sherlock-audit / 2024-09-symmio-v0-8-4-update-contest-judging

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Petite Spruce Mammoth - Duplicate import of `LibAccessibility.sol` could introduce unnecessary compilation issues or code redundancy in `SettlementFacet.sol` #74

Closed sherlock-admin2 closed 1 week ago

sherlock-admin2 commented 1 week ago

Petite Spruce Mammoth


Duplicate import of LibAccessibility.sol could introduce unnecessary compilation issues or code redundancy in SettlementFacet.sol


The duplicate import of LibAccessibility.sol in SettlementFacet.sol suggests potential issues with contract structuring, which could introduce unnecessary compilation issues or code redundancy.

Root Cause

Duplicate imports, though not necessarily exploitable in the way that code vulnerabilities typically are, can lead to complications that impact both contract deployment and maintenance. Here's a closer look at the potential impact and a proof of concept demonstrating the issue.

Internal pre-conditions

No response

External pre-conditions

No response

Attack Path

No response


  1. Duplicate imports can unnecessarily increase the contract’s bytecode size since certain tools might include redundant code multiple times. This is significant if the contract size exceeds the maximum bytecode size allowed on-chain, which could lead to failed deployments.
  2. Solidity may interpret duplicate imports as redefinitions, especially if the imported files contain state variables or other initializations, potentially causing compilation errors. Compilation errors stop the build process, preventing deployment and requiring a code refactor.
  3. Multiple imports create code maintenance challenges, as developers need to track and ensure they are working with the correct versions. Inconsistent versions of libraries or files lead to bugs if one version updates without updating the duplicate.
  4. In some cases, repeated imports can cause redundant code generation, increasing execution and gas costs. This is rare but can impact heavily optimized contracts if duplicate imports lead to additional, unnecessary code execution.


No response


To resolve this issue, remove duplicate import statements and ensure that each file is imported only once.