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Specifying both a literal datatype and a value set in ShExC #121

Open tombaker opened 1 year ago

tombaker commented 1 year ago

I expected the following to work:

my:IssueShape {
  ex:status xsd:integer [0 1];

However, it apparently only works with AND:

PREFIX my: <http://my.example/>
PREFIX ex: <http://ex.example/>
PREFIX xsd: <>

my:IssueShape {
  ex:status [0 1] AND xsd:integer;
tombaker commented 1 year ago

This is the error encountered (line breaks inserted for readability):

error parsing input schema:
Parse error on line 7:
...:status xsd:integer [0 1];}
'}', '|', ',', ';', '*', '+', '?', 'REPEAT_RANGE', '//', '%', got '['