shesha-io / shesha-framework

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Migration fails to complete, relation "frwk_configurationitems" does not exist #1319

Open moalamri opened 2 months ago

moalamri commented 2 months ago

Describe the bug The migration process fails due to missing relation.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Set database type as PostgreSql, set the connection string.
  2. Run the application
  3. See error

Desktop (please complete the following information):

Additional context The complete migration error.

20230115092299: M20230115092299 migrating
Beginning Transaction
ExecuteSqlStatement delete from
        ItemType = 'setting-configuration'
        and not exists (select 1 from Frwk_SettingConfigurations where Id = Frwk_ConfigurationItems.Id)
!!! An error occured executing the following sql:
delete from
        ItemType = 'setting-configuration'
        and not exists (select 1 from Frwk_SettingConfigurations where Id = Frwk_ConfigurationItems.Id)
The error was 42P01: relation "frwk_configurationitems" does not exist


!!! +- 42P01: relation "frwk_configurationitems" does not exist

Rolling back transaction
Application startup exception: System.Exception: An error occured executing the following sql:
delete from
        ItemType = 'setting-configuration'
        and not exists (select 1 from Frwk_SettingConfigurations where Id = Frwk_ConfigurationItems.Id)
The error was 42P01: relation "frwk_configurationitems" does not exist


 ---> Npgsql.PostgresException (0x80004005): 42P01: relation "frwk_configurationitems" does not exist

Before the error occurs, the following migrations are run without errors

VersionMigration migrating
Beginning Transaction
CreateTable VersionInfo
Committing Transaction
VersionMigration migrated
VersionUniqueMigration migrating
Beginning Transaction
CreateIndex VersionInfo (Version)
AlterTable VersionInfo
CreateColumn VersionInfo AppliedOn DateTime
Committing Transaction
VersionUniqueMigration migrated
VersionDescriptionMigration migrating
Beginning Transaction
AlterTable VersionInfo
CreateColumn VersionInfo Description citext
Committing Transaction
VersionDescriptionMigration migrated

The reason could be at the execution order?

ihouvet commented 2 months ago

Hi @moalamri - Thanks for trying Shesha out and providing feedback. We will look into it and @OmolemoBlessingLethuloe will respond on Monday.

ktsapo commented 2 months ago

Hi @moalamri I've confirmed the bug. Now working on a fix