sherlock-audit / 2024-08-woofi-solana-deployment-judging

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Steep Ocean Swift - Missing signer check in `create_pool` #45

Open sherlock-admin2 opened 15 hours ago

sherlock-admin2 commented 15 hours ago

Steep Ocean Swift


Missing signer check in create_pool


According to the documentation, the create_pool instruction should only be callable by an admin. However, there is currently no check in place to verify whether the signer is an admin. Additionally, the seeds used to generate the WooPool PDA are [WOOPOOL_SEED, wooconfig, token_mint, quote_token_mint], where WOOPOOL_SEED is a constant, wooconfig is a config singleton PDA, and the remaining two accounts are the mint addresses for the token pair. Notably, the admin field is not included in these seeds, which allows a malicious user to preemptively create a pool with the same token pair that the admin might intend to create, resulting in a potential DoS attack.

However, this vulnerability is dependent on another issue (#1), as it can only be exploited when there is a wooracle where the authority is the signer, allowing for arbitrary pool creation.

Root Cause

In, there is a missing check on authority.

Internal pre-conditions

This vulnerability is dependent on another issue (#1), as it can only be exploited when there is a wooracle where the authority is the signer, allowing for arbitrary pool creation.

External pre-conditions


Attack Path

Attacker calls create_pool


DoS: Admin cannot create pool with the same token pair.


No response


Add a constraint of wooconfig.woopool_admin_authority.contains(authority.key)

toprince commented 4 hours ago

Same with