sherlock-audit / 2024-08-woofi-solana-deployment-judging

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Little Aquamarine Jellyfish - Zero-Amount Swap Vulnerability in WOOFi Solana Protocol #91

Open sherlock-admin3 opened 13 hours ago

sherlock-admin3 commented 13 hours ago

Little Aquamarine Jellyfish


Zero-Amount Swap Vulnerability in WOOFi Solana Protocol


This protocol's swap function allows for zero-amount swaps, potentially leading to unintended protocol behavior, unnecessary gas consumption, and possible exploitation of price oracle updates.

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The swap function in the WOOFi Solana protocol does not explicitly check for zero-amount swaps. When a user initiates a swap with a zero amount, the following sequence of events occurs:

This behavior, while not causing panics or runtime errors, can lead to inconsistent protocol state and potential exploitation.


The impact of this vulnerability includes:

  1. Unnecessary gas consumption for zero-value operations.
  2. Potential manipulation of price oracles without actual token movement.
  3. Emission of misleading swap events with zero values.
  4. Possible exploitation of fee mechanisms or other protocol features that rely on non-zero swap amounts.

Code snippet

    pub fn handler(ctx: Context<Swap>, from_amount: u128, min_to_amount: u128) -> Result<()> {
    // ... (earlier code omitted for brevity)

    let (_quote_amount, new_base_price) = swap_math::calc_quote_amount_sell_base(
        from_amount, //@audit no zero amount check


    // ... (later code omitted for brevity)


Implement a minimum swap amount check at the beginning of the swap handler function. This check should reject any swap attempts with zero or very small amounts that could lead to the identified issues. For example:

    pub fn handler(ctx: Context<Swap>, from_amount: u128, min_to_amount: u128) -> Result<()> {
    require!(from_amount > MINIMUM_SWAP_AMOUNT, ErrorCode::SwapAmountTooLow);
    // ... (rest of the function)

You may also deode to Define MINIMUM_SWAP_AMOUNT as a constant that represents the smallest acceptable swap amount for the protocol. This will prevent zero-amount swaps and their associated issues while maintaining the integrity of the protocol's operations.