sherminvo / TokenEconomyBook

How the Web3 reinvents the Internet - Copyleft 2020, Shermin Voshmgir: Creative Commons – CC BY-NC-SA
792 stars 185 forks source link

Corrected 11 typos #1

Closed JohannSuarez closed 3 years ago

JohannSuarez commented 3 years ago

Used Adobe Photoshop to carefully fix 11 typos I caught while reading the book.


03_DigitalSignatures_BlockchainWallets.png - "saye" to "say" 04_GenerationKeysAdresses_alt.png - "Adress" to "Address" 09_TopDownOrgas_DAOs.png - "Automaded" to "Automated", "contributos" to "contributors" 13_HistroyOfWeb.png - "dirstibuted" to "distributed" 16_TokensTechnicalPerspective.png - "Perpective" to "Perspective" 19_RightsPerspective.png - "Creentials" to "Credentials" 26b_InstitutionalEconomicsOFDAOS.png - "prvate" to "private" 29_UserCentricIdentities.png - "maaged" to "managed" 31_GvernanceSteeringOfBlockchainNetworks.png - "opinios" to "opinions" , "Automaded" to "Automated"