sherlock-audit / 2024-08-woofi-solana-deployment-judging

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Fluffy Burlap Lark - Arbitrary permission initialization of wooracle contract #57

Open sherlock-admin2 opened 13 hours ago

sherlock-admin2 commented 13 hours ago

Fluffy Burlap Lark


Arbitrary permission initialization of wooracle contract


The Wooracle contract in the WOOFi program can be initialized by anyone by calling the , allowing for potential misuse by malicious users. This flaw enables unauthorized actors to create fraudulent oracle instances using the official contract, leading to potential abuse and exploitation of the WOOFi infrastructure by calling the create_wooracle,

Vulnerability Detail

The code in question allows the Wooracle to be initialized without adequate authorization checks, as seen in the file. Specifically, any user can invoke the create_wooracle function, enabling them to initialize a new instance of the oracle contract, even if they are not an authorized admin or associated with the WOOFi team.

The vulnerability exists because there is no validation of the admin or authority account passed during the initialization process. This lack of restrictions allows anyone to create a new oracle instance, bypassing proper administrative controls.

Attack scnerio: Attacker can create any wooconfig account with the same format and just pass on that account.


Code Snippet

pub struct CreateWooracle<'info> {
    pub wooconfig: Box<Account<'info, WooConfig>>,
    pub token_mint: Account<'info, Mint>,

        payer = admin,
        space = 8 + Wooracle::INIT_SPACE,
        seeds = [
    wooracle: Account<'info, Wooracle>,
    admin: Signer<'info>,
    system_program: Program<'info, System>,
    /// CHECK: This is the Pyth feed account
    feed_account: AccountInfo<'info>,
    // Add this account to any instruction Context that needs price data.
    // Warning:
    // users must ensure that the account passed to their instruction is owned by the Pyth pull oracle program.
    // Using Anchor with the Account<'info, PriceUpdateV2> type will automatically perform this check.
    // However, if you are not using Anchor, it is your responsibility to perform this check.
    price_update: Account<'info, PriceUpdateV2>,

    quote_token_mint: Account<'info, Mint>,
    /// CHECK: This is the Quote token's pyth feed account
    quote_feed_account: AccountInfo<'info>,
    // Add this account to any instruction Context that needs price data.
    // Warning:
    // users must ensure that the account passed to their instruction is owned by the Pyth pull oracle program.
    // Using Anchor with the Account<'info, PriceUpdateV2> type will automatically perform this check.
    // However, if you are not using Anchor, it is your responsibility to perform this check.
    quote_price_update: Account<'info, PriceUpdateV2>,

Tool used



    constraint = authority.key() == wooconfig.authority || wooconfig.admin_authority.contains(&authority.key())
pub wooconfig: Box<Account<'info, WooConfig>>,
toprince commented 10 hours ago

same with