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Zesty Sage Tapir - Inconsistent Authority Constraints in `ClaimRebateFee` #79

Open sherlock-admin3 opened 13 hours ago

sherlock-admin3 commented 13 hours ago

Zesty Sage Tapir


Inconsistent Authority Constraints in ClaimRebateFee


Vulnerability Detail

In the ClaimRebateFee instruction, you have the following constraint:

    has_one = rebate_manager,
    has_one = rebate_authority,
    constraint = rebate_info.authority == rebate_manager.authority
pub rebate_info: Account<'info, RebateInfo>,

This constraint requires that rebate_info.authority == rebate_manager.authority. However, when you create a RebateInfo account in the CreateRebateInfo instruction, the authority is set to the authority who calls the instruction, not necessarily the rebate_manager.authority:

pub fn handler(ctx: Context<CreateRebateInfo>) -> Result<()> {
    let rebate_info = &mut ctx.accounts.rebate_info;

    rebate_info.authority = ctx.accounts.authority.key();
    rebate_info.rebate_authority = ctx.accounts.rebate_authority.key();
    rebate_info.rebate_manager = ctx.accounts.rebate_manager.key();
    rebate_info.pending_rebate = 0;


This mismatch means that unless the rebate_manager.authority itself creates the RebateInfo, any other users who create a RebateInfo will have an authority that doesn't match rebate_manager.authority, preventing them from claiming their rebates. This effectively blocks legitimate rebate claims from users who are supposed to be able to claim their pending rebates.


Code Snippet

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Manual Review


Modify the CreateRebateInfo instruction to set the rebate_info.authority to rebate_manager.authority instead of ctx.accounts.authority.key(). This ensures consistency and allows the ClaimRebateFee instruction to proceed as intended.

toprince commented 10 hours ago constraint = rebate_manager.authority == authority.key() || rebate_manager.admin_authority.contains(authority.key),

Valid, due to above constraints, should be low impact.