sherlock-audit / 2024-08-woofi-solana-deployment-judging

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Uneven Gingham Locust - Attacker can prevent WooFi admin from adding additional base tokens #39

Open sherlock-admin2 opened 15 hours ago

sherlock-admin2 commented 15 hours ago

Uneven Gingham Locust


Attacker can prevent WooFi admin from adding additional base tokens


  1. Anyone can create a pool for (base, quote) pair and the authority field of the woopool is set to the creator address.
  2. There can only be one woopool PDA for a given (base, quote) pair i.e once someone creates a pool for (B, Q) its not possible to create another pool for (B, Q).
  3. swap operation requires that all the pools involved have the same authority i.e same creator.

As a result, an attacker can create a woopool for e.g (WETH, USDC), the authority address will be set to the attacker. Because rest of the pools are created by the woofi team, the authority field will be set to the woofi admin address for those pools. Swaps cannot work with WETH as base and woofi team cannot create the WETH pool as well hence cannot add support for WETH as base token.

Root Cause

The seeds used for creating woopool state PDA do not include the authority address thats creating the pool. The program intends to allow multiple authorities to create pools. The pools are grouped based on the authority and swap operations are only allowed between the pools of the same group.

By not including the authority address as the seed for woopool PDA, the program is only allowing for one woopool for a pair. As anyone can create a pool, an attacker can create one and prohibit the woofi admin from creating that pool. Swaps require same authority address disallowing adding support for these base tokens.

Internal pre-conditions

No response

External pre-conditions

No response

Attack Path

  1. WooFI program supports SOL, USDT as base tokens with USDC as the quote token. authority field of these pools is set woofi admin address
  2. Attacker creates wooracle and then pool for WETH, USDC and sets the authority to their own address
  3. WooFi admin can never add support for that pair.

Note the attack does not require additional integrations. The attacker can also create USDT, USDC pool before the woofi admin.


Attacker can prevent WooFi from supporting additional base tokens for swaps


No response


Include the authority address creating the woopool as a seed for the PDA

toprince commented 4 hours ago

Valid, same with