via terminal function ffi(string[] calldata) external returns (bytes memory); // Set environment variables, (name, value) function setEnv(string calldata, string calldata) external; // Read environment variables, (name) => (value) function envBool(string calldata) external returns (bool); function envUint(string calldata) external returns (uint256); function envInt(string calldata) external returns (int256); function envAddress(string calldata) external returns (address); function envBytes32(string calldata) external returns (bytes32); function envString(string calldata) external returns (string memory); function envBytes(string calldata) external returns (bytes memory); // Read environment variables as arrays, (name, delim) => (value[]) function envBool(string calldata, string calldata) external returns (bool[] memory); function envUint(string calldata, string calldata) external returns (uint256[] memory); function envInt(string calldata, string calldata) external returns (int256[] memory); function envAddress(string calldata, string calldata) external returns (address[] memory); function envBytes32(string calldata, string calldata) external returns (bytes32[] memory); function envString(string calldata, string calldata) external returns (string[] memory); function envBytes(string calldata, string calldata) external returns (bytes[] memory); // Read environment variables with default value, (name, value) => (value) function envOr(string calldata, bool) external returns (bool); function envOr(string calldata, uint256) external returns (uint256); function envOr(string calldata, int256) external returns (int256); function envOr(string calldata, address) external returns (address); function envOr(string calldata, bytes32) external returns (bytes32); function envOr(string calldata, string calldata) external returns (string memory); function envOr(string calldata, bytes calldata) external returns (bytes memory); // Read environment variables as arrays with default value, (name, value[]) => (value[]) function envOr(string calldata, string calldata, bool[] calldata) external returns (bool[] memory); function envOr(string calldata, string calldata, uint256[] calldata) external returns (uint256[] memory); function envOr(string calldata, string calldata, int256[] calldata) external returns (int256[] memory); function envOr(string calldata, string calldata, address[] calldata) external returns (address[] memory); function envOr(string calldata, string calldata, bytes32[] calldata) external returns (bytes32[] memory); function envOr(string calldata, string calldata, string[] calldata) external returns (string[] memory); function envOr(string calldata, string calldata, bytes[] calldata) external returns (bytes[] memory); // Convert Solidity types to strings function toString(address) external returns(string memory); function toString(bytes calldata) external returns(string memory); function toString(bytes32) external returns(string memory); function toString(bool) external returns(string memory); function toString(uint256) external returns(string memory); function toString(int256) external returns(string memory); // Sets the *next* call's msg.sender to be the input address function prank(address) external; // Sets all subsequent calls' msg.sender to be the input address // until `stopPrank` is called function startPrank(address) external; // Sets the *next* call's msg.sender to be the input address, // and the tx.origin to be the second input function prank(address, address) external; // Sets all subsequent calls' msg.sender to be the input address until // `stopPrank` is called, and the tx.origin to be the second input function startPrank(address, address) external; // Resets subsequent calls' msg.sender to be `address(this)` function stopPrank() external; // Reads the current `msg.sender` and `tx.origin` from state and reports if there is any active caller modification function readCallers() external returns (CallerMode callerMode, address msgSender, address txOrigin); // Sets an address' balance function deal(address who, uint256 newBalance) external; // Sets an address' code function etch(address who, bytes calldata code) external; // Marks a test as skipped. Must be called at the top of the test. function skip(bool skip) external; // Expects an error on next call function expectRevert() external; function expectRevert(bytes calldata) external; function expectRevert(bytes4) external; // Record all storage reads and writes function record() external; // Gets all accessed reads and write slot from a recording session, // for a given address function accesses(address) external returns (bytes32[] memory reads, bytes32[] memory writes); // Record all account accesses as part of CREATE, CALL or SELFDESTRUCT opcodes in order, // along with the context of the calls. function startStateDiffRecording() external; // Returns an ordered array of all account accesses from a `startStateDiffRecording` session. function stopAndReturnStateDiff() external returns (AccountAccess[] memory accesses); // Record all the transaction logs function recordLogs() external; // Gets all the recorded logs function getRecordedLogs() external returns (Log[] memory); // Prepare an expected log with the signature: // (bool checkTopic1, bool checkTopic2, bool checkTopic3, bool checkData). // // Call this function, then emit an event, then call a function. // Internally after the call, we check if logs were emitted in the expected order // with the expected topics and data (as specified by the booleans) // // The second form also checks supplied address against emitting contract. function expectEmit(bool, bool, bool, bool) external; function expectEmit(bool, bool, bool, bool, address) external; // Mocks a call to an address, returning specified data. // // Calldata can either be strict or a partial match, e.g. if you only // pass a Solidity selector to the expected calldata, then the entire Solidity // function will be mocked. function mockCall(address, bytes calldata, bytes calldata) external; // Reverts a call to an address, returning the specified error // // Calldata can either be strict or a partial match, e.g. if you only // pass a Solidity selector to the expected calldata, then the entire Solidity // function will be mocked. function mockCallRevert(address where, bytes calldata data, bytes calldata retdata) external; // Clears all mocked and reverted mocked calls function clearMockedCalls() external; // Expect a call to an address with the specified calldata. // Calldata can either be strict or a partial match function expectCall(address callee, bytes calldata data) external; // Expect a call to an address with the specified // calldata and message value. // Calldata can either be strict or a partial match function expectCall(address callee, uint256, bytes calldata data) external; // Gets