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RDF representation of ShapeMap's #67

Open labra opened 7 years ago

labra commented 7 years ago

It would be interesting to define an RDF/JSON-LD serialization of shape maps.

As an example, the following shapeMap:

{FOCUS rdf:type schema:Person}@:PersonShape

could be represented in RDF as:

prefix sm:     <>
prefix :       <> 
prefix rdf:    <>
prefix schema: <>

[ a sm:ShapeMap ;
 sm:associations (
  [ sm:node :alice ;
    sm:shape :PersonShape ;
    sm:status sm:conformant 
  [ sm:node [
      a sm:triplePattern ;
      sm:subject sm:Focus ;
      sm:predicate rdf:type ;
      sm:object schema:Person 
    ] ;
    sm:shape :PersonShape 
 ) ]  .

A use case would be to validate RDF graphs that contain a merge of the shapes, the data and the shapeMap.

Something like this:

prefix sm:     <>
prefix :       <> 
prefix rdf:    <>
prefix schema: <>
PREFIX xsd:    <>

# Map
[ a sm:ShapeMap ;
 sm:associations (
  [ sm:node [
      a sm:triplePattern ;
      sm:subject sm:Focus ;
      sm:predicate rdf:type ;
      sm:object schema:Person 
    ] ;
    sm:shape :PersonShape 
 )  ] .

# Data 
:alice a schema:Person ;
       schema:name "Alice" .

# Schema     
[ a sx:Schema ;
    sx:shapes :PersonShape ].

:PersonShape a a sx:Shape; 
     sx:expression [ a sx:TripleConstraint ;
        sx:predicate schema:name ;
        sx:valueExpr [ 
         a sx:NodeConstraint ; 
         sx:datatype xsd:string 
ericprud commented 1 year ago

After entertaining ourselves with how to validate the RDF graph at sm:Focus, we settled on adding an sm:focus predicate:

[ a sm:ShapeMap ;
  sm:associations (
      sm:node [
        sm:focus rdf:subject ;
        rdf:predicate rdf:type ;
        sm:object schema:Person 
      ] ;
      sm:shape :PersonShape
] .

This also uses rdf:{subject,predicate,object}.

More examples:

{FOCUS :status _}@START

  a sm:ShapeMap ;
  sm:associations (
      sm:node [
        a sm:TriplePattern ;
        sm:focus rdf:subject ;
        rdf:predicate <> ;
      ] ;
      sm:shape sx:Start
  ) .

This means that sx:Start ought not be a URL for a schema that labels some ShapeDecl as sx:Start a la

  sx:start sx:Schema ;
  sx:shapes (
    sx:Schema sx:Start
  ) .

sx:Schema a sx:ShapeDecl ; sx:shapeExpr [ ... ] .
sx:Start a sx:ShapeDecl ; sx:shapeExpr [ ... ] .

That's OK, we control that schema and are not so masochistic that we'll add such confusion right away.