When a new loan is created, the status of the loan is set to loans[id].status = LoanStatus.Active. However, when a borrower repays a loan, the status is not reset when a lender wants to initiate a auction calls the function call
The function only sets the status to "repaid" but doesn't reset the active status of the loan. As a result, a malicious user can call the auction on an empty loan and exploit another lender who will buy the empty loan,
even in the auction function theres is no check if the loan is repaid the function only checks if the loan is active which will be true since the status is never reset
a malicious lender can sell already repaid loan
When a new loan is created, the status of the loan is set to loans[id].status = LoanStatus.Active. However, when a borrower repays a loan, the status is not reset when a lender wants to initiate a auction calls the function call
the code checks if the status is active and if the loan has matured but theres no check if the loan is repaid now when we see the repay function
The function only sets the status to "repaid" but doesn't reset the active status of the loan. As a result, a malicious user can call the auction on an empty loan and exploit another lender who will buy the empty loan, even in the auction function theres is no check if the loan is repaid the function only checks if the loan is active which will be true since the status is never reset
Root Cause
Internal pre-conditions
No response
External pre-conditions
No response
Attack Path
No response
loss of funds for innocent lenders who will buy the empty loan
No response
reset the status of the loan when the loan is repaid