the _creation_ bytecode from an artifact file. Takes in the relative path to the json file function getCode(string calldata) external returns (bytes memory); // Gets the _deployed_ bytecode from an artifact file. Takes in the relative path to the json file function getDeployedCode(string calldata) external returns (bytes memory); // Label an address in test traces function label(address addr, string calldata label) external; // Retrieve the label of an address function getLabel(address addr) external returns (string memory); // When fuzzing, generate new inputs if conditional not met function assume(bool) external; // Set block.coinbase (who) function coinbase(address) external; // Using the address that calls the test contract or the address provided // as the sender, has the next call (at this call depth only) create a // transaction that can later be signed and sent onchain function broadcast() external; function broadcast(address) external; // Using the address that calls the test contract or the address provided // as the sender, has all subsequent calls (at this call depth only) create // transactions that can later be signed and sent onchain function startBroadcast() external; function startBroadcast(address) external; function startBroadcast(uint256 privateKey) external; // Stops collecting onchain transactions function stopBroadcast() external; // Reads the entire content of file to string, (path) => (data) function readFile(string calldata) external returns (string memory); // Get the path of the current project root function projectRoot() external returns (string memory); // Reads next line of file to string, (path) => (line) function readLine(string calldata) external returns (string memory); // Writes data to file, creating a file if it does not exist, and entirely replacing its contents if it does. // (path, data) => () function writeFile(string calldata, string calldata) external; // Writes line to file, creating a file if it does not exist. // (path, data) => () function writeLine(string calldata, string calldata) external; // Closes file for reading, resetting the offset and allowing to read it from beginning with readLine. // (path) => () function closeFile(string calldata) external; // Removes file. This cheatcode will revert in the following situations, but is not limited to just these cases: // - Path points to a directory. // - The file doesn't exist. // - The user lacks permissions to remove the file. // (path) => () function removeFile(string calldata) external; // Returns true if the given path points to an existing entity, else returns false // (path) => (bool) function exists(string calldata) external returns (bool); // Returns true if the path exists on disk and is pointing at a regular file, else returns false // (path) => (bool) function isFile(string calldata) external returns (bool); // Returns true if the path exists on disk and is pointing at a directory, else returns false // (path) => (bool) function isDir(string calldata) external returns (bool); // Return the value(s) that correspond to 'key' function parseJson(string memory json, string memory key) external returns (bytes memory); // Return the entire json file function parseJson(string memory json) external returns (bytes memory); // Check if a key exists in a json string function keyExists(string memory json, string memory key) external returns (bytes memory); // Get list of keys in a json string function parseJsonKeys(string memory json, string memory key) external returns (string[] memory); // Snapshot the current state of the evm. // Returns the id of the snapshot that was created. // To revert a snapshot use `revertTo` function snapshot() external returns (uint256); // Revert the state of the evm to a previous snapshot // Takes the snapshot id to revert to. // This deletes the snapshot and all snapshots taken after the given snapshot id. function revertTo(uint256) external returns (bool); // Creates a new fork with the given endpoint and block, // and returns the identifier of the fork function createFork(string calldata, uint256) external returns (uint256); // Creates a new fork with the given endpoint and the _latest_ block, // and returns the identifier of the fork function createFork(string calldata) external returns (uint256); // Creates _and_ also selects a new fork with the given endpoint and block, // and returns the identifier of the fork function createSelectFork(string calldata, uint256) external returns (uint256); // Creates _and_ also selects a new fork with the given endpoint and the // latest block and returns the identifier of the fork function createSelectFork(string calldata) external returns (uint256); // Takes a fork identifier created by `createFork` and // sets the corresponding forked state as active. function selectFork(uint256) external; // Returns the currently active fork // Reverts if no fork is currently active function activeFork() external returns (uint256); // Updates the currently active fork to given block number // This is similar to `roll` but for the currently active fork function rollFork(uint256) external; // Updates the given fork to given block number function rollFork(uint256 forkId, uint256 blockNumber) external; // Fetches the given transaction from the active fork and executes it on the current state function transact(bytes32) external; // Fetches the given transaction from the given fork and executes it on the current state function transact(uint256, bytes32) external; // Marks that the account(s) should use persistent storage across // fork swaps in a multifork setup, meaning, changes made to the state // of this account will be kept when switching forks function makePersistent(address) external; function makePersistent(address, address) external; function makePersistent(address, address, address) external; function makePersistent(address[] calldata) external; // Revokes persistent status from the address, previously added via `makePersistent` function revokePersistent(address) external; function revokePersistent(address[] calldata) external; // Returns true if the account is marked as persistent function isPersistent(address) external returns (bool); /// Returns the RPC url for the given alias function rpcUrl(string calldata) external returns (string memory); /// Returns all rpc urls and their aliases `[alias, url][]` function rpcUrls() external returns (string[2][] memory); } ```
IFee.sol ```solidity // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity >=0.8.13; interface IFee { function update() external; function calc(bool, uint256, uint256) external returns(SumFees memory); function calc2(bool, uint256, uint256) external returns(SumFees memory); function calc3(bool, uint256, uint256) external returns(SumFees memory); struct SumFees{ uint256 funding_paid; uint256 funding_received; } } ```

