sherlock-audit / 2024-10-ethos-network-judging

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0xmujahid002 - Potential Underflow via `_modifyVote` function in `EthosVote` Contract #248

Open sherlock-admin3 opened 2 weeks ago

sherlock-admin3 commented 2 weeks ago



Potential Underflow via _modifyVote function in EthosVote Contract


A missing validation check for zero values in the EthosVote contract's _modifyVote function may cause an underflow when decrementing the upvotesCount or downvotesCount. This issue results in transaction reversion, disrupting users who attempt to modify their votes, and could lead to denial-of-service conditions for certain voting actions if not mitigated.

Root Cause

In the EthosVote: 188 contract, located in _modifyVote() function, underflows may occur because there are no checks to confirm that upvotesCount or downvotesCount are greater than zero before decrementing them. Solidity version 0.8.26, which is used in this contract, includes automatic underflow protection, meaning that the transaction will revert if a decrement operation is performed on zero. However, such a reversion prevents the function from successfully executing.`

Internal pre-conditions

  1. Vote Count: upvotesCount or downvotesCount for a specific target is 0.
  2. User Action: The user calls voteFor() with the intention of modifying an existing vote.
  3. Vote Status: The user's previous vote is active and not archived.
  4. Vote Type: The new vote type (upvote or downvote) is opposite of the current vote.

External pre-conditions

  1. External Function Call: voteFor() is called by a user.
  2. This issue is self-contained within the contract.

Attack Path

  1. A user casts a vote, incrementing either upvotesCount or downvotesCount.
  2. The user archives their vote, decrementing the count back to 0.
  3. The user attempts to re-cast the vote (with the same isUpvote or the opposite type).
  4. The function attempts to decrement the count of an already-zero variable, causing an underflow and transaction reversion.


The affected users will experience failed transactions due to underflow reversion. This leads to:

  1. Denial of Service: Users may not be able to modify or archive votes when the count is zero.
  2. User Frustration: Users may incur additional gas costs due to failed transactions.


No response


Add Underflow Checks: In the _modifyVote() function, check that upvotesCount and downvotesCount are greater than zero before decrementing:

if (vote.isUpvote) {
    require(vg.upvotesCount > 0, "Upvotes count cannot be less than zero");
} else {
    require(vg.downvotesCount > 0, "Downvotes count cannot be less than zero");