sherlock-audit / 2024-08-woofi-solana-deployment-judging

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Glamorous Violet Chameleon - Rebate authority is unable to claim fee due to incorrect constraint not allowing rebate manager admin authority #17

Open sherlock-admin4 opened 11 hours ago

sherlock-admin4 commented 11 hours ago

Glamorous Violet Chameleon


Rebate authority is unable to claim fee due to incorrect constraint not allowing rebate manager admin authority


Rebate authority or admin authority can create a rebate_info.

    constraint = rebate_manager.authority == authority.key()
              || rebate_manager.admin_authority.contains(authority.key),

That authority is stored in rebate_info.authority when the rebate info is created.

  rebate_info.authority = ctx.accounts.authority.key();

However, only the rebate_manager.authority is the only allowed rebate_info.authority when claiming rebate fees.

      has_one = rebate_manager,
      has_one = rebate_authority,
      // @audit only the `rebate_manager.authority` is allowed and not the `rebate_manager.admin_authority`. This makes 
      // all rebate infos created by admin authorities incapable of claiming rebate fees.
      constraint = rebate_info.authority == rebate_manager.authority
  pub rebate_info: Account<'info, RebateInfo>,

Root Cause

In, there is a missing constraint that allows rebate infos created by a rebate_manager.admin_authority to claim rebate fees.

Internal pre-conditions

  1. A rebate manager admin authority creates a rebate info.

External pre-conditions


Attack Path

  1. The rebate authority for a rebate info created by a rebate manager admin authority tries to claim rebate fee.
  2. Claiming will always fail.


All rebate infos created by a rebate manager admin authority can not have their rebate fees claimed.


No response


Consider modifying the constraint in claim_rebate_fee() to:

-  constraint = rebate_info.authority == rebate_manager.authority
+  constraint = rebate_info.authority == rebate_manager.authority || rebate_manager.admin_authority
toprince commented 9 hours ago

Need further investigation. Same with