Tool used

Manual Review


Consider replacing each fs.<fee_rate> * new_terms with an intermediate calculation using these two values. For a quadratic approximation, include

def o2(r: uint256, n: uint256) -> uint256:
  if(n == 0): 
    return 0
  return r*n + ((n-1)*n*(r**2)/2)/DENOM

while for a cubic approximation, include

def o3(r: uint256, n: uint256) -> uint256:
  if(n == 0): 
    return 0
  if(n == 1):
    return r*n

  return r*n + ((n-1)*n*(r**2)/2)/DENOM + ((n-2)*(n-1)*n*(r**3)/6)/DENOM**2

Refer to Fee.vy above for guidance on necessary adjustments to the various functions.

The quadratic approximation will provide the largest improvement for the least added computational cost, and is the recommended compromise. As a reference, the quadratic approximation drops the current error from 28.26% to 5.62% (an 80% reduction) given a 4-year timespan and r = 10. The cubic approximation further decreases the error to 0.85% (a 97% reduction).

The error can be made arbitrarily small, at the expense of increased computational costs for diminishing returns. For example, the quartic approximation drops the error down to 0.11% (a 99.6% reduction).

spacegliderrrr commented 6 days ago


Watson has misunderstood the idea. Each block increases the position fees linearly (percentage-wise) based on the current fee terms. Protocol works as intended. Issue should be invalidated.

sherlock-admin3 commented 6 days ago


Watson has misunderstood the idea. Each block increases the position fees linearly (percentage-wise) based on the current fee terms. Protocol works as intended. Issue should be invalidated.

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msheikhattari commented 6 days ago

While the protocol works as intended, the point of this issue is that the original intention is incorrect.

The fee accrual does not factor in compounding of interest rates. As a crude example of why this is so problematic, imagine successive doublings following the same logic.

We expect five successive doublings to yield a cumulative return of (1+1)^5 = 32. Following this logic we get a cumulative return of 1 + 5*1 = 6.

This code is an incorrect approximation of the mathematically accurate fee accrual, plain and simple.

Also, this should be a high severity issue since there are not only lost fees but also avoided liquidations.