sherminvo / TokenEconomyBook

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Typo in Smart Contracts example #2

Open gsaslis opened 3 years ago

gsaslis commented 3 years ago

On the Smart Contracts page, in the Buying a Second-Hand car example there seems to be some redundant text:

Alice then receives an access code to the smart lock for the garage.

The following 2 bullets, pasted below, go on to explain what the process to access the garage is, so having this text here confused me. I was wondering "why would Bob park his car in the garage, if Alice already has the access code" ?

  • Bob can now park his car in the garage. His car, which also has a unique identity on the blockchain, will now be registered as being parked in the garage, and Alice will receive a notification about where to pick up the car with her access code.
  • Alice can now pick up the car in the specified garage, protected by a smart lock connected to the blockchain and managed by the smart contract that both Bob and Alice use. She can unlock the garage with her private key, which identifies her as the rightful owner of the car. The car is hers, it is registered to her name, and it has insurance.

I think that previous sentence can simply be removed.

Hope that helps!