shexSpec / shex

ShEx language issues, including new features for e.g. ShEx2.1
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Allow blank node labels as annotation values #104

Open joeltg opened 4 years ago

joeltg commented 4 years ago
PREFIX schema: <>
PREFIX prov: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX ex: <>

_:foo {
  schema:name xsd:string // ex:reference _:bar ;

_:bar {
  a [ prov:Entity ] ;
  prov:generatedAtTime xsd:dateTime ;

Some kinds of annotations might want to reference blank node labels from the schema! Is there any reason not to allow this?

ericprud commented 4 years ago

i actually mocked up a full ShEx-with-Turtle at some point but figured it would be complex enough that it would hamper implementation and adoption 'cause

  1. the grammar was about 20% larger
  2. parsers would become triple stores.

That said, I'm not convinced that I figured that right, or that the audience hasn't become more ambitious.