shevchenkos / DynamoDbBackUp

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`gulp deploy-lambda` no longer works since nodejs4.3 is no longer supported #65

Closed forevermatt closed 5 years ago

forevermatt commented 5 years ago

Attempting to run gulp deploy-lambda ..., I received the following error message:

[12:49:16] 'deploy-lambda' errored after 6.05 s
[12:49:16] InvalidParameterValueException: The runtime parameter of nodejs4.3 is no longer supported for creating or updating AWS Lambda functions. We recommend you use the new runtime (nodejs10.x) while creating or updating functions.

Since AWS now rejects a Runtime value of "nodejs4.3" (and "nodejs6.10"), the lambda.js file needs to be updated (along with the lambda/package-lock.json dependencies, presumably) for a later version of NodeJS.

I plan to submit a PR for this, but wanted to start with an Issue in case any discussion needs to happen first, or other aspects of the problem I haven't anticipated are brought to light.

thoean commented 5 years ago

We didn't invest time in this library anymore due to support for point in time recovery natively by AWS dynamoDb. See

If you still believe there's value fixing this, I'm happy to accept a PR (even though we'll need @shevchenkos to publish it to npm).

forevermatt commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the quick response. Since the Point-In-Time recovery options for DynamoDB restore to a new table, I found that this DynamoDbBackUp library was an easier way to restore data... reconfiguring my Serverless application to use a different name for it's DynamoDB tables was going to be hard/problematic.

I'll still submit a PR for this, as I'm planning on continuing to use (a fork of) this library for the foreseeable future.

forevermatt commented 5 years ago

Fixed in #66