sherlockchou86 / VideoPipe

跨平台的视频结构化(视频分析)框架,觉得有帮助的请给个星星 : ) 。**VideoPipe下一版本正在开发中,在保证跨平台、易上手的前提下,预计性能直逼deepstream等各硬件平台官方框架**。
Apache License 2.0
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cv::dnn::readNet load network failed! #50

Closed kimsjpk1 closed 3 weeks ago

kimsjpk1 commented 4 weeks ago

i try to use your code but i failed

error message is same that the title

i tried to convert pytorch model to onnx model esrgan-x4-plus.pth to onnx model

but when i compile code and operate video_restoration_sample it failed

so i searched website and i found esrgan.onnx model


but i failed also

can you help me how to convert esrgan_x4.pth to onnx

or plz upload onnx file what i want

thanks in advance.

sherlockchou86 commented 4 weeks ago

what is the error message when loading the onnx?

I use this repo to get the onnx file: