shexSpec / shexTest

ShEx test suite
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Data (ttl) in schemas/manifest.jsonld appears to be invalid #22

Open andrawaag opened 7 years ago

andrawaag commented 7 years ago

Ran a test ( which resulted in 3 errors. Full test cycle output:

The errors are:

1val1STRING_LITERAL1_with_allpunctuation.ttl is valid turtle: False at line 12 of <>: Bad syntax (bad escape) at ^ in: "...b'sx:NodeConstraint ;\n sx:values ( \' !"#$%&'^b"\'()/:;<=>?@[]^`{|}~' ) ] ] .\n\n"" 1val1STRING_LITERAL1_with_all_punctuation.json is valid ShExJ: True

1val1STRING_LITERAL1_with_ECHAR_escapes.ttl is valid turtle: False at line 12 of <>: Bad syntax (bad escape) at ^ in: "...b'Constraint ;\n sx:values ( "\t\b\n\r\f\\\"'^b'\\'\u0061\U0001D4B8" ) ] ] .\n\n'" 1val1STRING_LITERAL1_with_ECHAR_escapes.json is valid ShExJ: True

1literalPattern_with_allpunctuation.ttl is valid turtle: False at line 13 of <>: Bad syntax (bad escape) at ^ in: "...b'Kind sx:literal ;\n sx:pattern \'^ !"#\\$%&'^b"\'\\(\\)/:;<=>\\?@\\[\\]\\^`\\{\\|\\}~$' ] ] .\n\n"" 1literalPattern_with_all_punctuation.json is valid ShExJ: True