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Node constraints always before Shape expressions? #23

Open labra opened 7 years ago

labra commented 7 years ago

The following schema is ok:

prefix : <>
:S IRI PATTERN "^[0-9]+" @:R 
:R { :p . }

but the following is wrong:

prefix : <>
:S IRI @:R PATTERN "^[0-9]+"
:R { :p . }

The reason is that production 20 of the ShExC grammar prescribes that node constraints must appear before shape or references.

shapeAtom ::= nodeConstraint shapeOrRef?
          | shapeOrRef
          | "(" shapeExpression ")"
          | "."

Although it may be OK for version 2.0, I think it is too restrictive and some users may want to mix node constraints and shapes in any order.

ericprud commented 5 years ago

Note that you can add AND to make this work: