sherlock-audit / 2024-09-predict-fun-judging

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iamnmt - The last lender of a partially fulfilled borrow request might have a significantly higher collateral ratio than the collateral ratio specified in the borrow request #125

Open sherlock-admin3 opened 2 weeks ago

sherlock-admin3 commented 2 weeks ago



The last lender of a partially fulfilled borrow request might have a significantly higher collateral ratio than the collateral ratio specified in the borrow request


The last lender of a partially fulfilled borrow request might have a significantly higher collateral ratio than the collateral ratio specified in the borrow request.

Root Cause

In _acceptOffer, the collateralAmountRequired is the leftover collateral when the borrow request is fully filled

    function _calculateCollateralAmountRequired(
        Proposal calldata proposal,
        Fulfillment storage fulfillment,
        uint256 fulfillAmount
    ) private view returns (uint256 collateralAmountRequired) {
        if (fulfillment.loanAmount + fulfillAmount == proposal.loanAmount) {
>>          collateralAmountRequired = proposal.collateralAmount - fulfillment.collateralAmount;
        } else {
            collateralAmountRequired = (proposal.collateralAmount * fulfillAmount) / proposal.loanAmount;

The borrower can use matchProposals to match their borrow request to a better loan offer, which has a lower collateral ratio than the ratio of the borrow request

        if (
            borrowRequest.collateralAmount * loanOffer.loanAmount <
            borrowRequest.loanAmount * loanOffer.collateralAmount
        ) {
            revert UnacceptableCollateralizationRatio();

then the collateral ratio of the loan is the collateral ratio of the loan offer

If the borrower has used their borrow request to match with the lower collateral ratio loan offer, then the last lender that fully accepts the borrow request will have a significantly higher collateral ratio than the collateral ratio specified in the borrow request.

Internal pre-conditions

No response

External pre-conditions

No response

Attack Path

  1. Alice signs a borrow request that has collateralAmount = 20 ether, and loanAmount = 10 ether (collateral ratio = 200%)
  2. Bob signs a loan offer that has collateralAmount = 5 ether, and loanAmount = 5 ether (collateral ratio = 100%)
  3. Since Bob's loan offer has a lower collateral ratio than her borrow request, the loan offer is better for her. Alice matches Bob's loan offer against her. Current states:
    • fulfillment.collateralAmount = 15 ether
    • fulfillment.loanAmount = 5 ether
  4. Cindy fully accepts Alice's borrow request, and Cindy benefits from a loan with high collateral ratio (15 ether / 5 ether = 300%)

We believe the loan should only have a collateral ratio lower than or equal to 200%.



Add a view function in PredictDotLoan to check the collateral ratio of a loan

contract PredictDotLoan is AccessControl, EIP712, ERC1155Holder, IPredictDotLoan, Pausable, ReentrancyGuard {
    function getLoanCollateralRatio(uint256 loanId) public view returns (uint256) {
        IPredictDotLoan.Loan memory loan = loans[loanId];
        return loan.collateralAmount * 1 ether / loan.loanAmount;

Run command: forge test --match-path test/foundry/PoC.t.sol -vv

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

pragma solidity ^0.8.25;

import {IPredictDotLoan} from "../../contracts/interfaces/IPredictDotLoan.sol";
import {TestHelpers} from "./TestHelpers.sol";
import {console} from "forge-std/Test.sol";

contract PoC is TestHelpers {
    uint256 aliceKey = 1;
    uint256 bobKey = 2;

    address alice = vm.addr(aliceKey);
    address bob = vm.addr(bobKey);
    address cindy = makeAddr('cindy');

    function setUp() public {

        mockCTF.setApprovalForAll(address(predictDotLoan), true);
        _mintCTF(alice);, LOAN_AMOUNT);
        mockERC20.approve(address(predictDotLoan), LOAN_AMOUNT);, LOAN_AMOUNT);
        mockERC20.approve(address(predictDotLoan), LOAN_AMOUNT);

    function test_PoC() public {
        // Collateral ratio: 20 / 10 = 200%
        IPredictDotLoan.Proposal memory borrowRequest = _generateBorrowRequest(
            20 ether,
            10 ether

        // Collateral ratio: 5 / 5 = 100%
        IPredictDotLoan.Proposal memory loanOffer = _generateLoanOffer(
            5 ether,
            5 ether

        predictDotLoan.matchProposals(borrowRequest, loanOffer);

        predictDotLoan.acceptBorrowRequest(borrowRequest, 5 ether);

        console.log("First loan's collateral ratio: %e", predictDotLoan.getLoanCollateralRatio(1));
        console.log("Second loan's collateral ratio: %e", predictDotLoan.getLoanCollateralRatio(2));

    function _generateBorrowRequest(
        IPredictDotLoan.QuestionType questionType,
        address from,
        uint256 privateKey,
        uint256 collateralAmount,
        uint256 loanAmount
    ) internal view returns (IPredictDotLoan.Proposal memory proposal) {
        proposal = _generateBaseProposal(questionType);
        proposal.collateralAmount = collateralAmount;
        proposal.loanAmount = loanAmount;
        proposal.from = from;
        proposal.proposalType = IPredictDotLoan.ProposalType.BorrowRequest;

        (, uint128 borrowingNonce) = predictDotLoan.nonces(from);
        proposal.nonce = borrowingNonce;

        proposal.signature = _signProposal(proposal, privateKey);

    function _generateLoanOffer(
        IPredictDotLoan.QuestionType questionType,
        address from,
        uint256 privateKey,
        uint256 collateralAmount,
        uint256 loanAmount
    ) internal view returns (IPredictDotLoan.Proposal memory proposal) {
        proposal = _generateBaseProposal(questionType);
        proposal.collateralAmount = collateralAmount;
        proposal.loanAmount = loanAmount;
        proposal.from = from;
        proposal.proposalType = IPredictDotLoan.ProposalType.LoanOffer;

        (uint128 lendingNonce, ) = predictDotLoan.nonces(from);
        proposal.nonce = lendingNonce;

        proposal.signature = _signProposal(proposal, privateKey);


  First loan's collateral ratio: 1e18
  Second loan's collateral ratio: 3e18


In _calculateCollateralAmountRequired, the collateralAmountRequired is the leftover collateral only when the leftover amounts are only a few weis.

    function _calculateCollateralAmountRequired(
        Proposal calldata proposal,
        Fulfillment storage fulfillment,
        uint256 fulfillAmount
    ) private view returns (uint256 collateralAmountRequired) {
    collateralAmountRequired = (proposal.collateralAmount * fulfillAmount) / proposal.loanAmount;

    if (fulfillment.loanAmount + fulfillAmount == proposal.loanAmount && proposal.collateralAmount - fulfillment.collateralAmount - collateralAmountRequired < THRESHOLD) {
            collateralAmountRequired = proposal.collateralAmount - fulfillment.collateralAmount;

THRESHOLD could be 10.

sherlock-admin2 commented 2 weeks ago

The protocol team fixed this issue in the following PRs/commits: