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Agreeable Umber Cat - function acceptLoanOfferAndFillOrder will revert when a loan amount is fully filled #269

Open sherlock-admin4 opened 2 days ago

sherlock-admin4 commented 2 days ago

Agreeable Umber Cat


function acceptLoanOfferAndFillOrder will revert when a loan amount is fully filled


The acceptLoanOfferAndFillOrder function accepts a loan offer, validates the proposal and order, calculates required collateral, and fulfills the order. It manages fees and collateral handling; however, due to an assertion check, the function will revert when the loan is being fully filled.

The function acceptLoanOfferAndFillOrder calls _assertProposalValidity(proposalId, proposal, positionId, fulfillAmount),

    _assertProposalValidity(proposalId, proposal, positionId, fulfillAmount);

which then calls

    _assertFulfillAmountNotTooHigh(fulfillAmount, fulfillment.loanAmount, loanAmount);

The _assertFulfillAmountNotTooHigh function checks if the total fulfill amount is greater than the loan amount:

function _assertFulfillAmountNotTooHigh(
    uint256 fulfillAmount,
    uint256 fulfilledAmount,
    uint256 loanAmount
) private pure {
    if (fulfilledAmount + fulfillAmount > loanAmount) {
        revert FulfillAmountTooHigh();

As we can see, the function reverts if the fulfill amount exceeds the loan amount.

Now, in the acceptLoanOfferAndFillOrder function, the fulfill amount is calculated as:

    bytes32 proposalId = hashProposal(proposal);
    uint256 protocolFee = (exchangeOrder.takerAmount * protocolFeeBasisPoints) / 10_000;
    uint256 fulfillAmount = exchangeOrder.takerAmount + protocolFee;  /////@audit 
    _assertProposalValidity(proposalId, proposal, positionId, fulfillAmount);

the fullfill amount is calculated as protocolfee+ exchangeorder.takeramount

As a result, the fulfill amount will always exceed the loan amount when the loan is being fully filled due to the addition of the protocol fee, which will cause the revert.

Root Cause

Internal pre-conditions

No response

External pre-conditions

No response

Attack Path

No response


acceptloanofferandfillorder function will always revert when trying to fully fill a loan



dont add the protocol fee in while calculating the fullfill amount