sherlock-audit / 2024-08-winnables-raffles-judging

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casper - The setRole() function grants role instead of removing #53

Open sherlock-admin3 opened 2 months ago

sherlock-admin3 commented 2 months ago



The setRole() function grants role instead of removing


Access control in the Winnables Raffles protocol is handled with the Roles contract. It works similarly to OpenZeppelin's access control but uses bit flags to determine whether a user has a role. Each user has a bytes32 representing the bitfield of roles. Role 0 is an admin role, allowing its members to grant or deny(remove) roles to other users.

The setRole(address user, uint8 role, bool status) function, as it stands, always adds a role by performing a bitwise OR operation. However, it does not handle the removal of roles if the status parameter is false. This oversight results in incorrect role management within the contracts, potentially leading to accidental privilege grants or the inability to revoke privileges from compromised or revoked accounts.

Root Cause

In Roles.sol:L29 the _setRole() function always adds a role by performing a bitwise OR operation:

This internal function is used in the setRole() function:

Internal pre-conditions

The setRole() function can only be called by the Admin.

External pre-conditions

No response

Attack Path

  1. Admin deploys the WinnablesTicketTest contract.
  2. Admin grants role 1 to Alice by calling the setRole() function of the WinnablesTicketTest contract. The role is granted to Alice.
  3. Alice mints 10 tickets to Bob using the role.
  4. Admin revokes role 1 from Alice by calling the setRole() function.
  5. The role is not removed from Alice. She can still mint tickets to Bob.


The improper implementation results in incorrect role management within the contracts, potentially leading to accidental privilege grants or the inability to revoke privileges from compromised or revoked accounts.


describe('Ticket behaviour', () => {
    it('Should not be able to mint tickets afer role deny', async () => {
      await (await ticket.setRole(signers[2].address, 1, true)).wait();

      const { events } = await (await ticket.connect(signers[2]).mint(signers[3].address, 1, 1)).wait();

      await (await ticket.setRole(signers[2].address, 1, false)).wait();
      await expect(ticket.connect(signers[2]).mint(signers[2].address, 1, 1))


Modify the _setRole() function to handle both adding and removing roles based on the status parameter:

function _setRole(address user, uint8 role, bool status) internal virtual {
    uint256 roles = uint256(_addressRoles[user]);
    if (status) {
        _addressRoles[user] = bytes32(roles | (1 << role));
    } else {
        _addressRoles[user] = bytes32(roles & ~(1 << role));
    emit RoleUpdated(user, role, status);
sherlock-admin2 commented 1 month ago

The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits: